Red Alert 1895

Chapter 558: Stealing chickens is not enough to lose money

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"Haha, it seems that the previous training is still useful. If we don't have this bullet shelter, I'm afraid we will suffer very heavy losses. However, since we can throw it over, why can't we throw it back? I think there should be Opportunity to throw it back, right?" said a recruit.

Because these American grenades are detonated with a fuse, unlike the grenades of later generations that are detonated by touch. The grenades in this period used fuses, and then they would explode after the fuses burned out. But after arriving, the grenades are all used to touch the bomb, and they explode immediately when they hit the ground. However, the touch fuze is not so easy to invent, and this method of fuse is also used now. Generally speaking, this lead-in method can burn for seven seconds. When throwing out, the grenade will not be burned immediately, so some veterans can also take the opportunity to pick up the grenade and throw it back again immediately.

However, only some veterans can do this.

"Idiot, do you think it's easy to throw a grenade back? Throwing a grenade back takes about three or four seconds for a series of actions, from finding, picking up, aiming, and throwing, and this time is very dangerous. The enemy has already used it. About three seconds, and if we use three seconds again, we may only have one second left. At that time, we may hardly have a chance. In case the enemy deliberately delays throwing the grenade for three seconds again, then What should we do? At that time, it was impossible for us; if we can throw it back, it will be ourselves who will suffer at that time."

"So, in the training code, this kind of risky behavior is definitely not encouraged. Most of them use kicking or throwing into the bullet shelter, which can effectively avoid explosion and killing. If you risk throwing it back, it is a It's very dangerous. It doesn't matter if you die. If you kill your comrades, you will be guilty of a serious crime. Besides, the effect of a grenade may not be that great, so there is no need to be greedy for cheap."

The recruit didn't dare to say anything more, but just looked at the battlefield in the distance.

"Don't shoot, keep the firepower dwindling, and make the Americans think we have suffered heavy casualties," said a company commander.

soon. After each connection, only one squad was firing, so the firepower density of the entire Fifth Division position was reduced to only about one battalion. This made the Americans very excited, because they knew they had succeeded.

"The whole army is attacking. The Chinese have already suffered heavy casualties. Our entire army is attacking. As long as we can break through their flank, then we can give them a right uppercut and let them see how powerful we are!" Jared shouted excitedly road.

But Da Shanyan sneered from a distance and said: "Idiot, if the Taiwanese are so easy to deal with, then will our Great Japanese Empire lose troops and generals back then?"

However, Dashanyan didn't remind them of their thoughts, let these Americans charge, and then hoped that they could consume their troops. Anyway, they and the Americans are not really all the way, so they are also a group of robbers who are waiting to rob and share the loot. own strength. When tearing apart the spoils for the future, there is capital alone.

"The tens of thousands of American troops have come up, and our artillery is ready!" Zhang Guifang said.

The artillery regiment of the fifth division immediately calibrated Zhuyuan for the last time. Then the artillery has already started to stuff the shells into the barrel, and then waits for the order from above to come.

"We let the American army approach first, let the infantry kill the enemy first, and then wait for the Americans to retreat before firing." Zhang Guifang said.

"What? Shouldn't we shoot the enemy first, and then counterattack with machine guns and rifles when we get close?" Someone asked in confusion.

Zhang Guifang immediately said: "If it is an ordinary enemy, then of course there is no problem. But if it is an American, the order will naturally be reversed. The fighting will of the Americans is not as strong as that of other countries' armies, so we have to do it the other way around. It works, otherwise if the artillery fires too early, maybe the Americans will collapse too early, and we will not be able to kill too many enemies. We counted the Americans this time. We hope to kill their vital forces, so naturally we have to do the opposite."

"So that's it, Master Zhang really has the level!" A staff officer said.

When more than 30,000 Americans poured into the position of the Fifth Division, the soldiers of the Fifth Division did not open fire immediately, but waited for the signal flare. And those Americans saw that there was not much artillery fire against themselves, and the enemy's rifle counterattack force was also sparse, obviously there was not much counterattack. This one makes the Americans feel very proud, because they know that most of the Taiwanese troops were bombed by grenades just now and suffered heavy casualties. You must know that in this kind of trench warfare, grenades will play a role again.

