"Open the gun!!" With Lin Yongchang's roar, the gunnery officer in charge of the coordination of the main artillery held up the phone and shouted wildly.

Boom –

Boom –

Boom –

The eight twin 380 mm/45 x diameter guns on the battleship Zhenyuan roared at the same time! Under a salvo, the huge recoil and sound shook the entire warship slightly.

Subsequently, on the Dingyuan, which formed a battle line with the Zhenyuan, 6 twin 15-inch/42 times caliber main guns also roared at the same time!

The shells flew in the air for more than 40 seconds, and then fourteen huge columns of water appeared around the Izumo, the flagship of the Japanese Third Fleet!

At 7:52, the two fleets officially engaged.

At a distance of thirty kilometers, this fleet, which was only born for more than ten days, relied on the elite naval soldiers cultivated by the Red Alert system with a level of up to three stars, and exerted its strength close to the hegemon of the sea!

Although the source of soldiers in Xue Lin's hands is scarce, he began to train naval soldiers when he got the national training center in Changchun, and seven warships cost him nearly 4,000 troops, and every Red Alert naval soldier was trained to become a three-star elite naval soldier!

They are spread throughout the fleet, from the observers to the gunners of the main turret, and every important position must be filled by three-star elite Red Alert naval soldiers!

But even with the strength of the near-sea hegemon, the artillery bombardment was carried out at a distance of 30 kilometers, and the close and long shells were still not fired, and the dispersion points were even relatively wide.

Qi Jinghai, the captain of Zhenyuan, saw through the binoculars that none of the 16 shells had hit any of them in the Japanese formation, so he sighed, snatched the phone from the gunner's hand, and reprimanded him.

Soon, after a minute of loading, the main guns of the Zhenyuan and Dingyuan were prepared again, and slight adjustments began to be made according to the surveyor, and soon after, another salvo was launched under the command of the gunner!

Boom –

Sixteen main artillery shells once again fell into the formation of the Japanese Third Fleet, and this time after adjustment, a round of straddle fire was quickly fired! The waves set off by the close shells even slowly pushed a destroyer several meters away!

Boom –

The Japanese Third Fleet has finally opened fire!

The only cruiser with 203 mm guns, the Izumo, was escorted in the center of the formation as the flagship, and at this time it could only return fire with the two 203 mm guns on the foredeck against the Zhenyuan with the command flag.

The maximum range of the 203 mm guns was only 30 kilometers, and at this time the two fleets had already entered a distance of 25 kilometers, and the only thing that the Japanese Third Fleet could fight back was the cruiser Izumo.

The two shells landed at a great distance, causing no effect on the Zhenyuan and Dingyuan, and the two ships continued to fire a salvo at the Japanese Third Fleet.

At the same time, the outflanked Jingyuan and Laiyuan also reached a distance of 25 kilometers on the Japanese flank, and while moving, nine triple 203 mm/55 x diameter main guns also opened fire in turn.

Suddenly, the Yangtze River estuary was full of cannons, and a huge column of water reverberated back and forth between the two fleets.

This huge rumbling sound reached Shanghai, and countless Shanghai people looked to the east and secretly guessed what was going on.

The consulates in Shanghai were like ants on a hot pan, and the sound of electric bells and bulletins kept ringing in the diplomatic buildings, asking about the war in the east, and sending several destroyers to watch the battle.

The Japanese fleet was finally hit by the Zhenbei fleet in the fifth round of artillery bombardment, with two destroyers and the cruiser Yura!

The tiny destroyer was overturned in an instant, and the Yura, with a displacement of more than 5,000 tons, was hit in the tail, and the rudder was destroyed in the water.

The commander of the Japanese Third Fleet, Nomura Kichizaburo, had already entered a distance of twenty kilometers and immediately ordered all destroyers and cruisers to rush towards the Zhenbei Army Fleet at full speed!

As soon as the remaining dozen or so carrier-based aircraft on the Kaga and Fengxiang aircraft carriers took off, the air force support of the Zhenbei Army rushed to the battlefield.

Seventy-two Me-109 fighters joined the battlefield, each carrying a 500-kilogram bomb, and began to bomb the Japanese Third Fleet aircraft carrier group and cruiser formation!

The war has escalated again!

Fighter planes whistling in the air circled over the Japanese Third Fleet like locusts, dive-bombing cruisers and aircraft carriers from time to time, and the fighter groups that had dropped their bombs shifted their attention to the only dozen or so carrier-based planes left by the Japanese army.

A massacre soon ended with a dozen fireballs falling into the sea.

