Red Alert 1895

Chapter 396: Night Hunting (Part 2)

Tanya went deeper and deeper, and then came to a pond in a forest, and then Tanya looked around. He knew that this was definitely a place for an ambush, so Tanya immediately became careful. And these ninjas will never miss any place to ambush Tanya, and Tanya must also be careful of these shady guys. But when Tanya looked around, he saw the reflection of a dark night. And the reflection in this dark night is the pond, and there are not many things that can reflect light in the dark night, just water. But this pond was a bit chilly under the bright moonlight, and Tan Ya looked at the bottom of this pond and smiled.

"Crack clap clap!"

Tan Ya fired four shots, and as a result, blood began to flow out of the pond, and some of the water in the pond turned red, obviously there were people in the pond.

"This kind of holding a reed as a water escape, is this all your means? These, and when I first joined the army, they would not be very useful! If you can hold your breath directly in the water for a few hours, Then I might still admire you. But you are relying on the reeds to breathe, this is really playing tricks in front of me!" Tan Ya snorted.

Of course Tanya knew what the ghost ninja's water escape was all about, and the Japanese ninja's water escape was actually water skills, that is, swimming and some diving abilities. And this kind of ninja's diving ability is not very good, they just use reeds as breathing props, and then let themselves breathe with their mouths in the water. Then dive into the water. And ordinary people can't find the tiny reeds at all, and then they can come out from under the water to ambush the enemy when necessary.

But they don't know Tanya's ability, Tanya is not only the swimming champion in the Allied Forces. And he is also a very capable breath-holding master. Tanya's ability to hold her breath in the water is calculated in hours, and these ninjas still need reeds as breathing props, which basically shows that they are completely inferior to Tanya in terms of water escape. Tanya shot directly into the water, and four of those ninjas were killed, blood came out of the water, and the bodies of ninjas began to float up after a while.

Soon, the opponent's ninjas were also reduced to less than fourteen. And they still don't know where to ambush Tanya. And Tan Ya was also patrolling everywhere, trying to find out where these low-level guys were. And those shady guys are still hiding everywhere.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Those ninjas released ninja darts. Then flew towards Tanya. But Tan Ya easily dodged it, because Tan Ya had long been on guard, and this kind of Ninja Dart could not do anything to her. However, the next group of ninjas obviously still have their way.

"Miss Tanya. You have seen our Wood Dun, Earth Dun and Water Dun, let's take a look at our Gold Dun!" Hattori Hanzo said.

"Gold Dun, it's another kind of low-class thing!" Tan Ya laughed.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

There were a lot of chaotic beating sounds in the woods, and these beating sounds were obviously very chaotic, with no regularity at all. And these beating sounds come and go, making it impossible for ordinary people to judge the distance of these beating sounds. And those ninjas just hope to disturb Tanya through the beating sound, and then they can hide their identities.

"Jin Dun, that's all!" Tan Ya said.

Of course Tanya is not afraid of this kind of golden escape, because the so-called army uses the sound of metal knocking or the ability to reflect light under the sun to interfere with the enemy's vision and hearing. This can also serve the purpose of hiding yourself. And it was night, so they didn't use reflective methods to interfere with Tanya, but used the sound of metal collisions to interfere with Tanya's hearing. This method is actually effective for ordinary people. But for super special forces like Tanya, not only is it useless, but it will reveal their whereabouts. And this is the so-called ninjutsu, and there is nothing magical about ninjutsu, they are just some primitive special forces methods. The wooden dungeon is a means of camouflage clothing, the earth dungeon is just some quick concealment, and the water dungeon is to lurk in the water for a long time with a reed. As for this golden escape. That is, it is hoped to interfere with the enemy by sound and reflection. In fact, these abilities are also what future generations of special forces should have to learn. This is the true face of ninjutsu. It's not as magical as it is in the legend.

"Crack clap clap!"

Tanya fired four more shots, and immediately four ninjas hiding behind trees were killed, and the trees where they were hiding were also interrupted.

"Hmph, don't you know that my ability to resist noise is already stronger than that of astronauts?" Tanya sneered.

Tanya's ability to resist noise is stronger than that of an astronaut, because she not only has to withstand the influence of noise, but also can withstand all kinds of connotative data in the noise, and she has to find out what she wants from the noise. And the sound of these ninja's metal impact is not in the same order of magnitude compared to the so-called electronic noise and many industrial noises in later generations, so Tanya can easily see through the hidden identities of these ninjas.

