Red Alert 1895

Chapter 376: Cannon Rumble (Middle)

The artillery of the Taiwanese army was still bombing the positions of the Spanish army, and the Spanish army could not fight back at all. The officers of the Spanish army have always wanted to crack Taiwan's artillery bombardment tactics. After all, if the situation of being beaten and unable to fight back continues, their morale may fall to the bottom, so they must find a way to fight back. But now their artillery is obviously insufficient. This is a certain condition, even if they counterattack, it will not be effective. So even if they attack, not only will they not be able to suppress the artillery fire of the Taiwan army, but they may instead be calculated by the Taiwan army to destroy all their limited artillery, which is not worth the candle.

"This time we were ordered by General Boris to come here to reconnaissance and destroy the logistics supplies of the squadron. This task is very important. We must find a way to find the place where the artillery shells of the Taiwan army are stacked, otherwise we will It will be very passive, understand?" said a Spanish captain.

"Understood!" The dozens of Spaniards answered together.

And these people are the death squads organized by the Spaniards. They are the death squads who are responsible for investigating the artillery shell warehouses of the Taiwanese army, and they are all soldiers from ordinary poor families, not a single nobleman. And they will come to do this kind of very risky thing, so it is naturally impossible for officers and soldiers of noble origin to undertake this kind of task. And Boris promised them, as long as they can detect or even destroy these Taiwanese shell warehouses. Then this will definitely allow the Spaniards to avoid being bombed by artillery, which will also allow the Spanish army to take a breath and make them feel much more relaxed. And these guys. That is to say, the Death Squad, people who come here specially to deliver death.

And in the warehouse of the Taiwan army, the guards in the warehouse are patrolling with dogs. The soldiers in these warehouses are the last troops to keep the police dog unit, because the warehouse must prevent the enemy from blasting or any kind of sabotage work, so there must be police dogs. And these police dogs can identify hostile enemies, and even identify those chemicals, various explosives and so on. This will avoid the destruction of many enemies. Therefore, in this way, the enemy's sneak attack can be avoided as much as possible.

To this. The Spaniards didn't know, they didn't know that they couldn't hide their actions from these police dogs. If all the special police dogs of these systems were deceived, then this police dog would have been eliminated by Wang Guorui long ago. Although there are fewer and fewer places where police dogs are used. However, this police dog is also an indispensable thing, so Wang Guorui is also a must. He has arranged police dogs for every warehouse, military police and other special forces, and even the police department also has police dogs. They all avoid problems.

"Wow woof, woof woof..."

"Ah Hua, what's the matter?" A dog trainer immediately comforted him.

"Woof!" the police dog named Ah Hua shouted.

"Screw twice, could it be that there are enemies far away?" the dog trainer muttered softly.

You must know that Wang Guorui gave orders to these military dogs before, that is, if they yelled once. That means answering questions normally and responding to the dog trainer's words. And if you yell twice at a time, it means that there are enemies in the distance. Prepare to attack this target. And if it yells three times in a row, it means that the enemy is nearby. If you yell four times in a row, it means that the enemy is very close to them and may attack at any time, even the hostility is very strong, so you must be careful.

And soon. The other police dogs also started to yell twice, apparently because they had spotted enemies in the distance. The news was immediately reported to the guard department of the warehouse. Then the director of the warehouse immediately began to dispatch troops.

"Order immediately, the guards of the warehouse will immediately gather outside the warehouse, and then we will give the enemy a urn to catch the turtle!" said the warehouse director.

In the distance, the Spanish death squads had gradually approached the warehouse. When they approached the warehouse, they found barbed wire around the warehouse for arrangement, but they did not find any enemies.

"Why are there no enemy guards? Where are the guards?" Someone immediately asked.

And the other person immediately looked through the binoculars and said: "Many people are carrying ammunition, as if they are going to move. We must do it as soon as possible. If we don't do it as soon as possible, I'm afraid they will be moved. Then we can There is no chance. This is our last chance. As long as this warehouse is blown up, their artillery will be misfired. At that time, our army will not have to worry about being suppressed by the enemy's artillery explosion!"

"Come on, let's sneak in slowly!" said the Spanish captain.

