Red Alert 1895

Chapter 524: Northern Expedition (Part 1)

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After cleaning up most of the spies in Taiwan Island, Wang Guorui immediately started to form the Northern Expedition Army. And the preparations for the Northern Expedition Army have already started, and the Northern Expedition Army does not plan to reorganize additionally, but is directly drawn from the original army in units of divisions, and then strategically reorganized. There is no need to form additional troops. At most, it is just adding some ordinary technical arms, and there are not many other troops formed.

"Master Wang, after the news of the formation of the Northern Expedition Army was released, all the divisions became very enthusiastic. Many divisions also began to hope to participate in the Northern Expedition Army, and Li Guodong, the commander of the Guards Division, also volunteered to follow Wang. Your Excellency entered the mainland. Because they are the guard division, there is no reason not to go with you, Mr. Wang. And the second division commander Tan Xiao said that they are the second army formed by you, Mr. Wang, and their combat effectiveness is second only to the first one of the year Division, which is the current Guard Division, so they are the most powerful troops in the regular army, and they should go to the Northern Expedition with you, Mr. Wang."

"As for the other troops, they also hope to go to the Northern Expedition with Mr. Wang, and then go to make contributions together."

Hearing the words of Song Yang, the director of his attendant room, Wang Guorui certainly knew what the subordinate troops meant. Because everyone also knows that this is a good opportunity to make meritorious service, because there have been very few military exploits in the past two years, and they are all resting in place. Although a group of people were selected to go to the mainland to form troops, those people had to be carefully selected and there were not many opportunities. As for other officers, it is more difficult to get promoted without large-scale wars and military expansion. Taiwan has now stabilized at an army establishment of 20 divisions, and rarely expands on a large scale. Therefore, those officers who want to "promote" do not get suitable opportunities, and naturally they are very crowded. They hope to participate in this Second Northern Expedition.

This Northern Expedition is a large-scale battle, a battle with foreign powers, a battle that can make a lot of achievements. And they know that after entering the mainland this time. It is definitely necessary to expand the army from the mainland. Once the army is expanded, then it is a good opportunity to really show off its talents. At that time, it is only after the expansion of the army that it can take the opportunity to get promoted. As long as you gain military exploits, you will definitely have a chance to be promoted when you expand your army. If there is no military exploits. Even if you want to be promoted during the expansion of the army, you will still be ranked behind, so middle and low-level officers hope to take advantage of this time to go out together, and then get military merits and then be promoted.

As for those high-ranking military officers, they didn't just think about promotion. What they thought was that if they could go to the Northern Expedition with Wang Guorui, then this would be a "achievement from the dragon"! This kind of meritorious service from the dragon only once in hundreds of years. That is very rare at all, especially after the implementation of a constitutional monarchy in the future, it will not be easy to change the dynasty. After the implementation of the constitutional monarchy, although the power of the king is much less, the throne is extremely stable, so you can take the opportunity to obtain a noble title when the country was founded, and then you can enjoy endless wealth for generations. Even if the aristocratic power in this era is not that great, but fortunately it can last for a long time! As long as one can become an aristocrat when the country was founded, one can enjoy certain privileges for almost all generations, and the duration is particularly long.

This kind of all-in-one profit thing, everyone hopes to take advantage of this time to get rich. What those senior military officers thought was to be able to obtain a senior title at this time. This is not worth my whole life. Therefore, those officers above the division commander level all hope to take the opportunity to make meritorious service and obtain titles.

"Then mobilize the second, third, fourth, and eleventh divisions, as well as guards divisions, marine divisions and some technical support units, and then form the Northern Expedition Army. The navy can be transferred from the major fleets as needed, Warships were transferred to form the Northern Expedition Fleet, and several temporary Northern Expedition squadrons were subordinated. The Northern Expedition General Command was established in the Northern Expedition Army, Navy and Army. The first army of the Northern Expedition, the second army of the Northern Expedition, and the third army of the Northern Expedition were temporarily organized. These three armies used the temporary organization during the Northern Expedition. Then they will not be further reorganized until the mainland stabilizes. At that time, military-level units will definitely appear on a large scale. But at present, they are still mainly organized temporarily." Wang Guorui said.

