Red Alert 1895

Chapter 709: Everyone is rushing to be the son-in-law (Part 2)

"Master Wang, according to the information sent back by the intelligence personnel of the European Station of the General Intelligence Agency's European Station, five members of the two houses of the Netherlands have submitted their resignations in just three days, and they do not intend to continue to serve as this member. Before long, perhaps more and more MPs will resign voluntarily, and then the Netherlands may fall into a peak of MP resignations. At that time, I am afraid that both houses of the Netherlands may be in danger of collapse. Now the Dutch MPs are beginning to It's obviously very disturbing to become panicked." Li Zhanfeng, the head of the attendant's room, reported to Wang Guorui.

After hearing this, Wang Guorui couldn't help but smile wryly: "My daughter is really not worried about marrying, the princes of the two empires want to marry her!"

Wang Guorui's words were not only not happy, but rather helpless. Because this daughter is not an ordinary daughter, she is the first heir of the Netherlands, and if nothing else happens, she will be the leader of the Dutch Nassau family and the king of the Netherlands. What's even more deceitful is that the geographical location of the Netherlands is so "good" that neither the two empires dared to give up. At this time, the marriage has gotten a little out of control, and it has completely become a battlefield for the game between Britain and Germany, so can the pressure not be too great?

"My lord, the Netherlands is just at the meeting point between Britain and Germany. If the Netherlands falls to Germany, the UK will feel a huge threat. For example, as long as Germany stationed a group of light and fast warships in the port of Rodan in the Netherlands, It can be tantamount to pointing a dagger directly at London, the capital of the United Kingdom, so that the British feel like they will be wiped on the neck at any time. They must be worried and must destroy this plan. On the other hand, if The Netherlands has fallen to the UK, which means that the UK has a very important springboard on the European continent. The British army can land from the port of Rodan, and then directly attack the enemy's mainland. Even if they don't have to do anything at all, As long as Germany implements the so-called Schlieffen plan and takes the opportunity to allow a small number of Dutch troops to cut off Germany's supply line, then the German troops heading to France will be completely cut off from ammunition supplies, so that their hundreds of thousands of troops will not have any combat power."

"So the Netherlands has almost become the culprit of the UK and Germany, even a heart disease. If the Netherlands falls to one side, they will inevitably face a very huge strategic disadvantage, so no one will give up. In this way It will inevitably make the Netherlands the core of a dispute, so they will definitely be played badly!"

"If I were the government of the Netherlands, then I should seek neutrality among the two big groups this time. This is the best way. After all, the two big groups are not soft persimmons, and the British navy can attack from the sea at any time They, and the German Army, can attack them from the frontier, and it's no fun for them to survive between two great powers!"

Wang Guorui couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. Because according to the original history, the Netherlands has always remained neutral in World War I. At that time, the Netherlands was not ignorant of the embarrassment of their status. If they took refuge in the other side, I am afraid that the other side would definitely pull out this "nail" first. Once the two major groups of Britain and Germany go to war, if the Netherlands falls to one side, the first thing to do on the other side is to clean up the dead spot of the Netherlands, and then occupy this position. At that time, the two sides will inevitably have a war in the Netherlands, and the country of the Netherlands may be devastated.

In the first World War in history, it maintained neutrality, and then successfully avoided the battle between the two sides in this way, and successfully avoided a catastrophe. But this time and space is different. Wang Guorui made it clear that he wanted to stand with Germany, and his marriage to Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands also caused too many connections between the Netherlands and himself. Although it seems that there is nothing on the surface, how can things be so simple? Although Wang Guorui and the Netherlands had a war, but now the leaders of the two countries can sleep in the same bed, and even have children. If you say they have no contact, who will believe it?

The Netherlands has inevitably been involved in this battle between the world's two major blocs, but the Netherlands' geographical location is too "good", once it takes refuge in Germany. In the end, the United Kingdom will definitely take the Netherlands as its primary target. And this situation is also very worrying for the Netherlands. If things are imminent at that time, then they, the Netherlands, will definitely not be able to escape this catastrophe.

