Red Alert 1895

Chapter 738: Crossing the River and Destroying the Bridge (Part 1)

"My lord Wang has an order to ask Ouyang Xuan, the head of the Executive Yuan, to meet with my lord Wang!" said a staff officer in the attendant's room.

After hearing this, Ouyang Xuan was ready to leave immediately. The people next to him quickly congratulated, and obviously thought it was a good thing.

"President Ouyang, I'm afraid that in ten days, Mr. Wang will become the emperor, then we should all honor you as the prime minister. You are the founding hero, almost the biggest founding hero. And the civil service system in Taiwan is also full of You are responsible for the recruitment of personnel in various departments and the establishment of administrative districts. In this way, the position of Prime Minister belongs to you! At that time, who else can hold the position of Prime Minister except you What about it?" Someone immediately boasted.

But Ouyang Xuan's complexion immediately changed, and then she obviously felt something was wrong. Because after hearing this, not only did he not feel lucky, but instead he seemed to be preoccupied. Ouyang Xuan came to Wang Guorui's office alone, but he didn't find anyone else. Wang Guorui's office didn't even have a staff officer in the attendant room, which was obviously very abnormal. At the scene, there were only Wang Guorui and Ouyang Xuan, which made Ouyang Xuan's heart ache even more. Especially this one just before preparing to proclaim the emperor made Ouyang Xuan even more sensitive.

Ouyang Xuan said at this table that she found a few small dishes and a pot of wine, which made Ouyang Xuan feel even more terrified.

"Brother Ouyang, please sit down!" Wang Guorui said proactively.

Ouyang Xuan took the initiative to sit down, and then Wang Guorui took the initiative to pour the wine and said, "Ouyang Xuan, you have worked very hard for me, and I offer you a toast!"

Ouyang Xuan looked at Wang Guorui's glass of wine, her heart skipped a beat, she didn't know whether to drink or not. Wang Guorui clearly saw Ouyang Xuan's worry, so he poured wine immediately. Then had a drink first. After seeing Wang Guorui drinking a glass, Ouyang Xuan was relieved, and then took the initiative to pick up the glass and started drinking.

"Brother Ouyang. You are older than me, and you are over forty years old. So I respectfully call you a brother. And during the Manchu Qing rule, we were also the magistrates of the Manchu Qing in Taiwan. And I have been in Taiwan for so many years. , I have entrusted almost all the administrative affairs of the government to you. And you have also done your best and established it according to my ideas. You have made a lot of credit and hard work. It can be said that you are the highest status among our civil servants Yes, you are the most outstanding person in our civil service system. According to the Executive Yuan election plan formulated by us in Taiwan, every five years. You officially took office in 1895, and now it is 1900. According to the plan, you have already The term of office has come, but due to the war, the election was stopped." Wang Guorui said.

After hearing this, Ouyang Xuan felt even more scared in her heart, because Wang Guorui's meaning was very obvious.

"Brother Ouyang, we in Taiwan adopted the method of separating the powers between the head of state and the government. At that time, the governor and the chief executive were splitting powers. This method of separation of powers is very flexible. If the head of state is strong, he can suppress the government. If the means of the government is relatively high, it can also suppress the head of state. And this is actually a very good game method, which is more flexible than the British parliamentary cabinet system. It will not cause the cabinet to fall due to some reasons. It can maintain the continuity of the government. And this method can effectively integrate the interests of both parties. And I will become the emperor in the future. I also plan to adopt this method. If my descendants can see it, then I can consider it Make some contributions to the nation. But if my descendants are really not guaranteed, I can also limit their power to maintain my family inheritance, but it will not cause turmoil."

"Brother Ouyang, do you know why I said this to you?"

Ouyang Xuan immediately said: "Please make it clear, Your Majesty!"

"Well, since ancient times, there have been so-called things like killing birds, hiding rabbits and dead dogs. To be honest, I actually hated this kind of thing very much back then. But now I am going to be the emperor soon, using a common saying In other words, the **** determines the head. But I suddenly think that this kind of thing is really necessary!" Wang Guorui said.

Ouyang Xuan was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of killing you. At least not yet!" Wang Guorui said.

Ouyang Xuan was not relieved, because Wang Guorui said "at present" there is no. But whether there will be in the future, maybe.

