Red Alert 1895

Chapter 414: visit (3)

When those German students asked about the method of demining, Wang Guorui replied that the method was in accordance with the methods of later generations. Using gunpowder rope for demining is not only more controllable than shell demining, but also the efficiency is acceptable to everyone. The impact force when the gunpowder explodes is enough to detonate all kinds of mines. This is the consequence that the current mines cannot resist at all. However, this German student obviously doesn't know how to throw the gunpowder rope far away. After all, manpower is limited, and manpower alone cannot throw the gunpowder rope far away. Even manpower cannot make or make a throw that is too straight, and if it is not straight enough, the effect will be greatly reduced. So this is what they are most concerned about.

"Actually, this question is also very simple. Why do you have to throw it manually, you can use machinery!" Wang Guorui said.

"Mechanism? What kind of machinery is used? Do we have this kind of machinery now? Do we need to design a machine for throwing rope?" asked the students.

Wang Guorui asked: "Why do you have to use modern machinery, can't you use ancient machinery?"

"Ancient machinery? What?"

"Ancient machinery, such as bows and crossbows. You can tie the gunpowder rope to the top of the bow and arrow, and then use the strong crossbow to launch it directly. In this way, the shooting route is almost straight, and it is much farther than human throwing. .As long as two people can draw the bow, it doesn’t matter how accurate the shot is, as long as it can be shot out. At that time, cut off the gunpowder rope from behind. In this way, a safe passage of about one or two meters can appear once it is detonated. As for whether to continue to expand the area of ​​the safe passage, or just let the soldiers pass, it depends on your specific judgment."

Hearing Wang Guorui's words. None of the German soldiers thought that they could use bows and crossbows to launch. This is something they never thought of before, because war is already a modern weapon in their thinking, and they never thought that bows and crossbows could still be used. Of course, Wang Guorui knew very well that on the surface it seemed that bows and crossbows had withdrawn from the battlefield, but Wang Guorui knew that some special forces in later generations still used bows and crossbows and other cold weapons. Although the crossbow has various shortcomings, some of its characteristics are still very good. In particular, he has a characteristic that bullets do not have, that is, he can carry things during firing. Bows and crossbows can be used to launch ropes or various hooks in later generations. This is something that guns cannot carry. Therefore, weapons such as bows and crossbows are still very popular in special forces.

In fact, there is no best weapon in this world. Only the most suitable weapon, this is for sure. If your weapons are advanced, then you are not suitable for this battlefield at all, and it is useless. So it doesn't matter if the cat is black or white. Cats are good enough to catch mice, as long as they can adapt to the needs of the battlefield, even cold weapons can be used.

"Well, do you know how powerful Governor Wang is? The trench warfare he invented is not only a politician, but also a powerful military strategist. The most basic tactics of our current countries all over the world are also from him. So don’t underestimate Governor Wang’s military talent, he will be a very great military strategist in the future.” said an instructor at the Berlin Military Academy in Germany.

However, a student then asked: "Governor Wang, what do you think the future army should look like? What should the future army be organized like, and how will it be organized? What is the method of combat?" "

And heard the words of this German student. Wang Guorui also felt a little surprised that someone would take the initiative to ask himself about the future army structure and war mode. This war mode is actually related to Wang Guorui's future trump card, and he has mastered the future war mode, so that he can walk in front of all the troops. Now that some people ask him about the mode of future war, Wang Guorui is a little worried whether he should tell them.

"Actually, the mode of war determines the weapons of the army. The weapons of the army determine the tactics, and the tactics determine the organization. Since this is the case, then I will talk about my thoughts. The future war mode must pay attention to the coordinated operations of multiple arms. " Wang Guorui said.

"Coordinated operations? Does it mean infantry coordination?" A military professor asked.

Wang Guorui replied: "It can be said that, but not all. Infantry coordination is only the most basic coordination, it only involves infantry and artillery. In the future, coordinated operations will involve many arms united to fight, not only infantry artillery , there are also many engineering troops, communications troops, automobile soldiers, etc., ranging from more than a dozen arms to as many as dozens of arms. In the future, there will even be joint operations of the navy and the army, which is the joint operation of the army and the navy. joint operations, rather than a separate command of a single arm.”

