Red Alert 1895

Chapter 552: request 0 surname

"Hello, all coalition generals. '', I am a liaison staff officer of the Taiwan Army. My name is Xiang Fayun, and my rank is Lieutenant Colonel. I am here today because of the arrangement of General Hu Wei, the chief of staff of Taiwan's Northern Expedition. , I came here to discuss with you about handing over our civilians in the enemy-occupied areas of Tianjin. Although wars will break out in the future, and the wars will be concentrated in Tianjin, Tianjin will probably be reduced to a scorched earth. We are all soldiers, and the soldiers’ affairs should be resolved by the soldiers. The people are innocent. So please return the people in the occupied areas of Tianjin to us and let them take refuge in a safe place. As soldiers, we should That is to say, we have fulfilled our own responsibilities and fought desperately." Xiang Fayun said.

This Xiang Fayun was ordered by Hu Wei, and then came here to discuss with the officers of the coalition forces about returning the civilians. Because the various military forces have already occupied Tianjin, and there are many civilians in the occupied areas of Tianjin, if they fight at that time, it is easy to be accidentally injured by the Taiwan army, and it will be troublesome at that time. What's more, Tianjin is a city that was developed very early, and the urbanization is very good, and a large number of people are crowded in Tianjin, so once the bets start to fly everywhere, Tianjin may become a scorched earth. In this battle, they will definitely be fighting in the city, so it is also necessary to evacuate the people as soon as possible. However, these people are now under the control of the coalition forces of various countries. If Taiwan wants to obtain these people, it must be spit out by the coalition forces of various countries.

Moreover, in this way, it is also possible to avoid those methods of taking the people as hostages and using the people to threaten Taiwan in turn. If these foreign devils are allowed to use the common people to threaten Taiwan, then I am afraid that the Taiwan army will really be afraid of it. This is the disadvantage of playing at home. If it is said that sports pay attention to home games, the army must avoid fighting on its own home ground. Because if a war breaks out in one's own country, one's hands and feet must be bound, and it is difficult to let go of one's hands and feet. Because they are afraid that they will break their own pots and pans. They are also worried about harming the people and compatriots of their own country. But the enemy has no such scruples, so it is very easy for them to play 3 with their hands and feet. This is their different disadvantage.

After Xiang Fayun finished speaking, Akashi Genjiro immediately slapped the table and said, "That's right, why didn't I think of using ordinary people as hostages?"

After listening to what Akashi Motojiro said in English. The generals of various countries could not help but "blush". After all, most of the generals of various countries want face. This kind of thing of using civilians as hostages is really against military ethics. In Europe, most people pay attention to the so-called gentlemanly spirit and chivalry, which is not advocated or even very opposed to using innocent people in enemy countries as hostages. Although the various ** teams seldom pay attention to the so-called gentleman's spirit and chivalry, but they still have to act like a gentleman and a knight on the surface, otherwise it would be ugly to spread the word!

I am afraid that only the Japanese in the world have no scruples to directly use the people of the enemy country as hostages and as a means of shielding. But Akashi Genjiro said it so "frankly" directly, which made the generals of all countries blush.

they do not know. Akashi Genjiro did it on purpose. He said this on purpose, but he hoped to stimulate the idea of ​​saving face in the hearts of the generals of various countries. If Akashi Motojiro didn't say this, then the countries might still pretend to be stupid. Anyway, they would pretend to be stupid in front of Taiwan's liaison staff. However, Akashi Genjiro directly stated the use of the people as hostages, so that the generals of all countries must face a problem. That is whether to keep the people or not, Akashi Motojiro said it so frankly, but it clarified the problem. Once the problem is clear. Then a choice must be made, but no matter what the choice is, it is not conducive to the coalition forces of all countries.

Once these people are handed over. I am afraid that the coalition forces of various countries will directly face the unscrupulous artillery pressure on Taiwan. This is something that the coalition forces of various countries do not want to face. But on the other hand, if these people are left behind, how ugly it will be to spread the word! If it spreads to Europe, I'm afraid they don't need the face of these generals, don't say anything about military exploits at that time. I'm afraid that he will really become a laughing stock among the soldiers, and his future will be gone. European countries still pay attention to face, and are much more "civilized" than Japan. If it is spread that they use the common people as a shield, they will have a bad reputation in the first place.

