Red Alert 1895

Chapter 379: Our engineers have strength (middle)

Soon, the engineering soldiers, under the command of the regiment commander, began to use the original listening tool to monitor the underground situation. And this kind of listening urn is a very primitive thing. In the red police system, it costs hundreds of silver dollars a piece, which is simply a free price. Wang Guorui also equipped some out of curiosity. However, it has not been used before, so it is also stacked in the warehouse of the engineer. But now they are all used, and they are directly used to monitor the situation underground to prevent the enemy from digging tunnels. This listening urn can also monitor where the enemy's tunnels have been dug, and then prepare. The Spaniards didn't even know that Taiwan had such primitive props as tin urns, and they never thought of China's brilliant war civilization, which invented this magical prop as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Soon, an engineer waved to the head of the regiment, and the head of the regiment immediately came over.

"What's the matter?" the captain asked as quietly as possible.

After all, there are likely to be enemy soldiers digging underground. In order to prevent the enemy from hearing your words, you must be careful.

"I seem to hear a voice, and I can probably point out where these guys dug the tunnel!" said the engineer.

"Okay, quickly mark it with a map!" said the head of the group.

Soon, the soldier marked the approximate route of the enemy engineers on the map, and then proceeded to prepare for the enemy's excavation. And soon, other places began to discover the authentic routes of the Spaniards' excavation troops. And those Spaniards to engineers also began to dig. They didn't know that the Taiwanese army above had been monitoring their excavation routes, and then stared at them at any time. If they dig a little each time, Taiwan will immediately extend a little on the map. In this way, their maps are monitored by Taiwan at any time.

"Okay, let's prepare to welcome them at the exit when they arrive, and give us a big gift! Since we are here, how can we not give them some gifts, how can it be regarded as a way of welcoming guests?" Temporary Editor The head of the engineering corps smiled and said.

Outside the trench on the other side of the predicted Spaniards' advance, engineers began to pile up cubes with a wire on the outside. Then just turn around at the other end and press the switch. Then the place will explode too. And these are the explosives deployed by the engineers. If the enemy comes over, they will definitely be killed by the explosives. The Spaniards in the tunnel were not aware of this situation. They are still in the process of digging.

"Battalion Commander, we have already passed the preset route. About one meter ahead of us should be the trench of the group of yellow-skinned monkeys. As long as we continue to dig through here, then we can rush in and fight them. When the time comes , those yellow-skinned monkeys have no artillery and various machine guns, so they can only fight us at close range. In close combat, our number is several times that of them, and our combat force ratio is much higher than theirs. In this way, we We must be able to defeat them."

The Spaniard's plan is really very feasible. Because of Taiwan's 45,000 troops, in fact, less than 30,000 are capable of close combat, and the rest are artillery, machine gunners and some technical arms. The ability to fight in close quarters is very poor, almost negligible. But on the contrary, although the Spanish troops do not have so many weapons, they can fight in close quarters. A full 150,000 of their 180,000 troops can fight in close quarters. The human force is more than five times that of Taiwan. In this way, once Taiwan's technical arms cannot exert their power. In this way, the Spaniard will inevitably turn the guest into the main, and then take the initiative. So Taiwan is still very afraid of the Spaniard's civil war. If the Spanish civil engineering operations are successful, then it will be very unfavorable for the Taiwanese army to die. At that time, it will really face very dangerous results.

At that time, not only will Taiwan not be able to win, but it will fall into a situation of being bullied by the enemy.

"Okay, don't dig for the remaining one meter!" said the Spanish battalion commander.

"Why?" asked the Spanish soldier.

"Stupid, if we dig it out, then the yellow-skinned monkeys in China will also find out. At that time, how could we engineers who did not carry weapons be the opponents of the enemy with full weapons? Therefore, we must suddenly, and then act Sudden effect. In this way, we can allow the troops behind to seize the enemy's first trench at the fastest speed, and then copy the situation just now, and occupy their trenches through civil excavation. At that time, our engineers will have made a great contribution At that time, who would dare to despise us engineers?" said the battalion commander.

