Red Alert 1895

Chapter 547: Take over the capital (middle)

"Soldiers of the Qing army above, listen up. Our lord Wang is here to serve the king. Hurry up and open the city gate for us. No, our soldiers may have mutinied because they couldn't get a rest for a long time. So you must open the city gate for us. Otherwise, the soldiers will mutiny next, it is really uncertain."

The soldiers of the Qing army on the tower were very nervous. They didn't know whether the Taiwan army would really attack the city. The capital has not experienced war for many years, and the most recent war was decades ago when the British and French allied forces attacked and burned down the Old Summer Palace. As for the next few decades, the capital is also peaceful, so the soldiers on the tower are all the younger generation, and they seldom experience the feeling of soldiers approaching the city. So now they hear that Taiwan is going to attack the city, of course they are very scared.

In their eyes, Taiwan was able to defeat the foreign devils several times, which is also very powerful. If Dou, the Taiwanese Lianyang devil, can defeat them, then defeating them will naturally not be a problem. In this way, they are also very scared. If the time comes to attack the city, they will definitely not be able to defend it.

"Since you don't want to open the city gate for us to enter the capital to rest, then it's better to blame our soldiers for mutiny."

Li Guodong immediately said to the Artillery Brigade: "Artillery Brigade, fire me and bomb me with all your strength. Let me blow off their will to resist, and then let them see our strength. It's really a tiger that doesn't show its power. When I am Sick cat! This group of guys, foreigners have the same strength, so I’m afraid they would have opened the door to surrender or escape. But we are Chinese, so they think we are easy to bully, don’t they?”

The squadrons of this period have a problem. When facing foreigners, their morale will plummet, even if 100% of their combat effectiveness is less than 20%. But it is just the opposite when encountering the Chinese, their combat effectiveness will be increased by 120%. This is the reason why these soldiers are fighting outsiders and laymen fighting inside. They have no confidence in facing foreigners, but they are full of confidence in facing Chinese people. This is a very sad thing, but now Taiwan just wants to tell them that Taiwan is stronger than foreigners.

"203 howitzer, blast me!" Li Guodong said.

The 203 howitzer is a howitzer with a caliber of 203 mm. It is the largest caliber howitzer of this era. The price of this kind of howitzer is very high, and one round of shells is enough to bankrupt an ordinary family, and the cost is particularly high. Therefore, the power of this kind of howitzer is also very huge, and the range of more than half of the football field will be affected by one shot. Enemies within the range are almost certain to die. And this kind of howitzer is powerful and expensive, so Taiwan only equips the first-level military units with a battalion. The Guards Division is the most elite unit, so there is also a battalion.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

More than a dozen large-caliber howitzers exploded tens of meters outside the city wall of the capital. It did not directly bomb the city wall of the capital. But this situation also made many Qing soldiers unbearable, and many Qing soldiers were also blown away. Those soldiers who did not hide in the bunker in time were immediately blown away by the huge air wave.

"Brothers in the Qing army, this is our last warning to you. This time we are going to be polite first and then soldiers. We didn't bomb you directly, but if you are stubborn, then don't blame us for bombing your city walls directly."

The Qing army on the tower was even more frightened when they heard this.

"Master Qian, let's open the city and surrender! They have such a powerful cannon. We can't stop it at all! Just now they just saluted before attacking us, and didn't directly bomb us. But even so, we lost dozens My brother, if they bomb us directly, we will lose everything in less than one round. If we die at that time, no one will pay us pensions. At that time, the dynasty will change, not only will we not be Loyal minister Fei, on the contrary, is a stubborn person. At that time, our family will suffer..."

"Yes! Sir Qian. Now the situation is very clear. Taiwan has sent some elites to sneak into the inner city and **** the nine gates. And they can enter the inner city at any time, and then force the queen mother and the emperor to abdicate. That It's time to change the dynasty. Why should we be so desperate? We surrendered directly, and we can go home safely. But we resisted, and there was no good end at all. These Taiwanese are also Chinese, anyway. It’s our own family, who is the emperor is not the same thing? So. Let’s surrender quickly, and then we leave quickly.”

Mr. Qian, the guard at the city gate, thought about it for a while, and then said helplessly, "Let's open the gate and surrender!"

