Red Alert 1895

Chapter 749: Enthronement Ceremony (Part 2)

With the sound of gun salutes, Wang Guorui and his women also walked to the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, preparing to hold the so-called enthronement ceremony. There were a total of nineteen gun salutes this time, and eighteen of them were ordinary guns with a caliber of only 75 mm. And the last salute is a large-caliber salute, which has a large caliber of 120 mm. The 18 ordinary small-caliber salutes fired a total of 216 salutes, representing 216 of the 217 years that the land of China has been completely occupied by the Qing Dynasty. And this is not the end of the Ming Dynasty from Li Zicheng's attack on the capital, but from the surrender of Zheng Keshuang during the Zheng Zheng period. Because Wang Guorui did not recognize the legitimacy of the Qing Dynasty, he naturally included Zheng Zheng. Therefore, the demise of the Ming Dynasty was calculated according to Wang Guorui's "imperial decision", that is, it was calculated from the demise of Zheng Zheng. This was also to commend the Zheng family and give Zheng Hong, the queen's ancestor, some face.


A huge firework shell was fired into the sky. This is the largest caliber salute fired into the sky, which just made up for the sound of the 217-gun salute, and bursts of petals fell from the sky. It was loaded in the special shell just now. These salute soldiers are artillerymen drawn from the Red Police Force, and they are asked to ensure that all the salutes are fired at one point, and there will be no problems.

"My Chinese civilization, since Emperor Yan and Huang..."

Immediately, people began to read the so-called enthronement edict, and this enthronement edict is actually an edict for each dynasty to prove its legitimacy. Er Wang Guorui's edict was drafted by Kang Tongwei, and it was an opportunity for her to leave a mark in history. Later generations will recall that Kang Tongwei will not be just one of the queens, but a talented woman who can draft the imperial edict.

This edict started from Emperor Yan and Huang, and then counted the beginning of Chinese civilization along the way. Then went through the suffering. There were also alien invasions, starting from the Wuhu chaos in China, and then being ruled by the Yuan Dynasty at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, and finally Zhu Yuanzhang expelled the Tartars. And on Zhu Yuanzhang's expulsion of the Tartars, a lot of ink was added, this is for the future as a foreshadowing. Finally, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Manchu Qing invaded. The policy of massacre was adopted against the Chinese, which made them all miserable, and finally the people were in dire straits.

After the rule of the Qing Dynasty, a group of Han people finally awakened and began to embark on the road of expelling the Tartars ∞←∞←. And this person is naturally Wang Guorui. He began to lead everyone to expel the Tartars and regain the Han family. Later, Wang Guorui was compared with Zhu Yuanzhang, so that they could start to compare step by step, claiming that Wang Guorui and Zhu Yuanzhang were the same. They are the same merits obtained by expelling the Tartars, and they are all heroes who saved the country and the nation.

"Today, my sons and daughters in China are all descendants of Emperor Yan and Huang. Special Wang Guorui established the Yanhuang Empire. The Yanhuang Empire is ordered by the trust and trust of all people in the world, and the welfare of all people in the world should be the most important..."

This paragraph talks about Wang Guorui's establishment of the Yanhuang Empire, and then it doesn't talk about being ordered by the sky, but will be ordered by the faith of all people in the world. In this way, from the so-called order of heaven, it has also become the trust of all people in the world, from the divine right of the king to the right of the king and the people. And such a change is a change in the mind of the whole country. In the past, it was ruled by ignorance of the people, but now it has become by enlightening the wisdom of the people. A change that actively accepts the supervision of all people in the world. Instead of fooling the people in order to ensure the rule in the past. In fact, it has been proved that the road of relying on ignorant people has become narrower and narrower, and in the end it is impossible to go on. Therefore, Wang Guorui had to find a way to open up the wisdom of the people, and changed from the divine right of the king to the right of the king and the people. This is a very obvious change.

"Everyone. Now, His Majesty the Emperor is invited to officially ascend the throne!" The ceremony officer immediately shouted.

Wang Guorui came to the golden dragon chair in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and sat down gently.

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live!" Everyone bowed and saluted, but did not kneel down.

According to the plan before, it was originally according to the plans of those Manchu and corrupt Confucians. There is also the practice of bowing down. But at present, Wang Guorui has abolished it, so this has also been changed to bowing. Next, Wang Guorui will also announce the abolition of some stereotypes and customs of the feudal period.

"The emperor has an order to officially announce the edict of benefiting the people."

