Red Alert 1895

Chapter 736: Army reorganization (5)

Next, when it is heard that the candidates for the commanders of the seven major theaters will be decided, this time must be the time that everyone is most concerned about, no matter who it is. And at this time, Zheng Hong finally exposed her subordinate's favorite disadvantage, that is, her subordinates were stunned that they couldn't come up with a person with actual combat experience, which made Zheng Hong very embarrassed. Zheng Hong knew that he couldn't get started with the candidates for the commanders of the seven major military regions. Only Hu Wei and Qiu Baoren of the Navy could intervene properly. From the mother's point of view, Hu Wei still has the upper hand, because Hu Wei is from the army, and China's army is still relatively powerful. Naturally, he must find a way to guard the country, so the importance of the army is temporarily overpowering that of the navy. , this is an unavoidable problem.

"I think if Zhao Xi can fight all the way to Sichuan, after Sichuan is recovered, he can be put in charge of the defense of the Gyeonggi war zone in Gyeonggi." Wang Guorui said first.

Wang Guorui first wanted to transfer Zhao Xi to the Gyeonggi area to be in charge of the defense of the Gyeonggi theater, which meant that Zhao Xi was once again in charge of housekeeping. Zhao Xi can be said to be a member of Wang Guorui, and he took the initiative to join Wang Guorui as early as in Taiwan, instead of continuing to follow Hu Wei. Although he was originally brought over by Hu Wei, he also took orders from Wang Guorui directly. At that time, Hu Wei didn't want to quarrel with Wang Guorui because of a low-level cadre, so he just sat back and ignored it. But now Zhao Xi can still come here to serve as the commander of this war zone, so he can be in charge of the defense of the Gyeonggi area.

For this Gyeonggi area, it doesn't really matter whether you can think about opening up and fighting outside. As a commander in the Gyeonggi region of the capital, in fact, there are very few opportunities to actually face combat. The main purpose is to protect the safety of the capital and its surroundings. To put it bluntly, once the enemy hits your capital. I am afraid that you will also face the destruction of the country and the extinction of the species. Either choose to move the capital strategically, or just stay here. However, in most cases, most of them choose to move the capital, and those who stick to it are a minority after all.

So on the surface, the Gyeonggi region seems to have a lot to do with it. But in fact the political significance is far greater than the practical significance. He asks first of all for loyalty, not competence. The defense of the Gyeonggi region must be entrusted to loyal people. Otherwise, there will definitely be problems in the future. Zhao Xi has many years of experience in housekeeping, and is regarded as Wang Guorui's old subordinate, directly under Wang Guorui's command, so he can be trusted to be in charge of the defense of the Gyeonggi area.

"Next, raise the rank of the Imperial Guard Division to become the Imperial Guard Army. The Imperial Guard Division currently has a total of more than 20,000 people. I don't plan to continue to increase the number of troops. I will directly upgrade the level. It will become the Imperial Guard Army directly under the emperor's command. And The Commander of the Imperial Guard is also the Minister of the Guards, responsible for the guarding of the palace. Li Guodong will be the Minister of the Guards and the Commander of the Imperial Guards."

Wang Guorui's first decision was to control the armed forces around him. While appointing his confidant Zhao Xi as the commander of the Gyeonggi Theater, he also set up the Imperial Guard. Although the Imperial Guard currently only has 20,000 people, it is at most a reinforced division, but it has been upgraded to a position at the level of the war zone. And the combat effectiveness of this Imperial Guard is the only one under Wang Guorui's scorpion shit! Because 40% of the Imperial Guards are Red Police troops, loyalty is not a problem. And 40% of the Imperial Guards are Red Police Forces, which is caused by the gradual reduction of the proportion of Red Police Forces in the army. As early as two years ago, Wang Guorui also gradually started to reduce the proportion of red police troops in the army. After all, if the red police troops were kept in the army, they would be afraid of 10,000 or just in case. In case one day the red alarm system goes out of control. That wouldn't be a big deal. What's more, let those natural officers grow up, otherwise they will all rely on the red alert system. Once the red alert system is lost one day, the army will be over. Therefore, it has become inevitable to gradually reduce the proportion of the red police force.

However, in the imperial guards, Wang Guorui believed more in the Red Police soldiers, so as high as 40% of them were Red Police soldiers, which can be said to be very huge. In addition, 60% of the troops are not simple, and 60% of the soldiers of the Imperial Guard are also of the rank of non-commissioned officers! A non-commissioned officer is also a squad leader or deputy platoon leader in other places. But in this imperial guard, everyone is a non-commissioned officer, an elite among the soldiers. Not only are they skilled in combat. And passed the thought test and various tests to ensure loyalty. Each has passed the political review, and the possibility of problems is very low, which is much stricter than other troops.

