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Chapter 560: Female Principal of Peking University (Part 2)

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When Wang Guorui announced the appointment of He Pingping as the principal, the students and teachers of the newly established Peking University were completely blown away. Because they didn't expect that Taiwan would appoint a woman as the principal, and this woman looked only twenty-five or sixteen years old, but she could also be the principal of a university? You must know that in the past, the central officials of the imperial court served as the chief instructors in the imperial university halls, and they were all high-ranking officials at the department hall level! This is actually asking a woman to serve as the new president of Peking University, even at the age of twenty-five or six. How can they bear it? You must know that many of the students they are working on are over 30 years old, but of course they will not let someone younger than themselves, or even a woman, be the principal.

Especially for those teachers, it is even more psychologically unbalanced. A young man, even a woman, can be the headmaster, so don't they all live on dogs?

"No, why let such a young person be the principal?" Immediately, an old teacher asked.

And Wang Guorui said: "This order was reported to the Governor's Office by the Department of Education, and I personally approved it. Therefore, you don't need to say anything, you can only accept the order. Ms. He Pingping used to be the dean of education at the vice-principal level at Taiwan Hai University. She has always worked very hard. So although Ms. He Pingping is very young, she has completely experienced work experience in multiple senior education positions, and she is completely qualified to be the principal of a new school. And whoever we arrange to be the principal is our responsibility. Taiwan’s Governor’s Office, and what you have to do is to teach well, and then study hard, so that you can continue to strive to build Peking University into a high-level university as soon as possible, a real university that can stand tall in the world.”

"No, I don't agree, we don't agree to a woman being our principal!" "Yes! It's insulting, it's really insulting!" "It's not reasonable, it's insulting!" "We firmly disagree. We firmly disagree Agree to a woman to be the principal!"

Many of those teachers also started to protest one after another, especially the Confucian classics teachers. They are even a bunch of corrupt scholars, and they cannot allow this woman to be the principal. but. If they think they can do anything, then they have miscalculated.

"Then we are appointed, you can only choose to accept it! If you don't accept it, you can find a way out yourself!" Wang Guorui said.

However, after hearing this. Many classics teachers immediately shouted: "We resign, we resign and quit."

But Wang Guorui said: "Miss He Pingping, you are the new president of the university. You said that someone under you has resigned. How do you solve it?"

"It's very simple, just do whatever you want?" He Pingping said.

He Pingping immediately said: "Those who want to resign, come and register!"

Soon, those Confucianism teachers also went to register, and then they represented that they were going to resign. Not long after, a signature form with more than 30 names was handed over to He Pingping. Then He Pingping also put them away.

"Since you want to resign from Peking University, we all agree. As the president, I also agree to your resignation. You will no longer be our teachers at Peking University. Please leave Peking University," He Pingping said .

But those classics teachers were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the new headmistress would be so ruthless that they would be expelled directly, and they were the ones who wanted to resign. Just now they just hoped that by resigning, Wang Guorui would be forced to agree to change to another person as the principal. At least change to a man, right? Naturally, they were unwilling to be led by a woman, so they wanted to force Wang Guorui to change his mind. Therefore, he actively hopes to increase the pressure on Wang Guorui by resigning.

But now the new headmistress actually approved their resignation, which surprised them all.

"My lord Wang didn't even approve it. Why do you, a woman, agree?" "Yes! It should be decided by my lord Wang. You are not qualified to decide our positions!"…

These guys also began to hope that Wang Guorui would speak out. Because they never thought that people like themselves would be fired. Originally, they just hoped to exert pressure, but now they are really going to be packed away. They really are not used to it. Originally, they used resignation as an excuse because they hoped that their superiors could retain them, and then after their superiors retained them. They can take the opportunity to set a lot of excessive conditions, and then force the superiors to unify. But now they actually agreed directly, which made them not human inside and out.

"Miss He Pingping is now the principal of Peking University, so I naturally won't be able to interfere. So, since you have asked to resign and the principal has agreed, then you are no longer the principal of Peking University," Wang Guorui said.