Subsequently, the air force began to launch dive strafing on the minesweepers, turrets, and destroyers of the Japanese Third Fleet, and used the 20-mm cannons on the fighters to launch attacks on the Japanese boats, which were weakly armored and had a displacement of only a few hundred tons.

The Japanese Third Fleet, which had never experienced a large-scale air battle and lacked anti-aircraft weapons, was like a bear that had provoked bees, and was 'bitten' and covered in wounds.

The Japanese Third Fleet drove all the warships at full speed with a decisive heart, trying to break through the large net of the Zhenbei Army.

One warship after another was sunk by the North Sea Fleet, and even if the 203mm guns on the Izumo miraculously hit the Dingyuan, it only caused a 'black spot' and several casualties among the ship's personnel.

And those destroyers who rushed to the front and tried to get close to the Zhenyuan and Dingyuan to launch torpedoes were also shattered by the secondary guns on the two ships and the support of the air force!

As the distance got closer and closer, the Zhenyuan and Dingyuan also began to outflank the Third Fleet diagonally, and the main guns continued to bombard!

Lin Yongchang's innate skill [Beiyang Snow Shame] is activated, and the fleet's attack against Japan is +15%! The fleet's fighting spirit surges! The cannonballs fired are more powerful!

At 8:31, the cruiser Naka of the Japanese Third Fleet was hit five shells in a row!

At 8:37, the aircraft carrier Kaga of the Japanese Third Fleet was hit by the boiler, the speed dropped, and gradually broke away from the fleet!

At 8:40 a.m., the 16th destroyer fleet of the Japanese Third Fleet rushed into the torpedo range in braving the bombardment of artillery and fighter planes, and fired more than a dozen torpedoes at the Zhenyuan in a panic.

The bow of the Zhiyuan was hit, and it continued to enter the water, and the speed also dropped to about 15 knots.

At 8:49 a.m., the Izumo, the flagship of the Japanese Third Fleet, was hit by two shells from the Dingyuan! The No. 1 turret in the bow of the Izumo was knocked out!

At 8:52, the First Fleet of the Central Navy was belated!

At 8:53, Chen Jiliang, commander of the First Fleet of the Central Navy, ordered the flagship Hairong to lower the command flag and send a telegram to the Zhenyuan to obey the command!

At 8:55, Lin Yongchang, commander of the North Sea Fleet, took over the temporary command of the First Fleet of the Central Navy, ordered the First Fleet of the Central Navy to pursue the destroyers and gunboats of the Japanese Third Fleet, which were disrupted in formation, and sent two cruisers to take over the escort of the Zhiyuan.

At 9:12, the seriously wounded Zhiyuan withdrew from the battle.

At 9:22, the Izumo, the flagship of the Japanese Third Fleet, was hit again!

At 9:27, the Fengxiang of the Japanese Third Fleet was hit by several shells, and the cabin was flooded with a large amount of water and began to tilt seriously!

At 9:35, the commander of the Japanese Third Fleet, Nomura Kichizaburo, after sending the final breakout order to the ships, locked himself in the command room, and then committed suicide by seppuku.

With the suicide of the commander of the Japanese Third Fleet, the Japanese Third Fleet completely lost its command, and the Japanese sailors began to panic, and the remaining less than twenty warships scattered and fled like headless flies.

But at this time, the North Sea Fleet and the First Fleet of the Central Navy had already formed an encirclement trend, and together with the bomber group that had replenished the bombs for the third time, the Third Fleet was completely encircled in this sea area!

At 9:43, the Japanese light cruiser Abukuma, after being wounded, took the lead in raising the white flag and surrendering to the North Sea Fleet!

February 7, 1932 at 9:57 a.m.

When the destroyers of Britain, France, the United States and other countries reached the edge of the battlefield, only the last light cruiser Longtian was left to raise the white flag and surrender to the North Sea Fleet.

This well-planned, two-hour interception battle at the mouth of the Yangtze River turned into an encirclement battle and completely annihilated the Japanese Third Fleet!

Twelve warships, including the Naka, Izumo, Tenryu, and Hosho, were sunk, seven warships including the Abukuma and Tatsuda were captured, and the remaining six warships, including the cruiser Yura and the aircraft carrier Kaga, saw that there was no hope of breaking through, and the hull was seriously injured and uncontrollable, so they chose to open the valve and sink themselves!

At this point, the Japanese Third Fleet, which once flaunted its might in the inland rivers of China, was completely annihilated!

This battle took place in the sea area more than 60 kilometers away from Shanghai, and it is also called the Battle of Shanghai!

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