Let Li Guodong serve as the commander of the imperial guards, and Zhao Xi serve as the commander of the Gyeonggi theater, that is to say, the two of their own cronies are each other's front and back, and together protect the safety of the Gyeonggi area and Wang Guorui.

"Master Wang, who will be in charge of the Northeast Theater? Chen Liyan has been transferred back to serve as the Minister of War, so it can't be empty, right?" Hu Wei asked.

To say that among the seven theaters, relatively speaking, the lowest and lightest is the Northeast Theater. Because the imaginary enemy in the Northeast Theater is Japan, Japan is already a clown who can attack their North Korea at any time. Japan no longer has a navy and has been almost cut off. So if Wang Guorui wants to send an army to attack North Korea, it will be much easier. The strength of the Japanese is very weak, so as the strength of the Japanese declines, the status of the Northeast Theater will naturally decrease.

"What do you think of Tan Xiao?" Wang Guorui asked.

"Tan Xiao? So the second division commander?" Zheng Hong asked.

This Tan Xiao used to be the brigade commander of the engineering brigade, and was later transferred to the commander of the second division, and then he made certain achievements in fighting the Dutch. Later, when he entered the mainland, he was promoted to be the deputy chief of staff at the deputy army level. With the expansion of the army, everyone's rank has also been raised, and Tan Xiao has also been promoted to become the deputy chief of staff at the army level.

But now Wang Guorui asked him to serve as the commander of the Northeast Theater, so he was obviously promoted two ranks again, becoming an officer at the Zhengda Military Region level. But at present, Wang Guorui really has no one who can make a move, who is qualified to sit in a major war zone. At present, those who are qualified to sit in a major war zone are nothing more than those few. Zhu Yuan, Zhao Xi, Li Yuanhong, Sa Zhenbing, and Song Yang, who was the head of the attendant office of Wang Guorui, could barely do it. There was also Feng Wentian, the commander of the third army who was temporarily organized, and it was nothing more than these few people. . But there is still one person missing, so this person must be found. First of all, it is not enough to send people directly from the headquarters to sit in a war zone. You must have rich experience in leading troops and have certain qualifications. This is also a very important issue.

Why didn't Zheng Hong dare to say more in the position of the commander of the war zone, and why didn't he even dare to recommend his own people? That's because her subordinates don't have much experience in actually commanding troops, so this will definitely not work, so Zheng Hong dare not recommend her own people at all. According to the general promotion practice, if you want to sit in a large military region or a large fleet, you must have the experience of an agency staff officer and the experience of leading troops below, so that you can be promoted. It's not that the appointment will be made after two papers touch each other, which is not acceptable.

At present, there is still a shortage of one person, so Wang Guorui can only extract one from the juniors. And Tan Xiao can be said to be the best candidate so far. He is the second Commander of the Second Division. He is almost the same generation of officer as Song Yang, the former director of the attendant room, and he is a member of the second generation. Even, strictly speaking, Song Yang was actually a little later than Tan Xiao, because when Tan Xiao was the division commander, Song Yang was just a regiment-level cadre. Song Yang was selected by Wang Guorui as the head of the attendant room, and now his promotion is like a rocket, but he has surpassed Tan Xiao.

"At present, it seems that this is the only way to go. I really can't find anyone! Fortunately, these Japanese are not strong, so Tan Xiao should be able to do it?" Hu Wei also said helplessly.

"Since this is the, that's it! Promote Tan Xiao to the commander of the Northeast Theater, responsible for guarding the Northeast Theater and defending the Japanese army in North Korea. When necessary, we can liberate North Korea under the order of our central government. Wait for it After I ascend the throne, I can be officially promoted to some people as lieutenant generals," Wang Guorui said.

According to the rules, when there is a general change of dynasty, many of them will be promoted. Of course, this kind of promotion is mainly about remuneration, because if everyone is promoted, it means that no one has been promoted in the end. And these promotions are mainly the promotion of various false positions, not the promotion of actual position power. It is reflected in the army, that is, the military rank is promoted, but the military position is not promoted. Wang Guorui did not plan to promote all officers of Zhengda Military Region to generals when the country was founded. If everyone is now promoted to admiral, how will they continue to be promoted? What's more, if there are too many generals, they are worthless. Wang Guorui only planned to promote some of the original major generals to lieutenant generals, and then most of the lieutenant generals would not be promoted. Those who are qualified to be promoted to generals are Hu Wei, Zheng Hong, Chen Liyan, Qiu Baoren and Li He from the navy. As it currently stands, Admiral has only one faction leader. As for Qiu Baoren and Li He who were promoted to the navy, this was just to balance the strength and status between the army and the navy. Otherwise, the navy might be underestimated, which is not good. Political factors outweighed military factors, and the Navy took advantage of it. (To be continued.)

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