The western suburbs of Dalian, the headquarters of the 5th Division of the Japanese Army.

Because the ultra-long-range artillery of the Zhenbei Army gave the Japanese army too many unforgettable memories, the Fifth Division directly placed its headquarters in the mountains between Dalian and Lushun after landing on the beach in Dalian Bay, and built an underground bunker headquarters here.

At present, the Fifth Division has fully taken over the defense of Dalian, and the retired soldiers and the 63rd Infantry Wing have rushed to Lushun Fortress to strengthen the defense, and they will become the last line of defense of the Kwantung Army.

And the Fifth Division will fight a defensive battle with the Zhenbei Army in Dalian!

The commander of the Fifth Division, Osamu Ninomiya, was extremely reluctant to defend the war, and he believed that the Great and Imperial Army should attack! Attack! Attack again!

But the sudden change in the situation in the Northeast caught everyone by surprise.

The 2nd Division was completely shattered, and the 19th Division could not hold on to Fengtian City for even a day! The 8th and 20th Divisions were even defeated by one of the enemy's divisions on the plains! Now the latest information shows that even the 10th Division in Jinzhou has lost contact!

This Chinese army, called the Zhenbei Army, has completely frightened all the Japanese army and the political circles of the island country, and it is so strong that it can break the combat effectiveness of the 160,000 troops of the Kwantung Army with 40,000 forces, so that everyone has to re-examine this army.

But the time is too short, only half a month to rise, from the south to Fengtian to the present, it only took five or six days! It is simply lightning speed!

Neither the intelligence department of the base camp nor the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army knew very much about this mysterious army.

The headquarters of the Fifth Division was full of electricity, and everyone was busy preparing for the next Dalian Campaign, and Dalian must be held in order to hold the last dignity of the Kwantung Army - Lushun!

in order to have some counterattack power in the next peace talks.

Ninomiya Jishige sighed, although he was not as good as many outstanding Lushi graduates of the same period in terms of military talent, but he also participated in the Russo-Japanese War and served as the deputy chief of the General Staff Headquarters, and understood that the war had reached this point, and there was no way to continue the counterattack on Manchuria, and only by holding Lushun, the last base in Kwantung Prefecture, could he provide advantageous conditions for the next peace talks.

The jade shattering of the four divisions and the loss of 120,000 elite soldiers have already broken the base camp, and if it were not for the base camp to always maintain news control, I am afraid that the country would have been turned upside down by now.

There are four divisions!

Every time Ninomiya Jishige thought that the soldiers of the four divisions in the north were broken into sand in Manchuria, he felt endless emotion in his heart, he looked at Kenji Dohihara on the side, and asked: "Dohihara-kun is not in Lushun to sit in the intelligence department, why are you here with me?"

The tone is very bad.

After all, in the current position, the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army is still like a blind man to the north, and there is no useful information at all, whether it is the base camp or the staff officers of the Kwantung Army, they are very disappointed in the intelligence department.

Kenji Dohihara has now been promoted to a general, he bowed slightly, and said: "It is precisely because of the importance of intelligence and the terrible counter-espionage ability of the Zhenbei Army that I am ready to personally visit the leader of the Zhenbei Army, as for the Lushun Headquarters, there is Itagaki-kun in charge."

Ninomiya Jizhong was slightly stunned, and then remembered that in the past, Kenji Dohihara also relied on his personal network in Huaxia to wander in the military and political circles, and had good friendships with Zhang Dashuai, Yan Laoxi, and even Feng Dashuai, and was treated as a guest of honor.

He nodded slightly: "Since you are going, I will not stop you from anything." "

"Report!" At this moment, Koizumi Tomoki, chief of staff of the Fifth Division, took a telegram and said in a panic: "The battle report of the 11th Wing on the front line, Pulandian has been broken by the Chinese army!"

"Nani?" said Osamu Ninomiya incredulously, "so fast?"

"The Chinese army used super-heavy tanks to fight in the streets! Our imperial army lacked important anti-tank forces, and the 37 anti-aircraft guns and Type 92 infantry guns could not penetrate even the armor of the Chinese tanks!" Koizumi Tomoki said in a deep voice.

Kenji Dohihara raised his wrist and looked at the watch on it, eleven and three o'clock in the afternoon!

His brows immediately furrowed, and he said to Ergong Zhi: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, I will retreat first, I wish you a long martial arts!"

Jishige Ninomiya watched Kenji Dohihara leave, didn't ask anything, called over the staff officers with a serious expression, and began to study how to block the Zhenbei Army in Dalian!

Pulandian had already lost the city north of the Saddle River yesterday, so Ninomiya Jishige didn't send too many troops, but only sent the 11th Infantry Wing of the Ninth Brigade to support, but he didn't expect that Pulandian, which had more than 3,000 people to support, would be lost in one morning!

According to the report of the 11th Wing that was withdrawn from the front line, the Zhenbei Army used super-heavy tanks, heavy tanks loaded with 75-mm tank guns, and the 37 anti-aircraft guns of the armored company could not penetrate within 200 meters! The Type 92 infantry guns, which lacked armor-piercing shells, were even more like encountering the Iron King Ba, and they had no way to start.

After planning the plan, the General Staff Department put all four infantry wings into the urban residential areas of Dalian and Jinzhou, and at the same time placed 36 105-mm field guns and 12 150-mm heavy guns of the 5th Field Artillery Wing in the western suburbs not far from the headquarters.

However, the big problem in this position is that the Japanese army's 105-mm field guns have only 10 kilometers, and the 150-mm heavy artillery has only a maximum range of 18 kilometers.

But this is also one of the plans planned by the staff officers of the 5th Division, to drag the Chinese army into a tug-of-war with town street battles, and constantly consume the Chinese army in the tug-of-war!

As for the super-heavy tanks of the Chinese army, after studying them, the staff officers felt that in the absence of large-caliber anti-tank guns, they could only use mines laid in ambush in advance, explosives bags of death squads, etc.

In this way, those retired soldiers, ronin, samurai, etc., who have been organized, will have a place to use, issue a rifle, a few bullets, and a bag of explosives, and be ready to sacrifice for His Majesty the Emperor at any time!

And the fighters of the Chinese people, given that the division has only one anti-aircraft artillery brigade, can only be used in important places, such as artillery positions.

As for the previously planned naval artillery support......

Ninomiya Oharu looked at the telegram in his hand that the Kwantung Prefecture fleet had retreated to eighty nautical miles away, and scolded angrily in his heart 'Navy Rice Bucket'!

At this critical moment, the chain was dropped! Wasn't it just a few long-range artillery? The army soldiers were under constant bombardment from the enemy and reloaded their tanks! They could only use their flesh and blood to stop the enemy's attack! Their navy was still so afraid of death when they stayed in the Iron King! What a bunch of waste!

The clouds of war gradually pressed over the heads of everyone in the Fifth Division, and everyone became solemn, because they knew that this would be a very tragic battle!

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for flowers!

Say it three times because it's important!

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