"Dynamite!" said the commander of the Spanish engineer battalion.

"Regimental Commander, this place is about to explode. They have already started to carry the explosives?" said the soldier who was listening immediately.

"Okay, wait a minute, when you feel that they are halfway through placing the explosives, you will give me..." the engineer chief hinted.


The man with the electronic detonator snorted to show he understood.

"Okay, put five pieces of explosives, and then we will be able to detonate soon!" said the commander of the Spanish engineer battalion.

On the other side, Taiwan's engineering soldiers all evacuated here, and then waited for the explosives to detonate.

"Plug your ears!" said the engineer commander.


With a loud noise, the explosives were detonated from inside the trench, and then immediately blasted a section of the trench into a large circle of depressions. And those Spanish engineers obviously didn't realize that they had just placed the explosives, and the explosives on the other end were detonated immediately. As a result, the explosives they had just been blown up by the shock wave of the explosion, and none of them escaped from here. , were killed one after another. A huge pothole was immediately opened on the spot, and then the tunnel was exposed. The Spanish Army in the rear saw the explosion in front, and they didn't know what was going on, so they rushed up immediately. However, they did not expect that what greeted them was a pile of submachine gun bullets.

"Submachine gun, shoot me into this tunnel!" The engineer commander shouted.

"Da da da da..."

The submachine guns began to shoot into the tunnel, and then the Spanish soldiers who were just about to come in behind were shot to death immediately. He was not prepared at all, and he was shot and died just like that.

However, what is even more tragic is the other tunnels. When those other authentic Spanish soldiers heard the explosion, not only did they not think that the enemy had cracked their plan, but they thought that some comrades had already blown up the tunnels. Then someone has already started to attack. And they all dig tunnels hard, and then hope to reach the front as soon as possible, and start attacking the Taiwan army, so that they can get credit! How could it be possible for them not to get credit and then get promoted?

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Soon, explosions began to explode in the surrounding tunnels, and these explosions were obviously not led by the Spanish troops, but by the Taiwan army. Their engineers detonated the explosives, and those Spanish engineers also all Killed by explosives. Next, Taiwan's submachine guns will also take advantage of the explosion and shoot into the tunnel to prevent the Spaniards from rushing in. And even if there is no submachine gun, there are shotguns to attack. The shotguns are simply a dozen, and one bullet is enough to block the entire tunnel.

Those tunnels are obviously too narrow, and the shotgun shot from a shotgun is enough to cover the entire tunnel, and then the Spanish soldiers were shot into a hornet's nest by the shotgun, and it was impossible to continue the attack. And this is the core of the tunnel battle. The important method is a sneak attack. If you can't sneak attack the enemy, you will inevitably face failure. Once you are discovered by the enemy, the suddenness will be gone, and the enemy will be ready, so you are not going to sneak attack on others, but rushing to reincarnate, and then waiting for others to save you!

"General Boris, our excavation plan has completely failed. The Taiwanese seem to have been prepared for a long time. They have already ambushed outside the tunnel. They first killed our soldiers with explosives, and then attacked our soldiers. The tunnel was strafed, and then we suffered heavy losses!" A soldier said Taiwanese found out? How did they find out? What's more, even if they found out, they wouldn't be able to estimate where we will make breakthroughs! " Boris said angrily.

Boris didn't know at all that Taiwan's cheap weapons listened to the function of the urn. Under this kind of urn, the paths of the Spaniards' tunnels could be heard, so it was impossible for them to keep it secret. They think they are very confidential things, but under Taiwan's "backward" methods, they can't even hide them.

"Forget it, we have failed this time, and then we will think of other ways to attack them again!" Boris said.

And the head of the temporary engineer regiment immediately said: "Brothers, since our enemy has given us this trick, then we will all come here without indecent assault. We will continue to give them one more time. If that is the case, Then why don't we retaliate well to them? So, we all follow my orders, and we are ready to fight back!"

"Good!" Everyone shouted at once.

"Everyone, start work for me, and then clean them up for me!" said the engineering regiment leader. (to be continued)

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