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Chapter 598: Sacrificial Daughter and Restoration of the Country (Part 2)

Wang Guorui saw that all the daughters of North Korean nobles were free to choose. These dozens of North Korean nobles all dressed up their daughters beautifully. 『≤, and these dozens of nobles also brought the daughters of no less than a hundred people. This made Wang Guorui feel a little picky for a while. And Wang Guorui finally knew how happy the emperor in the feudal era was, under the influence of power, he was able to let himself choose women at will. And I am currently only picking among the few North Korean nobles, and there are many beauties among them. After all, the nobles are the result of genetic improvement after marrying beauties for generations. And other emperors can choose concubines all over the world, so I don't know how many beauties have been selected into the harem.

However, Wang Guorui finally resisted the temptation to choose a concubine from all over the world. Because doing so would be a big loss to the hearts of the people. Although this will not be feared within ten years, but after ten years, everyone's awareness of openness and various democratic powers will be improved. At that time, Wang Guorui is really going to be unlucky . What's more, if you choose so many women to come in, will you come here with your own favor? So this is impossible at all, this Wang Guorui will naturally not have a chance. However, Wang Guorui had to figure out what these Korean nobles wanted to do next.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Wang Guorui asked.

"Master Wang, that is, our daughter admires you very much, Mr. Wang, and is willing to come and serve Mr. Wang." A North Korean nobleman said.

"Speak human!" Wang Guorui said bluntly.

Hearing Wang Guorui's words, the North Korean nobles didn't dare to say anything, they just said: "Master Wang, please help us restore our country!"

"Is that why you sent your daughter here?" Wang Guorui hummed inwardly.

These North Korean nobles sent their daughters here, in addition to dedicating their daughters to Wang Guorui, the more important thing was to hope that Wang Guorui could send troops to help them restore their country. Only in this way can they return to North Korea and continue to be nobles. Moreover, when they can sacrifice their daughters to let Wang Guorui help them restore the country, they will be North Korea's "heroes for the restoration of the country", and they were obtained at the expense of their daughters. And on the other hand. They have also become the father-in-law and father-in-law of the emperor of the Shang Dynasty, so their status will be greatly improved when they return to North Korea!

Like this kind of nobles, they are nothing in China. Although China will receive them for the so-called "hospitable" reasons, then they can all get a life without worrying about food and clothing. But this feeling of depending on others is really bad. They always hope to return to North Korea and continue to be the nobles. Although he has gained so-called respect in China, he has no power at all. It is better to go to North Korea and become a local emperor. And if they can dedicate their daughters to Wang Guorui, then they can all double their worth in North Korea. Became the father-in-law of the Emperor of China. This will definitely be of great benefit to them in improving their domestic status, and then they will be able to obtain sufficient status. At that time, even the monarch of North Korea had to give them some face, and this was what they thought.

"You want me to send troops to restore the country?" Wang Guorui asked.

"Yes, Mr. Wang, please send troops to help us restore our country as soon as possible! We North Korea admire the heavenly kingdom, just like a baby looking forward to its parents, so please send troops as soon as possible!" those guys said immediately.

But Wang Guorui said: "At present, our country is not completely unified, and foreign countries are still invading. We are temporarily unable to help you restore the country."

And those guys' faces were gloomy, and they obviously became very headaches in the end.

However, next, Wang Guorui went to say: "The so-called asking for help, you must save yourself. If you don't help yourself, how can you really save yourself? You can't rely on us all, and we will certainly help you when the time comes." Your restoration of the country does not mean that you do not save yourself. If you do not save yourself, then no matter how others save you, you are useless. Therefore, I think you must find a way to save yourself. "

"Master Wang, how can we save ourselves?" A North Korean nobleman immediately asked.

Wang Guorui replied: "It's actually simple. I can give you some weapons and some grassroots officers. Then you go to North Korea to organize guerrillas. Then form guerrillas to harass the Japanese garrison in North Korea and make them all be killed. Get exhausted. You can harass and consume their strength, and then mobilize those who are unwilling to be ruled by the Japanese, and form guerrillas together to fight against the Japanese. Then you can clean up those Japanese who are alone .If the Japanese are left alone, you will take the initiative to kill them. Once the enemy's large forces come, you can also dodge. In this way, the enemy advances and retreats. The sixteen-character strategic policy I developed can be used for guerrilla warfare!"