"Damn it, this woman seems to be very familiar with ninjutsu! The Five Elements escape method is almost useless at all!" Hattori Hanzo cursed inwardly.

Hattori Hanzo didn't know that the ninjutsu he was proud of was nothing but a rotten street thing among the special forces of later generations. The king of special forces inside has no resistance at all in his hands.

"There are still twelve people left, it seems that we can only make one last fight!" Hattori Hanzo said.

Hattori Hanzo immediately shouted: "Let's go!"

Soon, those ninjas who were not killed also ran away one after another, and then Tan Ya followed quickly, and then prepared to fight.

And they ran for about ten minutes. And here is a very deep forest, it is very dark here, and there is hardly any moonlight shining. It was horribly dark in here. And Tanya felt that this should be the last ambush place of those ninjas, so Tanya also started to be careful immediately.

"Tanya, let's see our final blow!" Hattori Hanzo shouted.

"Look at my Fire Escape Technique!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Some things were thrown out, and these things exploded soon after they hit the ground.

And soon, in this pitch-black place, a burst of dazzling light like the sun suddenly appeared here, and at that moment it seemed to be daytime. And if it is an ordinary person. There may be a brief blinding of the eyes. And if it is a later generation, they will definitely know what this is. This is the famous flash bomb, and they all use this method to attack.

"Come on!" Hattori Hanzo yelled.

Soon, more than a dozen ninjas came out together, and they rushed towards Tanya together. Because they know this is their last chance. If they can't use the so-called fire escape technique to kill Tanya at this moment, then they will definitely have no chance in the future. Therefore, all of their more than ten survivors have also started to dispatch now, hoping to kill Tanya. As long as Tanya is killed, everything is worthwhile.

"Papa papa..."

Tanya took the pistol and started shooting, and then more than a dozen Japanese ninjas were on the way to rush forward, and their chests were punched out one after another, and they fell to the ground one after another.

"What? The fire escape technique is useless?" Hattori Hanzo exclaimed.

The reason why Hattori Hanzo chose this place as the ambush location. That's because this is the darkest place, it's very dark here, and if a flash bomb suddenly pops up. That's where it's very effective. In the end, Tanya was not only useless in the face of this kind of flash bomb, but also sacrificed more than ten ninjas herself. This surprised Hattori Hanzo very much.

"Hmph, do you know how I trained back then? Back then, I was facing the sun at noon and couldn't blink for a few minutes. Think about this kind of **** primitive flashbang. Will it work for me!" Tanya asked.

"Damn it, you've also learned ninjutsu? You definitely have learned ninjutsu!" Hattori Hanzo said angrily.

"It's not ninjutsu. It's just the ability of some ordinary special forces. Well, now there are only two of us left, we should have a good competition together, right?" Tanya asked.

"Haha, Ms. Tanya, there should be no bullets in your pistol, right? If you want to reload temporarily, you have to see if I agree!" Hattori Hanzo said.

Surprisingly, Hattori Hanzo suddenly came out of the woods, and then he appeared in front of Tanya on his own initiative.

"Today, let's compete to see who is stronger!" Hattori Hanzo took out his ribs, and prepared to fight Tanya.


With a sharp sound, a Ninja Dart flew over from behind Tanya.


Tanya felt a slight She knew she had been hit by a ninja dart. And this little pain is nothing, but the poison on the ninja dart is the most deadly.

"Miss Tanya, I'm really sorry, I forgot to tell you that Hattori Hanzo is not one person, but two people. That is my twin brother, this move is our unique move, I attract the enemy in front, and then I My brother put poisonous darts in the back. This trick has been tried and tested. Anyone who knows that we have this trick is already dead! Ms. Tanya, the poison on this ninja dart is very violent. Compared with our ordinary ninja Poison darts also have to be quite violent. And you didn't die on the spot, but you can still stand still, that's not bad." Hattori Hanzo laughed.

But Tanya showed a smile and said, "Really? It's not certain who will win!"


After Tanya died, the expensive Hattori Hanzo No. 2 burst into the warrior's chest, and immediately vomited black blood and died. And the poisonous ninja dart that he flew out just now stuck in his chest.

"Now, let's compare and see whose martial arts is better!" Tanya said to Hattori Hanzo in front of her.

"What? You are not poisoned?" Hattori Hanzo exclaimed. (to be continued)

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