Red Alert 1895

Chapter 374: Spanish Army (below)

"Dear Commander of the Spanish Army, I am a liaison officer of the former enemy general headquarters of the West Borneo Military Region in Taiwan. This is a letter sent to you by our former enemy commander Ma Junhui. I hope that after reading the letter, you can take the initiative to put down your weapon and accept the letter. It's nothing to do with you. You plot against us in Taiwan this time, it's all done by the politicians in your country, and has nothing to do with you soldiers. You soldiers have fulfilled your duties, and you can completely lay down your arms. Then live in a prisoner-of-war camp in peace. Don’t worry, we will not abuse the prisoners, nor will we deprive and confiscate your various private items. As long as you can put down your weapons and do things honestly, it doesn’t matter. This This war will be resolved by the politicians above us!" said the liaison officer.

However, after the Spanish army commander Boris saw this letter, he immediately said: "Although the situation of our Spanish army is not very favorable to us, we have more than 100,000 people anyway, and we cannot lose to you." !"

"That's really a pity. Since you don't think about the lives of more than 100,000 people under your command, then I have nothing to do. Goodbye!" said the liaison officer.

And Boris immediately threw the letter in his hand into the fire, and obviously didn't take it seriously.

"Your Excellency Commander Boris, why don't you accept the conditions of the Chinese? Do you really think we can beat them? Do we want to shed the last drop of blood for the politicians in the country? asked Boris' adjutant.

Boris' adjutant seemed to feel something different. This is not Boris' usual style at all!

But Boris immediately replied: "What can I do? Although I can order a surrender, what will you make the country think? The people in the country don't necessarily know that China has Taiwan. They just think that our army is incompetent. Think our The army is an incompetent army, and it can’t even defeat the Chinese. At that time, we are afraid that we will be overwhelmed by the angry people. At that time, how can we get rid of the crime? At that time, we will not be able to explain it even if we are full of mouths Clearly China will be strong."

And the adjutant also smiled wryly. Now the whole world only knows that China is a weak country. Back then, Britain's tens of thousands of troops could defeat their country with millions of troops. And most people are like that. Has a very stubborn inertial thinking, thinking that a weak country will always be a weak country. It cannot be compared with its own "powerful country". In the eyes of their Spaniards, and even in the eyes of the vast majority of Westerners, they think that China is a very weak country, and they do not compare with Spain, a "powerful country". If Spain is born, it should be able to pull China out and hang it. Then cut the flesh from China severely.

This kind of inertial thinking is very powerful, and it cannot be easily reversed by ordinary people, especially for ordinary civilians. Just like in the 21st century, there was an African warlord who said that he could conquer China by sending 10,000 troops. You must know that this is the 21st century. It would be ridiculous to say that Africans in the 21st century can conquer China by sending 10,000 troops. But this kind of thing is really being said, this is simply ridiculous. Because those people's thinking is still more than a hundred years ago, thinking that China in the 21st century is the same as it was more than a hundred years ago, so it is conceivable how they will fail. And this also proves from the side that the communication between the two parties is not smooth. Let everyone stubbornly think that China is a weak country. Now this era is separated by an ocean, and it is not as easy as later generations to exchange information through the Internet. In this era, wireless telegraphy has just been used by high-level governments and the military in various countries. Ordinary people are not qualified to use wireless telegraphy, so it is conceivable how many people in the West think of China. They all think that China is a weak country, and the information about Taiwan is only known by the government and high-level Western society. Ordinary people still stubbornly regard China as a weak country, a weak country that can destroy them with tens of thousands of troops at any time country.

And if the Spanish army surrenders without fighting, the people in the country will think this is their shame. What will the angry and ignorant ordinary people do then. At that time, I'm afraid they can't explain it at all. Even if you explain this kind of thing, the people will not believe it. After all, ordinary people trust their own judgment. But no matter how government officials are always a minority of the population, no matter how they explain it, they will not be able to explain it clearly. Even if they explain it, others will not believe it is true from the bottom of their hearts. After all, it's like a child who has been bullied by you for many years, and when he grows up, he actually becomes a big man with a much higher status than you. How can you easily accept this? If it is not simple with their own eyes, no one will believe it, they will just think it is a rumor.

"What we can do now is to fight once as much as possible. If we can achieve some phased victories, we may be able to end this war decently. As long as we can end this war decently, then we should be able to be stable After returning to the country, we can continue to be a nobleman and enjoy wealth. Therefore, this time we must achieve a partial victory, no matter how much we pay, we must achieve some results, otherwise we will definitely be reduced to a A very tragic result. At that time, the people in the country will not only not understand us, but will be very angry with us. At that time, the politicians in the country will also shift the responsibility to us officers, and then use us to calm the anger of those people. So, if we don't end this war with dignity, then we'll all be made scapegoats, understand?" Boris asked.

Boris' adjutants also sighed. Now that the situation has developed to this point, they have nothing to say. After all, the situation is very unsatisfactory. If you just go back like this, I am afraid that all these officers will be implicated. And Boris is also a nobleman. Although he feels a little pity for the lives of soldiers, as a nobleman, he must first consider the future of his family. As for the ordinary soldiers and those soldiers, they didn't care. Anyway, as long as they can safeguard their family interests and allow their family to continue to enjoy wealth, that's fine. Anyway, the lives of soldiers and the anger of the common people, as long as they don't involve themselves, that's fine.

At that time, the soldiers' pensions issued by the government, as well as the resettlement expenses for the family members of the common people, can all be paid by the government. Where does the government's tax come from? It doesn't come from the people's tax. As for letting those nobles pay for themselves, that is impossible. So sacrificing soldiers in exchange for a victory can ensure that ordinary people will not be too targeted at themselves and make them feel that their soldiers are not so incompetent. As for the next step, anyway, you don’t have to spend money to support the soldiers after you die. At that time, the tax will still be collected from the people and used by the people, and you don’t have to pay a penny.

So as long as you don't need to be used as a scapegoat, you just need to ensure that you will not be targeted by those stupid people, so that you will not be deprived of your noble status. Anyway, for many western aristocrats, what is ordinary people? In the end, ordinary people are still people who fool around casually, as long as they fool them and make them obey the rule of the nobles. Ordinary people should obey the rule honestly and listen carefully to the government's flickering. Anyway, everyone is fooling around like this, anyway, it's just a few people who died, so don't worry about anything. Compared with their own future and noble status, what are the lives of those ordinary soldiers, and what are the lives of ordinary people when their sons die, their fathers die, and their husbands count? Anyway, their lives are so cheap, who made them come from bad backgrounds? Nobles should rule the country for generations, ordinary people die as well, there is no this case, general, let’s hold a meeting of senior officers immediately to discuss how we can achieve a stage Sexual victory, and then a decent end to this war. Anyway, it seems that we have little hope of winning this war, but as long as we can end the war decently, then we can all survive this catastrophe safely. At that time, General, your family status will not be lost, and ordinary soldiers sacrificed for His Majesty the King, and the government will take good care of their families. said the adjutant.

"Yes, then we must go to a phased victory next, so that we can all get a good result." Boris said.

And those ordinary Spanish soldiers didn't even know that they had become victims of those politicians and nobles. They would die for a war that shouldn't happen, and even die for some responsibilities that nobles and politicians were unwilling to bear. And this war was originally a wrong war, and it was only problematic that they could win the war. However, for this point, the Taiwan class will not be merciful. After all, since the Spaniards dare to come and want to **** Taiwan's land, there is no need to save their lives.

"Order the soldiers to defend the Taiwan army's attack, so that we can be safe." Boris said. (to be continued)

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