Red Alert 1895

Chapter 435: Jumping beam clown (Part 1)

When the "China-West Treaty of Amsterdam" was signed, not only European countries but also China and Japan in the East were shocked, and more importantly, one place was also shocked. And this is the so-called Philippine rebel army, and this Philippines has already carried out the so-called war of independence, and their war of independence has progressed in full swing, and the Spanish army has been severely hit. But at this time, a war broke out between Taiwan and Spain. As a result, the Taiwanese army landed in the Philippines, but the Taiwanese army did not hostile to them. This made the native Filipinos think that they could get help from Taiwan, and then drive away the Spaniards.

But now things have turned around. When they fought the Spaniards to death, Taiwan actually signed a treaty with the Spaniards, and then the two parties officially chose to cede the Philippines to China. This made the insurgents in the Philippines extremely angry, because they thought that Taiwan had betrayed them. This is simply a sell-out. And coupled with the fact that the Philippines has already claimed to be an independent country, this is unacceptable to Filipinos.

"We absolutely cannot accept this result, we absolutely cannot. Our Philippines has officially become independent, we have established an independent republic in the Philippines, how can we allow the Spaniards to 'sell' us again?" Aquinas shouted road.

This person is the current president of the Philippines, Aguinaldo, who is the president of the so-called Philippine Republic. In the original history, he was lured to surrender by the Spanish and Philippine governors, and chose to accept a fortune of 800,000 pesos. Then he fled to Hong Kong. But in this time and space, because of the intervention of Wang Guorui's army, not only did the United States end the Spanish-American War against Spain, but the Philippine governor also stopped active combat against the indigenous people. Mainly passive defense. Because the Philippine governor knew that Spain could not keep the Philippines, they naturally chose to abandon the Philippines and focus on preserving their vitality. So during this period of time, the indigenous people have used the weapons sold to them by Taiwan to fight the Spanish army, and the Spanish army is mainly defensive and rarely takes the initiative to attack.

And this situation in the Qing Dynasty continued until Taiwan and the Philippines signed the Treaty of Amsterdam, so that the Taiwan and Spanish troops would no longer be enemies, and they had no conflicts in the Philippine Islands. Now there is no need to fight to the death. But this is not good news for the aborigines. Not only will Taiwan not continue to be their ally in the future. Instead, it will be their enemy.

"Immediately send me a telegram to announce to the world that our Republic of the Philippines has long been established, and the Philippines is not a colony of the Spaniards. And our Philippines is an independent country, not a colony. Therefore, the Spaniards sold us to China, That is not legal, we regard Taiwan's landing as an invasion and will resist to the end. And I, Aguinaldo, am the only president of the Republic of the Philippines, the only supreme ruler." Philippine President Aguinaldo shouted .

No official in the Republic of the Philippines is willing to accept this outcome. So they must resist to the end, even if they know that it is China, they will do their best. This is the importance of independence, as long as you can be independent. Who wants to be ruled by others!

However, in the reception room of the original Governor's Mansion in Manila, Sa Zhenbing, the commander of Taiwan's troops stationed in the Philippines, is meeting with the personal representative of the former Spanish and Philippine Governor, and is preparing to discuss some matters.

"Mr. Sa Zhenbing, the war between our Spain and your China has also ended with the Sino-Western Amsterdam Treaty signed a few days ago, and we will hand over the Philippines to your China. However. Before we do this, we hope that we You can withdraw all the troops and nationals in the Philippines, and I hope you can help us."

Since the Spaniards ceded the Philippines to China. Naturally, the troops and expatriates in the Philippines must be withdrawn, which is also a consistent practice. If the diaspora and the army are not withdrawn, will they be allowed to suffer and be discriminated against under the rule of the Chinese in the future? Therefore, they will also withdraw their nationals and troops in the future, but they must face the blockade of the Taiwan Navy, so they must come to ask Sa Zhenbing to let them go. After all, there are about 100,000 nationals. Without the cooperation of Bing, the commander of the garrison, they would never even think about withdrawing.

"Now that the war is over, we have nothing to fight. Then you evacuate the nationals, which is understandable, and we will not stop it. However, if you want to leave, we can provide ships. However, This price..." Sa Zhenbing hinted.

