Red Alert 1895

Chapter 534: Urban Guerrilla Warfare (Part 2)

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When the Americans were killing the Boxers in front, they didn't even notice that a group of people behind them were aiming at them with guns. They didn't realize at all that when they were killing people in front of them, did someone aim their guns at the rear?

"Fire!" shouted a Taiwanese officer.

"Da da da…"

More than a dozen submachine guns fired at the Americans, and then they fired the thirty bullets in the magazine as quickly as possible.

"Woo woo woo..."

More than a hundred American soldiers were killed one after another under the aim of these fourth-class submachine guns.

"What's going on? How can there be enemies behind us?" American general Jared said angrily.

But immediately an American soldier said: "General, they came from behind us. They were lying in ambush in the room just now. We only took care of the front, not the back!" The American soldier shouted.

"Then what are you waiting for, send someone to chase after me!" Jared said angrily.

Soon, a team of US troops with submachine guns also chased after him. They knew that these enemies were armed with submachine guns and could not be underestimated, so the Americans also sent a company of submachine gunners to chase them down, but they didn't realize the cunning of the other party at all.

"Da da da da..." The Americans fired continuously at the places where the Boxer soldiers were hidden just now.

"These yellow-skinned monkeys have already left, let's go in!" said a US submachine gun platoon leader.

Several U.S. troops rushed into the room just now, but no Chinese were found. Obviously, the military officers from Taiwan also took people away just now. This kind of guerrilla warfare is to fight and run, and you must not love to fight. Once you love to fight, you will definitely suffer heavy losses, so they took advantage and left.

"Oh, my God, that's right, it's actually a Cuban cigar?" A U.S. military man looked at the Cuban cigar on the dining table in this room, which was very interesting.

The US platoon leader was also very tempted. Because a Cuban cigar is a very high-end thing. Cuban cigars are very high-end things in the United States, and only the rich can afford them, so now he found a Cuban cigar here, which made him very happy.

"Haha!" The U.S. platoon leader picked up a cigar. Then it turned out that he didn't find that there was a thread behind the cigar, and there was a pull ring attached to the back of the thread.


With a loud noise, the platoon leader and seven or eight submachine gunners under him were killed immediately. Similar things also happened in several nearby rooms. Some American soldiers found foreign wine, so they took the initiative to drink. And some did find some gold and silver jewelry. Make them all want it. However, they didn't notice that there were even booby traps behind these gold and silver jewelry, as long as they picked up those things, the booby traps would also explode. Once the booby trap explodes, I think that the US military will also be killed.

"Damn, what's going on, how many of you are left with a submachine gun company?" Lieutenant General Jared of the US military said angrily.

And these people are also silent, because this situation is really too deceitful, they never thought that there would be booby traps in those houses. If only they knew there were booby traps here. They will not come to attack.

However, just when they thought it was safe, those Taiwanese military officers also came with guerrillas.

"Boom boom boom..."

Seven or eight grenades were thrown from behind the house, and the American troops who were crowded together suffered heavy losses immediately. Dozens of American troops were killed and injured just like that.

"Damn it, these Chinese people are not heroes at all, and they actually play this kind of conspiracy?" Jared said angrily.

These Taiwanese military officers took their guerrillas to harass the American troops everywhere, and the morale of those American troops plummeted. Because their current situation is very obvious, that is, they cannot fight back at all. They can only be beaten. But he couldn't fight back at all. So they are also in a low morale situation. These Taiwanese military officers brought their guerrillas to harass them from time to time, and they would not attack them for too long. This method of running away after the fight, without giving the enemy any chance to fight back at all, made these Americans extremely headache. Because this method is simply too deceitful. Even if they escaped. They will also lay down some traps, booby traps and other means in place to attack the trailing enemies. This made it impossible for them to really start fighting. Often the enemy did not lose a single person, but their own side had already lost a lot of people, which was out of proportion.

"Send soldiers around to guard, don't chase. I'll go all the way. We don't care about these low-level clowns!" Jared shouted.

The U.S. Army was quickly sent out, and then they guarded the surroundings to prevent those guerrillas from dispatching. After these actions to strengthen vigilance, many guerrillas were unable to successfully break through those defensive networks, and were unable to kill the enemy in large numbers.

