Red Alert 1895

Chapter 588: Bannerman Going to School (Part 2)

"Husband, those hundreds of thousands of banner people in the capital will be sent to various vocational training schools, technical schools, and various vocational skills classes in batches. After the training is completed, they will be given priority to work, even more than many Han people. But, husband, is it really okay for you to do this? Really Can we make them listen to us?" Liu Xue asked.

Liu Xue is one of Wang Guorui's women, and she is also the director of the Labor Department of the Taiwan government, responsible for the protection of workers' rights and interests. Liu Xuelai is also responsible for those vocational skills schools and other schools. These vocational skills training schools are all managed by the Labor Department, and then accept the supervision and guidance of the Education Department, but the main management power is still in the Labor Department . The Labor Department will gradually be upgraded to the Ministry of Labor in the future, and it can be regarded as one of the very important departments. Now Wang Guorui has given Liu Xue a task, which is to let those banner people enter various skill training schools. Hundreds of thousands of banner people have to go in to learn life-making skills, so that they can also make a good living.

"That's right, this matter is very important, and it must be well prepared. Since ancient times, our vocational skills in China have been passed down from generation to generation, and we have paid attention to what the ancestors did and what the descendants would do. Many vocational skills are also It is passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, from son to grandson, almost from generation to generation. The son of a farmer is a farmer, and the son of a butcher is a butcher. There is not much choice for them. The reason why this is the case , that is related to the lack of vocational education. Because in ancient times, the secrecy of these crafts was very strict, and not many people were willing to pass them on to their children who were not their own. "

"In this case, once the inheritance is broken, the consequences will be very serious. Although many people think that these bannermen are useless, they have no skills at all, and they are not worthy of reuse. Even many bannerman emperors I think the Bannermen are not available. They have no ability to earn a living, and they all live on the banner salary. They are a group of very lazy people. But I don’t think so. I think these Bannermen actually need to be saved. It’s not themselves Willing to be lazy. Willing to fall, but no one is giving them a chance to pick themselves up."

"As I said just now, the inheritance of various professions in our China is inherited from generation to generation. Once a certain node of this line is broken, this ability will also be broken. At that time, in order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the banner people, they will not hesitate to pay them wages, that is, the banner salary, so that they can concentrate on martial arts. But in fact, they are also a group of people who are suddenly rich. When they get up, they will all become happy to enjoy themselves in this situation, rather than working hard.”

"They were already greedy for enjoyment, and when the country was just founded. The finances of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were still good enough to allow them to live a good life. But in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Cong'er's uprising was suppressed, and then in the middle of the Jiaqing Daoguang period, and then In the late Qing Dynasty, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was in turmoil, and then gradually devoured the financial revenue of the Qing Dynasty. The fiscal revenue of the Manchu Qing was reduced and could not meet the life of the banner people, so they have not raised the banner salary for the banner people for many years. And They also set up various rules and regulations. From the beginning, bannermen could get the banner salary, and later only soldiers could get the banner salary. One can imagine that the life of these full people is not very good!"

Liu Xue immediately asked: "Then these banner people won't look for jobs?"

"When looking for a job, you have to face the first one. The Manchu and Qing courts did not allow them to find a job, and they were not allowed to engage in agriculture, industry and commerce. The second one. They can't be ashamed. They have been uncles for so many years. I am ashamed to work for the Han people!"

"Of course, the first two things are not too difficult. The most important one is that they don't have the ability to make a living! Their ancestors fought wars, and then they started greedy for pleasure and ruined their family business. In addition, the salary is increasing. It's not enough for them to live. It's not that they don't want to make a living, but they have already cut off their ability to make a living. It's like a rich man who has no worries about food and clothing. One day he went bankrupt and became a pauper. What do you think he will do? He can’t farm, work, or do anything, maybe he can only beg on the street.”