Wang Guorui knew that it was popular in various countries to command different arms separately. Infantry belonged to infantry, artillery belonged to artillery, and even their command organizations were assigned to different organizations. And this is actually to allow them to command effectively, so that there will be no confusion. However, Wang Guorui knows that it is very important to cooperate with the army in the future. These various troops will be gradually assigned to the troops below, and then multiple arms will be established to fight together in the future. This is a test of the commanding ability of the commander, as well as the staff coordination ability. In the future, military command will become more and more difficult, and the requirements for the quality of commanders will also be higher and higher. Ordinary commanders simply cannot afford this kind of position.

"Then what should the future military establishment look like?" a German staff officer immediately asked.

Wang Guorui went on to say: "Actually, the formation of the army in the future will also follow this combat method. For example, we must let the army be mixed. For example, in the infantry battalion, there must not only be infantry as an assault force, but also infantry. There must be artillery for firepower, and even all aspects of medical treatment in the future. The higher-level organization is even more complicated, and regiment-level troops must have reconnaissance, artillery, engineering, and many other arms.”

After Wang Guorui finished speaking, a staff officer immediately said: "Isn't the organization of the troops at the bottom too complicated? We all use artillery, machine guns, and other weapons at the division level. It can be effectively used in various battlefields!"

"You have centralized management because your artillery is insufficient. If artillery and other technical arms are sufficient, do you still use centralized management? Just like our Taiwan army, a battalion has eighteen machine guns, while your division has only 18 machine guns. Twenty-four, all the machine guns owned by one of our infantry divisions are equipped with machine guns, plus submachine guns and other automatic firepower. Do you think that centralized management is still needed? If it is still centralized management, it will not only be used effectively, but will still be in use. Reduce the fire support at the grassroots level. So once the fire support strike forces such as machine guns are sufficient, it has become inevitable to decentralize the use of these troops. So at that time, the following troops will definitely be able to make the organization more complicated, and more complicated Under all circumstances, it is necessary to equip commanders with better command qualities, because in the future, it is inevitable for multiple arms of the army to cooperate with each other."

And everyone heard Wang Guorui's words, and everyone also had an understanding of this multi-army coordinated operation. In fact, it was a local tyrant's tactics in the final analysis. The firepower of the Taiwan army is enough to make countless people envy and hate. The firepower of a battalion of infantry in the Taiwan army is enough to be a reinforced regiment of the Germans, and the firepower of a division is no worse than that of a group army of the Germans. Therefore, this is also because Taiwan has too many technical arms, and these technical arms cost a lot. Compared with an army of the same size, it will cost more money to build them, even if it is a wealthy British guy. Technical arms are also very rare, after all, technical arms are too So in this case, Taiwan is just a biting hedgehog, making everyone very hesitant to attack Taiwan. If Taiwan is defeated, let alone whether it can be defeated, even if it can be defeated, it will inevitably face the end of a country's decline. Even the British dare not come to fight a desperate battle with Taiwan, because once the British defeat Taiwan, there will not be much benefit, and the British will eventually decline.

So in this situation where Western devils have their own plans, of course they don't want to be the first to attack Taiwan, but hope to let others come forward. The British hope that the French will come forward, but the French are not stupid. They know that the British are uneasy and kind, so they will not take the initiative to attack Taiwan. Taiwan has become a "poison pill". Whoever dares to eat Taiwan will inevitably die of poison. Don't look at Taiwan's small territory, but if you really want to go all out, even if the British eat Taiwan, you will have a huge loss, and the accumulation of the past 100 years will be exhausted. This is the reason why the foreign devils dare not attack Taiwan. They all cherish the present achievements. There are too many pots and pans in the house, but they are afraid of breaking them.

"So, in the future, there will be more and more technical arms, and more and more opportunities to use technical arms. And the use rights of technical arms will be gradually decentralized, which will be a huge change for your army. Your future commander They all need compound talents, and only this kind of talents can command mixed operations of various arms, and the formation of the army is becoming more and more complicated. So, think about it carefully!" Wang Guorui said. (to be continued)

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