"My lord, I just got the news. The Dutch parliament is already brightly lit, and everyone is making noise. There are everyone in the Dutch parliament. Some people suggest that they support marriage with the United Kingdom, and some support marriage with Germany. Marriage. There are still some people who simply firmly oppose such an engagement, and oppose marrying the first heir so early. They have been arguing in the Dutch Parliament for 28 hours now, and there is no result at all. All three aspects It’s just arguing. It’s impossible to get a result. Now the members of the Dutch parliament are under a lot of pressure, and more than a dozen members have resigned. They can’t stand the pressure. Diplomats from Germany and the United Kingdom are lobbying those Dutch members , Anyway, all methods are used. Money bribes, beauties, seduction, threats and persecution, we have even heard that some people use indecent means to kidnap the family members of those MPs and force them to support a certain side. In the Dutch Parliament, there is no It's a group of demons dancing wildly, and it's a mess."

"Both Britain and Germany are determined to win your daughter, Mr. Wang, and they are not willing to give up at all. Because both Britain and Germany know that the Netherlands is their culprit, and they cannot give up at all. Britain believes that they must avoid it." Germany is deploying its navy in the port of Rodan, and then they will definitely win over the Netherlands. On the other hand, Germany will implement the so-called Schlieffen plan, so that they will never allow the Netherlands to surrender to the British side, so that the Netherlands can easily be cut off from the rear This German Schlieffen plan, and then caused the collapse of Germany's Schlieffen plan! In this way, both sides are bound to win, and they will never give up. This must be a great deadlock."

Wang Guorui sighed and said: "Thinking about it, I'm also quite sad. My own daughter is getting married, and my father doesn't even have the right to intervene. She will be robbed by two 'son-in-laws'." Go, as a father, I don’t even have the right to intervene in my daughter’s marriage. Our China is too far away from Europe to exert enough influence. If I can exert enough influence, then I will definitely not Let my daughter go to marry, I will directly clean up both of them, Britain and Germany!"

"Master Wang, if this is the case, then what can we do? Now we must let the Netherlands choose between Britain and Germany, otherwise we will never get such an opportunity." Li Zhanfeng replied.

Wang Guorui thought for a while and said, "Can you make it with the mud?"

Li Zhanfeng also had a headache and said: "We have no way to make peace! The British will not let the Netherlands fall to Germany, otherwise London, England, will be under the threat of the German navy at any time, just like its throat is blocked at any time." People point out that no country will allow it. On the other hand, Germany will not allow the Netherlands to fall to the UK. Germany has gambled its future war fortune on this Schlieffen plan. If the Schlieffen plan can be perfected If it is implemented, then Germany will have a chance to win. If the Netherlands falls to Britain, then the Schlieffen Plan will become empty talk, so Germany will never allow the Netherlands to fall to Britain in order to realize its own Schlieffen Plan. Contradictions are irreconcilable, and the interests of the two parties have nothing in common, so naturally they cannot be reconciled, so naturally they will not allow this. Even if we go to make peace, we will not be able to make them reconcile!"

Everyone also started to think about Baotou, and obviously they couldn't find any means to break the situation, because the contradictions between the two sides were almost irreconcilable. Because the Netherlands is almost a winner between the two sides, if the Netherlands falls to one side, it means that the strategy of the other side must be greatly may even be a possibility of failure. So in this case, even if the opponent is likely to explode at any time, it is impossible for them to give up.

"King, it's not good. There is news from the country that the British home fleet has begun to order combat readiness, and the German army on the border with the Netherlands has also begun to move abnormally. They may invade the Netherlands at any time. If it is not handled properly , then I am afraid that the Netherlands will become a battlefield between the two countries. I cannot allow this, if you do not have a solution, then I will, as the Queen of the Netherlands, order the cancellation of this marriage plan, and the Netherlands will be absolutely neutral." Wilhelmina hurried in and said.

Wilhelmina is really in a hurry, now there is a great possibility of a big fight between the two sides! If the time comes, I'm afraid that the Netherlands will be devastated, so Wilhelmina will not allow her country to be devastated under such circumstances. Wilhelmina is the queen of the Netherlands after all, and she cannot see her subjects involved in this risky affair. If things got into this situation because of his daughter's marriage, it would be really fatal. So both sides will naturally not be able to allow such a thing to happen. Wilhelmina simply came over and told Wang Guorui that if Wang Guorui couldn't figure out a solution, then she would have to decide by herself.

"Where is the integrity of these Germans and British people? This is trying to **** a marriage!" Wang Guorui scolded. (To be continued.)

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