Red Alert 1895

Chapter 526: ultimatum

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In the mainland capital, the Boxer mobs continued to attack Dongjiaomin Lane. However, because the guards in Dongjiaomin Lane are still very sufficient, none of them, the Boxer mobs, were able to break through this line of defense. However, the pressure facing Dongjiaominxiang is also increasing, because the soldiers in Dongjiaominxiang are running out of bullets. They have been here for a month, and even if the bullet consumption is relatively small in a month, they are destined to be exhausted.

As for why they were not breached, it was because no one in the Boxers was willing to charge to the front line. Although the boxers shouted that they were invulnerable to swords and guns, they were actually invulnerable. They saw that the foreign devils had rifles, so they didn't dare to charge. In this capital, everyone knows that the Boxers are just a group of fools, and they can't do anything invulnerable. But only the old woman, the Empress Dowager Cixi, really believed in the invulnerability of the Boxers. But no one else dared to persuade, because Cixi could no longer listen to anyone's "good advice", she just believed in herself. Whoever speaks ill of the Boxers will be severely punished by Empress Dowager Cixi. So the more it came to this time, the more no one would dare to speak honestly.

"Queen Mother, I formally warn you that if you don't move out to clean up and destroy these Boxers, then our eight countries will send troops into your China, and then wipe out the Boxers for you!" Zhu Erdian said.

It took Zhu Erdian a lot of money to get out of the siege of the Boxer mobs, and he finally told Cixi the ultimatum, hoping that Cixi would send troops to destroy these Boxers. These foreigners hate the Boxers to the bone, and they will never allow these Boxers to continue to exist. These Boxers robbed foreigners everywhere indiscriminately, and if there were no foreigners to rob, they would label those Chinese people as traitors at every turn, and then carried out **** and robbery. This behavior method is simply outrageous.

Some people were killed by the boxers just because they spoke a word of English. There is a woman who used foreign cosmetics from foreigners. As a result, they were all raped and then killed by the Boxers, and then their bodies were exposed naked in front of everyone. And the people in the capital also hated the Boxers very much, and many ordinary people couldn't stand it anymore. In fact, these Boxers are actually a group of mobs venting, although they just started to find foreigners to vent. But they are the same as those peasant uprisings. Once they got used to looting, it was impossible for them to give birth with peace of mind. These peasant uprisings decayed very quickly in the end. Once they adapted to plundering for a living, they would naturally not be able to produce with peace of mind. They had no foreigners to plunder. That is to rob one's own people. They make decisions for the people one by one, but in fact they rob the people. And they also labeled those who were looted as traitors, obviously finding a just excuse for their actions. Anyway, that's the way it is, there's no excuse for any crime, they still set a lot of standards. A series of things such as using foreign goods, speaking foreign languages, believing in foreign religions, etc., are all listed as traitors, and they are all big-haired, second-haired, and nine-headed. These people should all be damned, they should all be robbed by them, and their women should all be tools for the Boxers to vent their desires. So these Boxers have long since ceased to be people who make decisions for the people, they have long been reduced to thugs.

this point. In fact, even foreign devils can't stand it anymore, and Wang Guorui won't tolerate the continued existence of these guys. These guys are only used to stimulate foreign devils, and then use the aggression of foreigners as an excuse for Taiwan to enter the mainland. Anyway, after this kind of Boxers are used, they will all be "crossing the river and tearing down the bridge", and it is impossible to continue to pass them on.

"This Boxer Regiment is our Qing Dynasty's own business, and you foreigners don't need to take care of it." Cixi said.

But Zhu Erdian immediately said: "These boxers have seriously violated the interests of our countries. They robbed our businessmen and killed our citizens, so we can't ignore it. If you ignore it, then we will send troops to help you manage it." Nevermind."

"Are you foreigners coming to invade our Qing Dynasty?" Cixi said angrily.

Zhu Erdian immediately said: "Queen Mother, we have no intention of invading, we are just here to help you clear up the Boxers."

Even Zhu Erdian himself didn't believe what Zhu Erdian said, but he was also like this. Anyway, it was using the excuse of cleaning up the Boxers to force the Manchu Qing to sign more traitorous treaties. Anyway, at that time, as long as the army reached the territory of China, wouldn't the Manchu Qing be allowed to be slaughtered by themselves? At that time, I am afraid that they will also be able to obtain very huge benefits. The British also hope to take the opportunity to expand their privileges in China, and all countries have their own calculations, and they are all calculating in their hearts how to get benefits. As for those western countries. They all hope to further force China into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country.