"Damn, it's really a hand in the coffin—the one who wants money!" the Philippine Governor's special envoy cursed in his heart.

And this Sa Zhenbing of course knows how much wealth these Spanish expatriates have plundered here, I am afraid they are too numerous to count! If you don't take advantage of this time to scrape away a layer, I'm afraid you will really lose a lot of money. So next, Sa Zhenbing took advantage of the opportunity of the ship to search for their layer. Anyway, let them go without searching for a part of them, Sa Zhenbing would not be reconciled. Therefore, these Spaniards are doomed to tragedy. If they want to leave the Philippines, they have to pay a fortune and accept Taiwan's search. Originally, it was heartbreaking for them to give up their property in the Philippines, but now they have to undertake this search, and some people might cry.

"The report said that the so-called Republic of the Philippines issued a telegram, announcing that they have established an independent country and are considered an independent country, so the Spaniards cannot sell them. They are not the wealth of the Spaniards, so they will resolutely resist to the end."

After hearing this, Sa Zhenbing cursed: "What a bunch of jumping clowns, how dare they come out to speak out at this time? They don't even look at what they are, and they dare to come out to mess around, so it's strange if we don't eliminate them .Tell them that their Republic of the Philippines is not recognized by any country in the world, so it is not a legal country. So, let them surrender quickly, or our squadron will completely wipe them out."

At present, the only place in the world that has been recognized as an independent country from a colony is the United States. Even if the United States became independent back then, it took many years for the United Kingdom to recognize it. And now countries in the world will not casually recognize the independence of those colonies, because this is tantamount to breaking the rules of the game in the West. So even if the Philippines claims to be independent, they have not been recognized by any country in fact. Once they are recognized, it will destroy the Western colonial game rules, and they will not recognize it. Especially those guys are still natives, people who are lower than the Chinese in the eyes of Westerners, how could they allow them to be independent? The United States can be independent, in fact, it is because they are more composed of white people, not indigenous people. It is impossible for the Philippines to want to be independent in this era, because all countries in the world advocate obtaining wealth through colonization. How can the colonies be allowed to be independent under such circumstances, even China will not allow it.

Next, Sa Zhenbing said to the special envoy: "Your Excellency, I think we may need your cooperation, because we want to exterminate the indigenous people in the Philippines, so please send some guides to help us."

"No problem, we will provide some guides to help you. Although we are all outsiders, we think we are familiar with those places, so we can help you."

And soon, Taiwan and Spain, who had been beating their lives to death just now, actually reached a cooperation in this fight against the aborigines, and then went to clean up these aborigines together. This is enough to show that there are no eternal friends and enemies between countries, only eternal interests. They were able to fight for the Philippines before, but now that things have developed to such an extent and the war is over, the two sides can even be "friends" again in terms of certain Anyway, everyone is It is only for profit, and neither side feels that there is anything wrong with sacrificing the interests of those Filipino natives for their own interests.

In Amsterdam, Wang Guorui received a call about the Philippines claiming to be independent, and snorted, "What cats and dogs are also asking for independence? He doesn't even look at what time it is, but he dares to make such an independent claim? If they don't wait a few decades It might be okay in 2019, but they don’t want to be independent now. Now that it’s in our hands, they won’t even think about being independent in the future. Next, the survivors from the country will flood their place, and we’ll see what they can do then.”

To deal with these jumping clowns, it is absolutely necessary to suppress them by force, otherwise there will definitely be a lot of trouble in the future. These guys, so Wang Guorui ordered Sa Zhenbing to launch a full-scale attack on them, and absolutely wiped out the so-called wave of independence in the Philippines. The Philippines is already the fat that Wang Guorui ate into his mouth, so naturally he can't just throw it away. If he just lost it like this, he might really be so angry that he would kill someone. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to capsize in the gutter on the natives of the Philippines, otherwise Taiwan's international status, which has been so hard to establish, will probably be lost. They must be suppressed with the most severe means, otherwise there will be absolutely no good end. However, Wang Guorui didn't care too much about these jumping clowns, because once they didn't have weapons from Taiwan, they would run out of bullets sooner or later. And there is no industry on their land, so naturally they cannot produce any firearms, so there is no need to be afraid at all. (to be continued)

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