Soon, the city gate was opened, and the Qing soldiers inside immediately began to put down their weapons and come out to surrender.

"It's really boring. I thought they were going to resist desperately, so that I could show my commanding skills!" Li Guodong muttered.

"Order, the first regiment of the guards is responsible for robbing the gates and guarding the gates of the capital. The second regiment of the guards is responsible for maintaining law and order in the capital. Let me shoot and kill them all. The Third Guards Regiment, go to seize the inner city and surround the Forbidden City without fighting, but don’t let out even a single fly. The Gendarmerie is responsible for maintaining discipline in the army. We reiterate once again, in If the military law is violated in the capital, the crime will be aggravated. The capital is the capital of China, and our entry into the capital represents our image, so whoever dares to destroy the image of our army is the sinner of our army." Wang Guorui said.


The troops of the Guards began to progress one by one in order, and starting from the first city gate, the following Qing army troops also took over the tower. Most of the other towers also chose to surrender. And even if some officers did not intend to surrender, they were all **** and offered by the soldiers, and then the soldiers surrendered. Only one city tower chose to resist to the end, but their fate was also very tragic. Most of the resisters were turned into a hornet's nest, and they died so much that they could die again.

There is no doubt about the powerful combat effectiveness of the Guards Division. Not only does it have one-third of the Red Police soldiers, but this ratio is very heaven-defying. Because with the expansion of the army, the proportion of red police soldiers in other troops is also decreasing. Most of the troops are less than one-fifth of the red police, and they all hold the position of squad leader. Just make sure to be loyal. This is a conscious result of Wang Guorui, because he hopes to reduce the proportion of Red Police soldiers so that the troops can develop healthily. Even in the future, Wang Guorui plans to continue to further reduce the proportion of red police soldiers, so that this is a truly healthy army, otherwise all red police soldiers are fighting, then after the establishment of the empire, do we still need to rely on red police soldiers? ?

But the Guards Division was different. The Guards Division was Wang Guorui's unit, and the proportion of Red Police soldiers in the Guards Division not only did not decrease, but increased. The Red Police soldiers drawn from other units were also transferred to the Guards Division. Because the guard divisions are all non-commissioned officers, and the Red Police soldiers are also non-commissioned officers, so they are just transferred to the guard division in the name of selection. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the guard division is very strong. Even the natural persons in the Guard Division are all veterans who have passed the political review. Most of them have completed at least one service cycle, and their training level is very good. There are not many troops with such fighting power in the whole world, and it is impossible to have so many troops as Wang Guorui. Wang Guorui also relied on China's huge population ratio and the red police system to produce so many elites. Otherwise, other countries would not be able to produce so many elites. Now it is used to fight the Qing army, it is simply killing chickens with a sledgehammer, it is a piece of cake.

"Reporting to Mr. Wang, we have wiped out all the resistance forces in the city, including the inner city and the outer city. The bannermen in the inner city did not choose to resist, they chose to sit idly by. With the cooperation of the Inner City, we also appeased the banner people in the inner city, and they all chose to accept us flatly, and did not choose to fight us desperately. And we did not take the initiative to harass them.

"Very Manchu Bannermen will be regarded as our second-class citizens in China in the future. Although they are second-class, they are still citizens, and their basic rights are still guaranteed. So they can choose to be ordinary. It doesn't matter if we accept it, we don't have to target them specifically," Wang Guorui said.

And Li Guodong immediately asked: "Master Wang, do we want to attack the imperial city?"

Wang Guorui shook his head and said, "Anyway, they're all ducks in the urn, so there's no need for it. Are you going to destroy your future home?"

"Oh? I understand. They can't escape anyway, and we don't need to destroy the Forbidden City for them. What Mr. Wang wants is a intact Forbidden City, I understand!" Li Guodong said.

Wang Guorui didn't attack the Forbidden City because he knew that the current artillery was too powerful. Once he started to attack and destroyed the Forbidden City, his future home would be destroyed. Anyway, these high-ranking officials of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were all trapped inside, so why should I mess up my future home for them? Since they are all the turtles in the urn, there is no need for it. I can clean up the palace guards of the Qing Dynasty at any time, so instead of thinking about attacking the imperial city, it is better to wait here for the command in front of Tianjin to fight against the enemy. Mainly to resist the invasion of foreigners. (To be continued.)

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