Secondly, those who are their opponents will also use this statement to attack them. You are all senior generals. Who doesn't have a few enemies in their own country? At that time, it is easy to be caught by the pigtails and criticized, and even the boss will doubt their ability. If you are capable enough, why do you still want to take hostages as a shield? If it is said that the Allied Forces of the Eight Nations are majestic, and everyone is mainly from European countries, if they still use the people of a backward country as hostages, then they will really face the result of being scolded.

"Everyone, what do you think?" Seymour asked.

But at this time, Lieutenant General Jared of the United States looked at the sky, and Dashanyan of Japan looked at the ground. The Russian general seemed not to hear him, and was still playing with his fingers. Seymour was very frustrated, and the generals of these three major countries were obviously playing dumb and kicked the ball to Seymour. Anyway, everyone didn't say anything. Once Seymour left the common people at that time, it was Seymour who was condemned by foreigners at that time. Anyway, it was Seymour who left stains in history, and it had nothing to do with everyone.

Everyone is old-fashioned when they are doing it. It is better not to take the initiative to express your opinion on such a thing that has left a huge stain on your military career. Anyway, at that time, it will be pushed to Seymour, the commander-in-chief of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, and then let him take the blame.

Seymour is also an old fritter, how could he be willing to take the blame alone? Although everyone wanted to keep these civilians as hostages, none of them wanted to leave a stain on their military career. Especially the coalition forces of these countries. If it's just one country's army, then everyone can digest it internally, but this is the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, everyone should be wary of each other's "international influence"! If there is only Japan on the scene, the Japanese will leave these people as hostages without any scruples. But now that the generals from various countries are here, Dashanyan dare not say what he left directly, after all, this is too damaging to Japan's international image.

"German generals, let's talk about your German opinions!" Seymour asked.

But the German general pretended to be stupid and said: "Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief Seymour, our German army directly mails 500 people, and our Emperor asks me to obey your British."

The German generals also kicked the ball back, which obviously made Seymour very frustrated. The current situation is very obvious, that is, everyone hopes that these people will stay as hostages, but no one wants to bear this stain in history and the history of their military career that will not be washed away for a lifetime. This time the Eight-Nation Allied Forces represented the image of each country, and everyone began to feel embarrassed. How should this be resolved?

And Seymour did not continue to ask the French, because most of the French were pretending to be stupid and would not answer directly.

"Damn it, the commander of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces really wasn't made by humans. These guys, everyone will go up when they see the benefits, but if something goes wrong, I, the commander of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, will be blamed. Besides, we British are only a few thousand troops. , the real power in the Eight-Nation Allied Forces is not as great as that of the Americans. As a commander, I don’t have much power to speak, and it is impossible to give orders to other countries, and I can only negotiate and discuss. It's really unreasonable for me to take the blame." Seymour cursed in his heart.

Seymour, the commander, is also very aggrieved, because the Eight-Nation Allied Forces is actually a joint bandit gang, and their right to speak depends entirely on their respective strengths. Although this Seymour is the commander-in-chief in name, in fact he is just a coordinating officer sent by the British. The British are only a few thousand in the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Compared with the 30,000 in the United States and the more than 100,000 in Japan, they are all this Seymour is just an empty commander, The power is very small, and it is only qualified for coordination, not for command.

"Well, let's do this. Regarding this matter, I think it is too important. We must gather several generals to discuss it carefully. Only in this way can we give you an answer, so please go back first, and we will discuss it together Yes," Seymour said.

Seymour is also a veteran. Although the cultures of the East and the West are different, as an official, everyone will know that there is a very useful trick, that is, Tai Chi. Seymour played Tai Chi, hoping to delay this matter. Anyway, let this Xiang Fayun go back first, and then he can delay it. As long as it is delayed for a while, the battle between the two sides will break out, and there will be no chance to discuss it at that time. Therefore, Seymour intends to use the procrastination tactic to delay this matter until the two sides officially start a war, so that those common people will also become innocent people. At that time, it was not that the coalition forces of various countries did not want to hurt, but the "helplessness" of the actual situation!

When Xiang Fayun saw these old guys, he cursed inwardly, "They're all a bunch of politicians!"

Xiang Fayun hurriedly left. He knew that this matter must be resolved by his superiors. He, a lieutenant colonel, could no longer solve such a huge matter. (To be continued..) u

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