Red Alert 1895

Chapter 385: "Mother" tank

"In this case, how about we remove the artillery and transform it into a chariot with eight machine guns?" Wang Guorui asked.

Wang Guorui has already planned to give up the tank plan in the past, because the plan that Wang Guorui made for the tank research and development team in the past was to have one cannon and four machine guns, so as to achieve the effect of the tank in Wang Guorui's mind. However, in the actual experiment process now, it is found that this plan cannot be realized. Although theoretically speaking, the power of the tank's engine is enough to drive this weight, but in fact, there will be a huge recoil force every time the tank fires, and then this recoil force is enough. Let the tank wreak havoc. And this kind of damage is not only the damage to the enemy, but also the damage to its own engine is very severe. Because the tank in the process of marching suddenly encountered a force that exploded backwards, this would inevitably cause serious loss of motivation.

However, the current engines cannot withstand such a severe test, because the engines of this era are not even considered civilian use in later generations. The reliability of this kind of engine is not good, and it is very prone to problems. If it is used on the tank again, this will inevitably cause more problems, and then it will not work properly. At that time, the engine may be seriously damaged every time the gun is fired, and it will be stopped for maintenance after a few rounds are fired. This is obviously impossible. This is the shortcoming of the engine in this era, a shortcoming that cannot be solved at all, after all, the reliability is different.

It was originally a tank that was developed only in World War I. At that time, the technology of diesel engines had improved a lot, so tanks came into being. And the current tank is just a tank that Wang Guorui "ripened". It's like being a premature baby. However, the various organs of premature babies are not fully developed, and then they are born. This will also cause certain defects in their birth. There is no good way to do this. The current tank is like a premature baby with a defective heart, unable to support the organs it should be able to handle. Therefore, in order to prevent his "heart" from running at high load, it can only be blamed for removing part of the "organs", so that he can run smoothly.

Wang Guorui chose to remove the artillery. In this way, this tank can also avoid too much recoil damage to the engine. At that time, all you need is a machine gun, even if there are only machine guns on the tank. For the enemy, the power may not be much smaller, but it greatly reduces the damage to the engine caused by the recoil.

"Master Wang, don't use artillery? Is it possible?" the researcher asked.

The researchers still want to determine whether it is possible to change the way the tank fires. From the original use of artillery to the current use of machine guns. These are two completely different standards. And if Wang Guorui agrees, then everyone will also carry out the transformation design, so that they can be well transformed, and then they should be able to produce them soon. As long as it can be produced, then the next task will be more than half completed, and they can all get rewards. However, they were also a little worried. If the artillery was turned into a machine gun, the power would be reduced a lot.

"Yes. Since you have all encountered this problem, the foreign devils must also encounter it. Therefore, we don't have to worry about the foreign devils being able to overtake us. And we can say that we have gone a step further. And when they find that the engine is not enough to support Such huge tanks and artillery, then they will definitely give up this artillery and use machine guns instead. At that time, we could take advantage of the first step and focus on developing the engine first, so that we can make our engine more perfect In this way, our tanks can be developed as soon as possible, one generation ahead of them." Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui is still very confident, since he was able to encounter this engine problem. The foreign devils were not much better. Since both parties have this problem, it is better to lower the standard first. Then first train a group of armored tank soldiers. When the foreign devils found out that the current engine was unreliable, Wang Guorui had already started to develop the engine, and currently the main thing was to develop the engine, so that the tanks could run continuously. Therefore, in order to invent the tank, Wang Guorui gave up the idea of ​​installing artillery on the tank and directly used machine guns to manufacture it. At present, it is necessary to realize the creation of tanks from scratch, rather than too much excellence. There is no most powerful weapon in this world, only the most suitable weapon. Since the foreign devils do not have tanks at present, there is no need for Wang Guorui to force Taiwan's tanks to use artillery.

Next, those tank developers also started meeting to discuss, and then tried to find a way to develop this machine gun tank. In fact, this modification is not difficult, because everyone originally designed a tank with artillery, but later found that the engine could not support such a large artillery recoil, so they began to think of ways to modify it. And Wang Guorui took the initiative to lower the design standards, which allowed them to use this lowered tank design with confidence, and then transform it into a tank with machine guns.

And soon, everyone also took out a new design drawing, and then said to Wang Guorui: "Master Wang, we have designed this new tank. The tank we designed uses machine guns as the main attack. Weapons, occasionally grenades can be thrown from some openings. Although this is not as powerful as artillery, it can guarantee a certain level of damage. And our goal is to place three machine guns in front, and the machine gun in the middle is a caliber of The 11mm Maxine machine gun, and the two machine guns next to it are 7.7mm light Maxine machine guns. And our large-caliber Maxine machine gun is used to attack enemies at a distance, or those who have some protection , the large-caliber machine gun is enough to shoot through some light bunkers. The other two machine guns are used to kill enemy soldiers who don’t have much protection, and they are the main force for killing the enemy.”

"And that was the machine gun in front just now, and we have arranged two machine guns on the left and right sides respectively. These four machine guns will be responsible for killing the enemies on both sides respectively, so as to prevent our enemies from attacking the tanks from both sides. Then hurt our tanks."

"As for the rear, our rear is designed according to Master Wang's tactics. Then we can let the infantry cover, and then the infantry can protect the tanks in the rear. This infantry coordination tactic is actually the process of tanks and infantry covering each other. The tanks cover the infantry from the frontal attack, and the infantry also have to cover the tanks from the death squads of the charging enemies, so that they can cover each other until the enemy's trenches are broken. And this is our tank plan. And we will continue After that, the task will be transferred to the diesel engine research and development team, and let them develop diesel engines to drive tanks. The reliability of diesel engines must be improved, so that our tanks can be equipped with cannons. But I believe that those diesel engines People should soon be able to come up with a very reliable diesel engine, so we can all build those tanks with artillery."

"Next, Lord Wang, please name these two tanks!"

Wang Guorui heard that he was asked to name this tank, and one of these two tanks used artillery and the other used machine guns, and Wang Guorui couldn't help thinking of the way the British used to treat his two tanks.

"Well, let's name the tank that can use artillery as a formula tank, and the tank that uses machine guns as a mother tank." Wang Guorui said.

This kind of tank with artillery is a more powerful tank, so it is called male. And this kind of tank that uses machine guns is naturally the mother, after all, it is less powerful. These are two models, which can be regarded as corresponding male and female so that you can get a good tank.

"Didi, found the mother tank design drawings, can produce mother tanks. Each mother tank costs 50,000 yuan."

Hearing the words of the system, Wang Guorui also laughed. He finally developed the tank first. And although the foreign devils also know about the use of tanks, they just had this idea just now, which doesn't mean they will be able to produce them too quickly. After all, they have to go through rigorous demonstrations, and then carry out research and development through various means. And there are a lot of practical tests and other things in the back, and there is no way to complete them in five or six years. And five or six years later, their own tanks may have to develop the third or even fourth generation of tanks. Because Wang Guorui's research and development does not take much time for actual testing, because there is only one standard for his testing, that is, it can be recognized by the system. As long as the system admits it, it is completely possible to carry out actual combat. And this can save a very long time of actual measurement, and the time of the research and development process is reduced by more than half. So this is the reason why Wang Guorui was able to conduct rapid research and was able to lead several generations of foreign tanks in just five or six years.

"Order the chariot factory to produce five tanks first, and then send them to Taiwan's military academy, preparing to open an armored academy. Specialize in training armored soldiers, and then let armored soldiers become one of the important arms of our army in the future, and can become our A great weapon against the enemy!" Wang Guorui said. (to be continued)

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