Hearing this, the North Korean nobles also looked a little unhappy. They thought they could rely on the Celestial Kingdom to help them drive away the Japanese, and then continue to be uncles. But now they heard that Wang Guorui would not send troops immediately, but they could all know the reason. Because they knew that Wang Guorui's country was currently being invaded by various countries, so it was naturally impossible to send troops out. In addition, although Wang Guorui occupied the capital, he only occupied the two provinces of Zhili and Shandong. None of the other provinces was able to occupy it, so he did not unify the whole country. How can they have the ability to hit others at present? So this situation must have made everyone feel very helpless. They haven't done their own housework well, so how can they help you with other people's housework?

As for letting those nobles go to fight guerrillas, how can they bear it! These aristocrats, all of them have no worries about food and clothing, and they live in the days when they stretch out their clothes and eat their mouths. Even if they went into exile in Manchuria, they could all live this kind of life. But now they are actually going to fight guerrillas and hang out with those mud legs? This one makes them shake their heads immediately. If they were allowed to fight guerrillas, they might as well live with Wang Guorui in the capital! Anyway, as long as they dedicate their daughters to Wang Guorui, they will be the head of the country, so what is there to worry about? Even if you don't have any power, at least you can have wealth and life.

"It's so muddy that it won't stick to the wall. With your level, North Korea will be defeated by you even if there are no Japanese coming!" Wang Guorui cursed inwardly.

Wang Guorui didn't really take North Korea seriously. This kind of country has always been able to survive only by relying on others. In their eyes, they can only rely on the strong. If the boss becomes weak, they will betray without hesitation. When the Mongols came, they were attached to the Mongols, and after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, they all followed the Ming Dynasty. As for now, they are all relying on the Qing Dynasty, and they will still be attached to themselves after they establish a country. The current nominal ruler of North Korea, Lee Dynasty, was established in 1388 AD, and now they have a history of more than 600 years. And the reason why they have been able to rule for so many years is that they mainly rely on the support of China to survive. If they are not allowed to enter the same historical cycle as China, they will perish repeatedly and establish new dynasties.

This country of more than six hundred years, only the Zhou Dynasty in China's feudal dynasty can survive it. However, the Zhou Dynasty was only a dynasty in name, and by the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, it had already lost much power. And the one who can actually hold power for more than 600 years is the Lee Dynasty.

"Since Lee was in North Korea, since he was controlled by the Japanese, he has done a lot of things that are not in the interests of the Korean people. So I think Lee is no longer qualified to be the king of North Korea, so I think it's better for the people to choose another one." The king, continue to rule North Korea like this. And this king must have more contact with the local people at that time, and then be more familiar with the hearts of the people. And, can he be willing to come together with our new China and cooperate well to create a harmonious development between China and North Korea? !"

Hearing Wang Guorui's words, those North Korean nobles became excited immediately, because they knew that this might be an opportunity! The meaning of Wang Guorui is also very obvious, that is, Wang Guorui does not intend to let the Li family continue to hold power, so he intends to establish another king. And everyone here also has a chance, which makes everyone hope to seize this opportunity.

And those people have heard it is to say, the North Korean people must support it. Of course, this is actually not important. Anyway, as long as you get the support of China, there is no problem. So they all began to think about whether to go back to the country for gold plating, and then win over the hearts of the people, so that they would have the capital to compete for the position of the king of North Korea.

"Master Wang, I am willing to go to North Korea and return to North Korea to fight guerrillas!" said a North Korean nobleman.

"Yes! Master Wang, we are willing to take the initiative to contribute to the country and the nation, and then go back to the country to fight guerrillas and harass the Japanese."

Hearing that this stock offered the throne of the Korean king as a "reward", everyone also hoped to get it, and immediately planned to fight guerrillas. As for the position of the king, everyone is very tempted. As long as you can get it, it will definitely be a big profit.

"Okay, I'll support you with a batch of weapons and equipment right away, and then I can get enough resistance capital." Wang Guorui said.

"Yes!" the nobles said immediately. (To be continued.)

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