"A companion is like a tiger!" Ouyang Xuan suddenly thought bitterly.

Ouyang Xuan knew very well that one cannot treat him with the same impression before becoming an emperor and after becoming an emperor. Before one person takes power and after one takes power, that's totally two people. Power can change people. Some people change for the better, but more people change for the worse.

"When I established the Governor-General of Taiwan, the government was established for the first time, and there were not enough personnel. Instead, you helped us find a lot of people, and assigned jobs according to their talents. Moreover, in many schools of administration, many Administrative cadres are also trained under your auspices. Therefore, if the grassroots of the government is full of your disciples and grandchildren, that is not impossible!" Wang Guorui said.

Ouyang Xuan immediately stated, "Lord Wang, I..."

"You don't need to explain, I know you don't have this idea. But I know deeply that sometimes it is so helpless, and sometimes it is involuntary to be in our position. Back then, Zhao Kuangyin was added to the yellow robe, and it turned out that the emperor was wrong. It doesn’t work anymore. Maybe many people in later generations think that Zhao Kuangyin’s yellow robe is actually a hypocritical expression, but I don’t think so, maybe he really didn’t have this idea at first. Back in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the example of adding a yellow robe was not just Zhao Kuangyin, but Only Zhao Kuangyin finally unified most of the former Han and Tang Dynasties and established the Song Dynasty, so he had to bear the scapegoat. So it proves that if he achieved a certain position, he would lose his freedom instead."

"You don't have this idea, and your subordinates may not have this idea!"

Ouyang Xuan immediately said: "My lord, none of my subordinates would be so rebellious. Now that you have mastered the army, my lord, can they still pierce?"

"Yes, they don't have an army, so of course I'm not afraid. But, I'm worried! Although they don't have an army, they may not be able to give me non-violent non-cooperation. When the time comes, I have the army in my hands, so I will Is it possible to kill them all? I know that officials form cliques, which generation can completely avoid it? I have also said that if there is no party outside the party, it may be possible. But if there is no faction inside the party, then It’s really strange. Even if there is one party that can completely control the political power of a country one day, there will definitely be different factions within the party.”

"This is a very old game. The superiors want their subordinates to be balanced. It's just an art of balance. It's the first time you can feel at ease. Do you know why I told you this? Because I don't treat you as an outsider, so I can say it without any scruples. I will not hide from you even if it is the tricks of power, or the dirtiness of all kinds of politics. Everyone knows this well. But when I come to you, I have to worry. Officials in various departments are almost selected by you, and too many civil servants have graduated from the crash course of civil servants you presided over. As long as you are there for a day, you are their spiritual leader."

"At that time, they will force you and me, the emperor, to share power, and then they will ask for more power. They may not rebel, but they can use various means to force me to give up more power. Although I am very Clearly, the future emperor will definitely have less and less power, I know this well. But that is also the matter of my descendants, do you understand?"

Can Ouyang Xuan not understand? Although Wang Guorui knew that his descendants would have less and less power, it didn't mean that he was willing to give up power in his own generation. Wang Guorui can ignore the loss of power for future generations, but he will not allow himself to lose power. It's like no one can easily spit out the meat in their mouths. This is a very simple truth. Wang Guorui has already eaten these powers into her mouth, so it is not so easy for her to spit them out easily.

Perhaps Wang Guorui will not officially retire until he is sixty years old. However, as the founding emperor, even after retiring, he still has a lot of influence, and he can be a supreme emperor. Not to mention the empire, even the republic, the retired founding fathers of the later generations all "supported" the new generation of leaders in a certain department, claiming to be a support! As for how long the support lasts, it depends on the game behind it.

"If you are in the position, then you will inevitably become the spiritual leader of those civil servants. And you said what should I do, I am not someone who wants to kill heroes casually. Don't worry, I really don't want to kill you I mean, but I hope you can understand something. There must be a compromise between us, but I want to know, who is this compromise?" Wang Guorui said.

Ouyang Xuan immediately replied: "Lord Wang, I understand!"

"Okay, now that you understand, I hope we can continue a good talk about the mutual benefit of the monarch and his ministers. And your term of office has come. Now that the term of office has come, you have to re-election, otherwise what is the use of rule-making? As for Whether you are selected this time is up to you. You should understand what I mean, don't I need to say more?" Wang Guorui replied. (To be continued.)

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