"The edict said: 'In the past, the names of kings would be listed as taboos. The emperor has ordered that no emperor's name should be tabooed in the future. In order to facilitate people's reading and life, all taboos in writing will be abolished from now on."

This edict was issued in vernacular, and all future edicts and official documents will be in vernacular, so that everyone can understand it.

This is about the taboo of names, according to the ancient emperors would have a name taboo. Once the emperor gave a name, no one else could use it to name it. Even when writing in the future, other words or vacancies must be used instead. And this kind of taboo is actually a manifestation of corruption in the feudal era, which is what Wang Guorui wanted to depose first. Because this is written content, it has a great influence on the common people. Wang Guorui's name is "Guorui". Will others not be allowed to use the word "Guorui" in the future? These two words are commonly used words, if even the commonly used words are taboo, it will be really troublesome in the future. And in the future, the emperor will pass it down from generation to generation, and the taboos will increase, and it will become more and more difficult for the people. Therefore, it is imperative to directly order the abolition of the taboo regulations on the text.

"The edict said: 'All the people in the world are the emperor's subjects. The **** system is very inhumane, and it is also a destructive system established to satisfy the king's selfish desires. From now on, the **** system will be abolished forever, and the palace will not continue to recruit eunuchs and eunuchs. In the future, ordinary men can be hired to work in the non-living areas of the palace, and there is no need to recruit eunuchs. But when it comes to the living areas of the emperor, some female officials can be recruited to serve. These female officials are hired by the king, not forced recruitment. And they are employment relationships, not personal Affiliation. The monarch cannot forcibly favor the other party when the other party is unwilling. Fortunately, anyone can impeach the monarch to the parliament. 2,000 people, and they must be supervised by members of the parliament."

This edict surprised some ordinary people even more, because according to everyone's thinking palace, eunuchs should be in charge, but now the **** system has been abolished. But Wang Guorui also said that the **** system is a very inhuman system, so it is inevitable to abolish it. However, people at a deeper level don't understand that the **** system is actually a product of imperial power corruption, so since the situation of imperial power corruption is almost impossible in the future, there is no need for this **** system to exist.

As for those female officials, they have also changed from the past recruitment and personal attachment to the employment system. In principle, it is possible to sign a contract and then leave when the deadline is reached. And the emperor couldn't force those female officials to serve him. Sleep, otherwise anyone can impeach the parliament, and if it is serious, it will threaten the throne. However, when it comes to implementation, some unmarried women may be recruited to serve as female officials. At that time, if they are favored by the future emperor, they will stay. And once they reach a certain age, for example over twenty-five years old, they will also have to leave the palace. Because if they are over twenty-five years old and have not yet been favored by the emperor, then it is meaningless to continue to stay, and it will delay their lifelong events. Even as an emperor, it is impossible to let a woman wait for you for no reason, right? At that time, she has never been favored by you in her whole life, but ends up wasting her best years here, how can she marry in the future? So after the age of twenty-five, you must leave the palace, and then a new batch will come in.

Next, Wang Guorui officially announced some regulations to abolish the past feudal system. The kneeling etiquette was abolished, and even if you saw the emperor in the future, you would not have to practice the kneeling etiquette. However, there is no restriction on other people's kneeling and worshiping. For example, parents or ancestors, only the emperor does not need to kneel and worship, and there are even clear regulations that do not kneel and worship the emperor under any circumstances. Because Wang Guorui was afraid that future generations would take advantage of loopholes, he specially ordered that parents could kneel down to other dead but he absolutely could not kneel down to the emperor and officials. On the contrary, the emperor and officials must avoid kneeling. If the emperor and officials accept the kneeling of others, they can be impeached to the parliament.

Next, some regulations on the abolition of feudal traditions were also announced. Girls’ feet bound, this is absolutely necessary to be abolished, even this is very important, it will be included in the inspection criteria of local officials, if any local officials are sloppy in abolishing foot bindings, they will be dismissed directly and will never be hired. This foot binding is very fatal, and it must be abolished as soon as possible, otherwise it is unknown how many women will be endangered.

And the following things are also announced to be abolished in the same way. These are also negotiated before, but it's just a process.

"Next, announce the canonization of all the concubines and meritorious officials!"

After hearing this, this is what everyone really pays attention to, even those who have listened to the nonsense before have cheered up. Although they probably knew in their hearts what rewards they would get, but now that they heard this, they all raised their spirits again and prepared to obey. This is what I have been striving for for several years, so they are the most important. This is the most important reward for their contributions over the years! (To be continued.) uw

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