Immediately someone said: "If so many people resign, isn't it afraid that outsiders will listen to it? Isn't it afraid that teaching will be affected?"

And He Pingping immediately said: "All walks of life in Taiwan are free to come and go, and you will not be forced or firmly ordered to stay here. Whether it is a government official or an ordinary worker, if he wants to resign, maybe the superior will keep him. , if you really want to resign resolutely, then I will not force it. After all, the flow of talents is free, and we cannot forcibly interfere, otherwise it will be slavery. Since you look down on me at Peking University, you don’t want to stay at Peking University. , then I have nothing to do. Since you are determined to leave, I can only approve it. After all, we are free to come and go! As for teaching being affected, I don’t think this is a problem. Because we will Some capable teachers were transferred from Taihai University to work in Peking University. The teachers of this Taihai University are all experienced teachers, which are much better than those in Beijing Normal University. Therefore, they are qualified for the next teaching work and the next educational task. .So, since you have resigned, it’s good to ask you to find another job.”

Those teachers who resigned were also driven away, obviously they drove away mercilessly.

"These guys are really a bunch of idiots!" Wang Guorui cursed.

Wang Guorui's arrogance to these teachers who resigned was so serious that they still judged people in Taiwan by the same way as the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty. The so-called resignation in the official circles of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties did not really want to resign, but just hoped that the superiors and even the emperor would retain him, and then he took the opportunity to offer conditions. These guys have applied the Manchu style to Taiwan. Isn't this just asking for trouble? Wang Guorui didn't have any tricks to play with corporals.

Wang Guorui didn't need to be courteous and corporal, because he knew that there were too many people who learned martial arts and sold them to the emperor's family. There has been no shortage of these people since ancient times, and there are many such people in foreign countries. Since ancient times, any industry may be short of people, but officials can never be short of people. Whether it is China or foreign countries, there is never a shortage of officials. There may be a shortage of low-level civil servants in foreign countries, but the supply of middle and senior leadership positions is in short supply, so it is impossible to lack qualified talents for official positions. The reason why there is a shortage of civil servants in foreign countries is that they are low-level civil servants, not mid-level and high-level officials. Since they are unwilling to do it, there are many people who are willing to replace them. Why does Wang Guorui keep them? They are incompetent and old-fashioned in thinking. It is not only useless to keep them, but also very harmful, so there is no need to keep them. They used the Manchu Qing method to measure Taiwan, and it was really a miscalculation.

Then, President He Pingping immediately began to announce: "Now, I announce that everything in Peking University will be changed. First of all, the first one, one of the compulsory courses in the past was Confucian classics. From now on, Confucian classics will no longer be taught. It is a compulsory course, and it is only an elective course. You can choose Confucian classics according to your own interests, but it is no longer a compulsory course."

Hearing these words, those Confucianism teachers who had achieved great success even lamented in their hearts. In the past, in the Imperial University, although I studied various professional subjects I learned a lot of new science. But this study of Confucian classics stubbornly exists, and it is still one of the compulsory courses in the Beijing Normal University. Students must study Confucian classics.

But now they are so ruthless that they directly take Confucian classics out of the compulsory courses and turn them into elective courses. Although this subject is still retained, it has become an elective course. In this era, if students are not forced to study, how can the classics be learned? In the past, the corrupt scholars of the imperial court could use their power to force students to continue to study Confucian classics, but now that the new headmaster appointed by Wang Guorui is here, he will obviously not give them this opportunity, and directly make Confucian classics an elective course.

So in this case, how many people are willing to take this elective course, so this is completely digging the foundation of Confucianism. We must know that the reason why Confucianism can last forever is not because of how attractive their disciplines are, or how agreeable their moral concepts are. It is because they have power, and those in power want to support Confucianism. Anyone who wants to be an official must learn Confucianism, so they can let countless people study it. If those in power don't support Confucianism and don't continue to order people all over the world to learn Confucianism, it will definitely not be able to continue to prosper.

Without the support of power, Confucianism must be like rootless duckweed, unable to survive at all. So once this Confucian classics becomes an elective course, how many people are willing to study it, I am afraid that many people will know. (To be continued.)

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