"Lieutenant Colonel Tian Lihui, what should we do?" Someone asked immediately.

"Hmph, do these Americans think they can resist our intrusion by doing so? Don't underestimate us, we still have ways!" Tian Lihui said.

Soon, those large numbers of U.S. troops continued to move forward, and those guerrillas gradually gathered their forces and did not continue to attack.

"These magic sticks, once they encounter our rifles, do they run away? What are you shouting about being invulnerable? They are so incompetent!" Immediately, the company commander of the US military said.

And soon, the other immediately said: "Yes! The squadrons are like this too, they are all so vulnerable! They still believe in invulnerability, it's ridiculous."

"Go ahead!" A US military officer immediately shouted.

And along the way, they didn't see any Boxers, and those Boxers fled one after another, and the remaining sporadic resistance could not stop their large troops from advancing. But when they advanced to one-third of Tianjin City, they suddenly encountered a big problem.


Suddenly, a whole row of U.S. troops also "disappeared" suddenly, and there was a scream. When the American soldiers behind saw this scene, they broke out in a cold sweat immediately, because they saw that row of American soldiers suddenly fell into the ground, and a ditch suddenly appeared on the ground, which was full of sharp bamboos. They were all stabbed to death by these bamboos.

"Damn, why is there a ditch?" Jared said angrily.

"General, our soldiers dare not move forward. They dare not move forward, because they are afraid that a trench will appear in front of them at any time." The US military staff officer said.

"Let the engineering soldiers go forward immediately to see if there is any problem with the road," Jared said.

The American engineers also continued to move forward, and then walked all the way to detect the ground to see if there were any traps on the ground. These traps are very deadly. Not only are there pits everywhere, but there are also spikes underneath, which is very scary. They didn't dare to mess around, so they chose to check the road to see if there were any traps.

"Lieutenant Colonel Tian Lihui, they sent engineers to check the road!"

Tian Lihui immediately said: "It's time for those guys to go out, let them take care of these engineers! If there are no engineers, it will be very difficult for them to walk along the way."

"Wow woof woof..."

A dozen big dogs rushed out, and then rushed towards the American engineers.

"Where did these big dogs come from?" Immediately, an American engineer shouted angrily.

"No, let's go!" the American engineers shouted.

"Wow woof woof woof..."

The bulldogs in the red alarm system began to bite violently, and the American engineers were immediately bitten to a **** mess.

"General, most of our engineers were killed by some bulldogs!" someone said immediately.

"What? Bulldog?" asked Akashi Genjiro.

"Yeah! Is it a bulldog?"

Akashi Motojiro replied immediately; "General Jared, this bulldog is probably not easy! Our Japanese imperial army has suffered a lot from these bulldogs. These bulldogs seem to be a specialty of Taiwan. Some people in Taiwan can train some bulldogs for use. Come to fight, these should also belong to Taiwan."

"What? Taiwan sent troops?" Someone asked immediately.

"I'm afraid I can't be wrong, they should have sent troops here! But these should also be some advance teams, and their real large troops are still behind." Akashi Genjiro said.

Seymour, commander of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, began to think and then said: "What about our navy? Can the navy stop the landing of Taiwan's troops?"

"General Seymour, it should be possible. We are sending the navy to prevent them from landing, but we guarantee that the enemy will not land in Tianjin!" The Japanese naval officer said.

"That's good. As long as they can't attack from Tianjin, then we are all safe. It is not easy for them to land. In Shandong, the governor of Shandong, Yuan Shikai, has signed an agreement for mutual protection in the southeast. They will not allow the Taiwan army to come from They landed in Shandong. As long as we hold the Tianjin landing port, they will definitely not be able to land from Tianjin. And they can only land in Shandong, but Yuan Shikai in Shandong is already neutral, so they will not allow the Taiwan Navy to land." Seymour said.

And Akashi Genjiro smiled inwardly, obviously he didn't take Seymour seriously. Because Akashi Genjiro had known Wang Guorui's plan for a long time, the navy of this country was useless.

"However, let's think about how to attack first! These Chinese guerrillas are really difficult to deal with!" Seymour said.

And these various military units are also facing these guerrillas, which makes them feel overwhelmed and have a lot of headaches. (To be continued.)

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