"In addition, there was no vocational skills training in ancient times, and other people were unwilling to pass on their professional skills to outsiders, so they had no channels to learn the ability to make a living. Under such circumstances, they were naturally Dissatisfaction arose. So I specially opened vocational skills training courses for these banner people, and even gave them priority to work. means, and with suitable jobs, they can really make a living by themselves, so they will not look forward to the restoration of the Qing Dynasty. participated together."

Wang Guorui said this to Liu Xue. In fact, the core idea is one very important point, that is, the bannermen are not completely incompetent. They just don't have the means to make a living. Many novels of later generations in the late Qing Dynasty also advertised the bannermen as lazy and incompetent, but Wang Guorui came to this era, and in fact realized that the bannermen in the late Qing Dynasty were not so scary. It's not that they don't want to make a living, it's that they don't have the means to make a living. China's vocational skills transmission system undermines their means of earning a living.

So they have no place to make a living at all, they can only do nothing. According to Wang Guorui's speculation, the reason why they chose to actively participate in the restoration in the past was that they had no means of earning a living. In the past, many time-traveling novels regarded them as people who were keen on restoration, but they seriously ignored their lack of means to seek further. Because they had no means of earning a living, they completely cut off their salary after the revolution, and they could not earn a living even after they lost their income. No job means no income, and no income naturally means dissatisfaction with the society and the government. Once dissatisfied, they will cause trouble. For example, when they talk about restoration, they are actually a kind of troublesome behavior because of unemployment. Under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, they were paid by the flag, and although they were not full, they could not starve to death. However, when the new government had no salary and could not find a job, they naturally chose to participate in the restoration by "taking the lesser of the two harms".

So this is why they are considered to be keen on restoration and old-fashioned. In fact, not all Manchus are conservative, and there are even enlightened factions among Manchu officials. For example, Yiliang, Governor of Liangjiang decades ago, was a true enlightened faction.

"We in Taiwan are different from the past. We have a sound vocational education system and can fully undertake the responsibility of training skilled workers. If they are unemployed for a long time and have no source of income, they will naturally be dissatisfied with me. Then they will naturally choose to be with me. The conservative restoration factions of the Manchu Qing came together. This is also normal, because they have no income and are dissatisfied with the government and make troubles. This happens in any country. In fact, they participated in the restoration, but they were just venting their dissatisfaction with the government under certain income conditions. We In fact, there is no need to really treat them as supporters of the restoration. As long as we can find them a job, a stable job, and a stable income, they will live in peace. These bannermen have already passed For hundreds of years, the desperate courage of our ancestors has long been lost. So as long as we are willing to really find them a stable job and a stable income, then they will be satisfied."

"I don't even have to guard against As long as they have a stable job and income, no matter how much those dignitaries in the Manchu Qing Dynasty incite them to restore, they will still choose to stand by us. Heaven and Earth Big, big rice bowl, this principle is not only for us Han people, but also for these Manchus. They don’t care whether the imperial court is Manchus or Hans, as long as we don’t carry out random killings, so that they can survive and have a share They will also be willing to support us if they have a stable job. Only those high officials and dignitaries in the Qing Dynasty who are full of men and don’t know if they are hungry, they have not experienced the hardships of the lower-level banner people, so they will choose to restore.”

Wang Guorui does not think that Manchus are incompetent, and there are many Manchu celebrities in the 21st century, and even among the founding generals and various founding fathers, there are quite a few Manchus. Even Wang Guorui thought that if a satisfied general hadn't died early back then, if he had survived to the founding of the country, he might have been able to become a marshal! So the Manchus are not bad, in fact, it is a deformed system that restricts them and prevents them from being able to survive normally. As long as they are willing to open a door specifically for them, they will not choose to fight you to the end. If you don't give them a way out, let alone the Manchus, even the Han people won't support you. Therefore, only by doing a good job in their employment issues can they really support you. Otherwise, the employment problem will not be solved, not to mention full of people, even the Han people will not support you. (To be continued.)

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