During the Northern Expedition, Wang Guorui had to be the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition Command, and even the commander of the Northern Expedition Army, because his Northern Expedition Army had eleven divisions, and they were all the most elite divisions in Taiwan. The Northern Expedition can be said to have brought out all the elite. The army took out more than half of the elite. And the navy has also extracted a lot of essence, so if you rashly entrust all this army to one person, it will definitely not work. Just like in the Nanyang expedition back then, the mobilized troops for the southern expedition were already more than half of Taiwan's army. Naturally, we must be careful, so Wang Guorui personally served as the commander at that time. As for now, he also has to be the commander in person, so that many problems can be avoided.

Even if Wang Guorui didn't serve concurrently, no one in Taiwan would dare to serve as the commander of the headquarters! Since ancient times, there are too few leaders who dare to entrust more than half of the country's military power to one person. If he could really do it, he would be a very courageous great man. The risk of entrusting such a large military power to one person is enormous. If the other party chooses to betray, then the consequences will be unimaginable, maybe the leader will face the end of death. So this is a gamble with the lives of yourself and your family. This kind of gamble is too big, and few leaders are willing to do it. Since it can be avoided, it should be avoided. It is better not to gamble with the lives of yourself and your family. Wang Guorui did not reach the time when he had no choice but to rely on gambling, so he would not be so "generous" to grant all military power to one person.

Even if Wang Guorui had a red alert system, he wouldn't be afraid, but his subordinates couldn't help being afraid! Wang Guorui was not afraid, but the vast majority of Wang Guorui's subordinates did not want to betray, so if Wang Guorui handed over all the military power to a certain person, then in the end, I am afraid that many people in him would be worried about that person. So at that time, there must be slander everywhere. Once slander, Wang Guorui is not worried, but aren't the generals on the front line afraid? At that time, when he reported every day, what thought did he have of fighting? Therefore, for his own good and for the good of everyone, it is inevitable for Wang Guorui to personally serve as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition Army.

"The Northern Expedition Army will set up a general headquarters, subordinate to the Northern Expedition Staff Department. The staff department will have a chief of staff, and I plan to let Hu Wei, the chief of staff, take the concurrent post in person. Then there will be several subordinates, including the deputy chief of staff of the Navy, who will be responsible for commanding the Northern Expedition Army. All the affairs of the navy. The chief of staff of the army is responsible for all the affairs of the army. The two deputy chiefs of staff are at the rank of army commander, and the other deputy chiefs of staff are at the rank of deputy army commander."

In the military power management system designed by Wang Guorui, although the Army Group Army of the Northern Expedition Army and the Northern Expedition Fleet of the Navy were established, in fact the group army was just an empty shell, and Wang Guorui was in charge of it concurrently. In fact, the general headquarters is responsible for commanding the temporary Northern Expeditionary Army. Of course, in order to facilitate his own management, Wang Guorui set up a staff department of the Northern Expedition Army, and the general staff department let Hu Wei concurrently serve, and then set up an army chief of staff to assist him in managing the army, and another chief of naval staff was in charge of managing the navy. Although these two people can manage the affairs of the army and navy, they cannot manage them directly. Their orders must be issued through the staff, so that they can be controlled compared to letting them directly control the navy and army.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of must be controlled well, if there is a slight problem, the consequences will be serious. Therefore, Wang Guorui will not easily let them directly control more than 100,000 troops and navies. The highest level can only be the commander level, and a commander can also control tens of thousands of troops, which is enough to give them a lot of power. If they are allowed to control more than 100,000 troops, who knows if they will have selfish motives. At that time, once they are allowed to directly control more than 100,000 troops, whether they will have selfish intentions is a very difficult question at all. In case they betrayed or had other ideas at that time, Wang Guorui was certainly not afraid of them, because there were a large number of Red Police fighters in the army. But once they betrayed, it would not have a bad impact on the war in the north. And if the old brothers who fight the world together kill each other by themselves, how bad it would be! Therefore, in order to avoid changes in the battle situation, or old brothers killing each other, it is necessary to limit their military power.

This is not a question of belief or distrust, but a question of forming a system in the future. In the future, such a large-scale army, accounting for more than half of the country's army, cannot be easily handed over to someone. Either the leader of the country will be the commander-in-chief, or at least the head of the government, even if it is only in name. That's all. First of all, we must maintain this name. The specific battles can actually be handed over to others, but the leader of the country must personally control the army. Even if the republican government of a foreign country is not the same, this has nothing to do with trust or not, but a system issue. It is necessary to ensure the absolute leadership power of the national leader over the army. (To be continued.)

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