The Spanish captain and his soldiers were wearing green camouflage. They wore various turf on their bodies, and then used these turf to cover their whereabouts. And no one knows where they are, so they can hide their appearance. After all, in this barren place of Sumatra, there are turf vegetation everywhere, so using turf for cover is also an important method that is very helpful for concealing one's identity. In fact, there is still a long time before camouflage uniforms are popularized on a large scale all over the world. Because the British, who are currently the most powerful country in the world, are still wearing red military uniforms, and they are completely "lobster soldiers". And only after the Anglo-Boer war in Britain would anyone pay attention to camouflage uniforms.

At present, only Taiwanese in the world use camouflage uniforms, and the camouflage uniforms in Taiwan are not high-end products, they are all ordinary camouflage patterns, and there is no such thing as digital camouflage. As for the anti-infrared ray, that is a function that does not exist at all. After all, it is too difficult to create a camouflage uniform that prevents infrared ray in this era, so Wang Guorui was unable to make a model. The current camouflage uniform can only be blamed for camouflaging ordinary grass green clothes.

As for the Spaniard, they obviously also used a special camouflage method. Although their camouflage method is not very good, they just use some vegetation to make camouflage, but this also shows that they have paid attention to camouflage. As long as you pay attention to camouflage, it will be developed very quickly according to the next step.

"Let's go in slowly!" said the Spanish captain.

And when the Spanish soldiers began to crawl forward, the Taiwanese army also began to let the police dogs whisper to indicate the location of the Spaniards.

"Well, this time it really surprised us! These Spaniards actually know how to use turf for camouflage, so if we don't have police dogs, then maybe we will have some accidents! At that time, Once the shells in our warehouse detonate, the people here will not be able to survive at all, and we will not be able to use the cannons for a long time, and our department will really suffer a lot when it is high." The director of the warehouse said.

"Hurry up, we're approaching soon. As long as a warehouse is detonated, the shells will continue to explode to help us destroy them. Therefore, we must act quickly. We must escape from here before they explode on a large scale. Also, are the lead wires ready? It won’t burn too fast or too slow, right?” the Spanish captain asked.

"No problem, the lead wire can be reduced by two minutes, which is enough time for us to run away." The Spanish soldier said.

"Okay, then we can take care of them." The Spanish captain replied.

"Let the dogs go!" shouted the warehouse manager.

"Wow woof woof..."

Soon, dozens of police dogs also started to rush towards the Spaniards, and the Spaniards were startled when they saw these police dogs. And when they knew that the police dogs were coming towards them, it was too late.

"Fuck!" A police dog bit a Spaniard, and the blood was mixed with the grass outside, which was obviously bloody.

"Woo—" the Spanish soldier screamed.

Those soldiers also began to be bitten by these military dogs one after another. Obviously, they couldn't avoid the bite of these police dogs at all, and they didn't care about what was exposed. They immediately stood up and prepared to resist these police dogs, hoping to get rid of these police dogs. .

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Hundreds of soldiers in the Taiwan warehouse looked at these Spanish soldiers who were bitten by police dogs, and they all felt very funny. This time I really made a lot of money, so that I can see these good things, and then I can see these Spaniards being bitten by military dogs, and then a steady stream of pieces of meat are bitten off.

"Okay, let's be merciful and let them have a good time!" said the warehouse director.

"Dogs leave!" the dog handler yelled.

Soon those police dogs also left here and ran away quickly, and then the guard soldiers of the warehouse immediately raised their weapons and aimed at those soldiers.

"Don't kill me, I surrender!" the captain shouted hastily.

The captain knew his plan had failed, so he decided to surrender. After all, he didn't want to die either. Although they are death squads, they are all afraid before death comes.

"What did that guy say with his hand up?" asked the warehouse director.

"do not know!"

Obviously, everyone doesn't understand Spanish very well, after all, Spanish is too unpopular.

"Give me a shot, you're welcome!" the warehouse director replied.

"Papa papa..."

A series of bullets were fired, and those Spanish death squads were shot to death one after another, and then they were shot to death one after another. And the Spanish captain was still wondering when he was dying, he had already called for surrender, why did the enemy shoot him? (to be continued)

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