After Cixi heard this, she immediately said: "Okay, if you have the ability, come here. My martial arts in the Qing Dynasty are world-class, and I am invulnerable to swords and guns. I will definitely defeat foreigners like you."

Zhu Erdian sighed. This Cixi seemed to be "poisoned" quite a bit, but she still stubbornly believed that those Boxers were invulnerable. I knew it in Dongjiaomin Lane. Those boxers in Dongjiaomin Lane would be injured or even die if they were hit. So they are not invulnerable, but Cixi stubbornly believes that these boxers are invulnerable, so she is naturally so. Zhu Erdian didn't even bother to continue persuading Cixi, because Cixi was already immersed in her dream and was unwilling to listen to any good advice. And if I, a foreigner, persuaded me, it might have the opposite effect. At that time, I really didn't know people inside and out.

As for the war against China, the countries have already formulated strategies, so it is nothing for Cixi to refuse them, it just gave everyone an excuse. As long as there is an excuse, it can be easily resolved in the future. At that time, it is absolutely possible to send troops to China continuously, forcing China to sign more traitorous treaties, and then they can obtain huge benefits.

"Queen, since that's the case, let's just wait and see!" Zhu Erdian said.

After Zhu Erdian left, Cixi immediately summoned Tian Lihui.

And Tian Lihui heard that countries were going to invade the mainland, which made Tian Lihui even more excited. Because if countries invade China, then Taiwan can also send troops to fight all the way to the capital by sea in the name of King Qin. At that time, it was entirely possible to win the hearts of the people in the name of fighting against foreign enemies, and the capital city was the core of the country. As long as one could make a difference in the capital city, it would be tantamount to attracting the attention of the world. At that time, it is completely possible to win the hearts of the people of the world and show a big face in front of the people of the world. As long as the people of the world can see the strength of Taiwan led by Wang Guorui and dare to fight the foreign devils, the people of the world will make a correct choice.

Since ancient times, the people will follow the strong, and only by following the strong can they survive. And if the Manchus can't protect them, then they will definitely betray the Manchus. In the past they had no choice, except Man Qing or Man Qing, naturally they had no choice. But now there are people who can fight against foreigners, protect their interests, and will not sell their interests to foreigners. They will also choose to abandon the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and then take Wang Guorui as the object of refuge. At this time, no one wants to fall behind. Once they enter the mainland and have a foothold, Wang Guorui knows that all kinds of investment credits will be sent to him at that time, and there will definitely be no shortage.

Cixi's behavior of trusting the Boxers was enough to disappoint many Manchu bureaucrats. After all, although everyone is a feudal official, it does not mean that they are also a group of feudal superstitious Feudal thinking and feudal superstition cannot be equated, so Cixi's feudal superstitious thinking is already serious It touched the heads of those Confucian children. Even Confucianism said to respect ghosts and gods and stay away, but this Cixi actually believed in these boxers' magic sticks, and refused to believe them, Confucian students, so they were enough to make them very disappointed.

"Queen Mother, once foreigners come in, our hundreds of thousands of boxers will definitely destroy them for you, Queen Mother. And we are all invulnerable, and it is impossible for foreigners' guns to do anything to us. Thanks to the grace of the Queen Mother, we We have the best conditions for cultivation, so that our cultivation speed is rapid. At that time, it was not a problem for us to resist foreigners. I am not afraid of any foreigners. Foreigners have nothing to do with our Chinese magic skills. , We must show those foreign devils that our Chinese magical skills are not comparable to their foreign guns and cannons." Tian Lihui said very "confidently".

Soon, the news of Cixi's refusal of foreigners' conditions spread to all parts of the country, and the foreigners also claimed to send troops to wipe out the Boxers. And this situation caused many people to panic, especially those big officials in the Qing Dynasty who began to connect with each other. These feudal officials began to join forces in private. They wanted to avoid the invasion of these foreigners and ensure that the territory they controlled would not be invaded, so they also hoped to ensure partial neutrality. And about this matter, it is called "Southeast Mutual Protection" in Chinese history. (To be continued.)

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