Since the invention of artillery, grenades have gradually encountered a cold winter and cannot be used on the battlefield. The grenade has become a neglected weapon, but now the Americans suddenly use it, so the Americans think that the Taiwanese will never think of the use of this weapon. Even their allies didn't think of this kind of weapon, so how could the Taiwanese be prepared, so they all think that Taiwan has suffered heavy casualties from these grenade strikes, and it should be impossible to fight back. So they think that Americans are heroes, the heroes who defeated Taiwan.

"Come on!" the U.S. Army yelled.

"Prepare the light machine gun, prepare the mortar, and watch the signal flare." The battalion commander of an infantry battalion said.

Although it is not yet possible for every squad to be equipped with a light machine gun, every battalion has a company that can be equipped with a light machine gun, so it is necessary to prepare a light machine gun first. The light machine gun is an automatic weapon responsible for close-range suppression, coupled with the battalion's machine gun company, this is a heavy machine gun responsible for long-range support. This time the Americans are counted, but they must be counted as much as possible, so that they can kill those Americans to the greatest extent.


An orange-red flare was fired into the sky, indicating that firing had begun.

"Call me!" Many battalion and company commanders issued the same order at the same time.

"Da da da da..."

With the simultaneous firing of machine guns and rifles, the Americans were swept to the ground like cutting wheat. They never thought that Taiwan would be able to fight back. They also used grenades to kill a large number of enemies just now, but why is there still such a fierce firepower now, and they are still not allowed to live.

"Back, back!" shouted the American officer.

Soon, although only two or three thousand people were killed in the first round of strafing, more than 30,000 U.S. troops immediately chose to retreat instead of continuing to work hard. And this situation makes many Taiwanese military officers look down on it.

"Hey, you still claim to be a Western power? Is it at this level?" Someone immediately said with disdain.

"At this level, even the Spaniards are no match. This is the Americans who are known as big countries? The U.S. Army is really not good. If we fired first, they might have already run away, and we can't hit them at all. I'm afraid such a coward would not even be able to charge in the face of artillery fire." Someone immediately said.

The U.S. Army in this time and space has not been baptized by the Spanish-American War, so naturally it does not have the tenacious will to fight. Therefore, these U.S. military teams are also defeated in one fight, and they don't have any courage to continue fighting. They began to retreat one after another, but they didn't know that artillery was waiting for them!

"Brothers in the artillery, fire me up, and give these American 'friends' a good farewell!" shouted the artillery chief.


The artillery fire began to sound violently, and dozens of cannons from the Artillery Regiment began to bombard the retreating road of the US Army. At this time, the Americans just started to retreat, but they never thought that the shells fell on their heads.

"How can the Chinese use cannons? Why didn't they use them just now?" Immediately, an American soldier asked a very stupid question.

"Go, retreat as soon as possible!" The US Army shouted.

But no matter how the U.S. Army yelled, they couldn't stop the artillery fire from Taiwan, and then set off bursts of explosions, and finally the U.S. Army was blown away. However, the more Americans were bombed, the more they retreated, because they knew that only by evacuating to a safe place as soon as possible could they avoid being bombed.

"The artillery fire extends, and then I must blow them up! The Americans have suffered heavy losses!" The artillery chief shouted.

The Americans kept retreating Then the Americans paid a terrible price before retreating to a safe zone.

"Lieutenant General Jared, we lost 10,000 people!" Someone said immediately after counting the results.

"Lieutenant General Jared, this is the new tactic of your Americans? It seems that this time you can steal the chicken and lose the rice!" Akashi Genjiro said.

"Akashi Genjiro, what do you mean?" Lieutenant General Jared asked.

"It's okay, that is, whoever just said that he would definitely be able to break through the Taiwanese position, but he didn't expect to steal a lot of money. Well, I'm not talking about you, please don't get me wrong. It's like I never I misunderstood what you said about the yellow-skinned monkey referring to Sang and Huai as saying that we are Japanese, but I really didn’t mean that!” said Akashi Genjiro.

"Akashi Genjiro, I'll fight you!" Jared said angrily.

"Okay, stop arguing, the Americans have fought, and then let the Japanese fight! This battle, except for Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, other countries will fight, and everyone will take turns." Seymour Said with Mud. (to be continued...)

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