Red sand dust

Chapter 616 Secret

The negotiation with Gaara went quite smoothly. As long as the general direction was good, Maki would have to work on the details more so that Kankuro could have real power as soon as possible so that he could cope with the next challenges.

The scale of the mid-year joint chuunin exams may exceed expectations, and the competition will undoubtedly be extremely fierce.

Kirigakure Village, which was not originally planned, has confirmed that it will send people to participate. Even if it is just a formality, it is worthy of attention.

This is the first time for the Kiri Ninja, who is alone overseas, to officially participate in a public event in the ninja world.

The Kumo ninja and Iwa ninja have yet to express their opinions.

Everyone understands that Gaara wants to use this opportunity to appear publicly in front of the public.

The Five Kage Conference rectified the name of the Kazekage Fifth Generation, but the daimyo of the major countries and the financial backers have not yet met the new village chief of Sunagakure Village.

In addition, Daimaru also mentioned the plan for Ichibi Shukaku to escape.

Completely withdrawing it, or peeling off half of it, are all options.

As for why there was a second half that was not in the plan, Daimaru holding the Death Mask was so confident that after putting it on, he summoned the Death and cut Ichibi Shukaku into two parts with the Death Blade.

What Namikaze Minato can do, the Sand Ninjas should be pretty good at. Even if they can't separate Yin and Yang, they can just cut it into the left and right halves and seal them separately.

Unfortunately, Ichibi Shukaku seems to be a little resistant to being cut open.

As for the combination of Fuzu Reincarnation and Yamata no Jutsu to change bodies, Daimaru did not mention it.

I haven't studied it clearly yet, so it would be too dangerous to try it on Gaara.

In addition, he actually had his own considerations for having a dinner with the Kazekage Godaime in a public way.

Guessing the thoughts of those in power is inevitable for role players in the system. Occasionally showing affectionate gestures is also necessary to avoid misjudgment by others.

If you really want to discuss something important, it is enough for the two of you to communicate in private. There is no need to spread the news in a small area. The main thing is to let some disrespectful people settle their minds. Although Daimaru threatens Gaara Kazekage It is possible that he could take the position, but there is no such plan at present. The two have a good personal relationship, not just because of Temari's relationship.

When it comes to the status of Daimaru and Gaara, it is very common to judge one's deeds regardless of one's heart. It doesn't matter what one thinks in one's heart. What others value is the attitude shown.

Doing practical things silently is the foundation, but proper "performance skills" are also indispensable.

Compared to Daimaru, Gaara, the natural leader, understood earlier and was willing to work tirelessly to do this, while "Red Sand", who was less patient, was far behind.

Amid the attention of all parties, the negotiation with Gaara ended peacefully. Daimaru wanted to visit Fuyi. Unfortunately, the old man was unwilling to get too involved with Daimaru at this time. The intention of relationship has to be put aside for the time being.

After two days of such calmness, Daimaru was summoned by Chiyo and Ebizo again.

Daimaru, who has long been determined to make one last attempt, no longer wants to wait. It's hard to say to others, but at least he must have the support of the "Top Elders" in Sunagakure Village.

After communicating so frequently in a short period of time, it seemed like the two of them might have some ideas.

This time, the two elders did not hesitate. They knelt side by side on the exquisitely crafted tatami, with tea already placed in front of them.

To be honest, the traditional matcha is actually a bit different from Daimaru's taste, but for formal occasions, you still have to be a little more accommodating.

"With the newly attached land, we old guys can also enjoy the products of the Kingdom of Tea. In the past, we didn't dare to enjoy such good tea casually, and only used it to entertain guests on important occasions..."

Daimaru was indispensable for such a change, and Gaara's performance was also remarkable. At the Five Kage Conference, Sunagakure Village's reputation was not diminished. For a fourteen-year-old boy, he had already done a lot. alright.

Daimaru picked up the teacup, took a small sip and then put it down.

Grind the tea into powder and grind it evenly. After stirring thoroughly, it will be full of foam. The taste is a bit too strong after entering the mouth. Daimaru, who likes clear tea, is a little uncomfortable, but he can also taste a different flavor from the past.

"I also invited some experienced tea farmers to inspect Awaji Village and wanted to introduce some. Unfortunately, no one was very optimistic about it. The climate of the Land of Wind is not suitable for the growth of tea trees. Large-scale planting is definitely not possible. We can adapt measures to local conditions to see if we can cultivate some local specialty tea varieties. Then we will invite the two elders to taste them..."

The large-scale tea industry has been abandoned. It is still possible to make small and exquisite specialties by taking advantage of the differences in soil quality, salt content, light, tea making technology, etc. in the desert environment. It is a pity that a cash crop with high hopes is lost. The plan was aborted before it even started.

"Young people dare to think! We were really stuck together at that time. In order to get a piece of fertile land, we had conflicts with the Earth Country for years and fought with the Leaf Village. No one set their sights on overseas. If we really talk about the straight-line distance, The closest part of the Bay Area is narrower than the buffer zones of several major countries..."

Although few of the overseas islands are large enough to have a sense of presence on the map, there are so many overseas islands that add up to a considerable amount. It is still possible to feed the population of a small country.

Daimaru smiled and didn't explain much.

With the Suna ninja's weak water escape ability, going to the sea to fight the Konoha ninja is not a meal, but it's not far behind; let go of the ground advantage, use your own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths, and do it only if your brain is broken. It's just that Daimaru has the advantage of aerial combat troops, leaving Konoha ninjas helpless.

Members of the air combat troops swarming in the sky, under the pretext of exterminating pirates, have tightly controlled the entire area. They have occupied many islands and are already within 20 kilometers of the Kingdom of Tea.

After a few pleasantries, Chiyo asked very calmly:

"Have you and Gaara made your decision?"

"Yes, with the help of this joint chunin exam, we can solve the problem once and for all. We can't delay it any longer..."

"Is there any special reason? In fact, you and Gaara can definitely afford to wait. Even an old woman like me who is about to die is not in a hurry..."

"I'm a little worried, maybe I don't have that much time..."

Daimaru took a deep breath and decided to reveal some useful information to the two elders.

"The problems of the Akatsuki organization are more serious than imagined. We must be in the best condition and prepare for the Ninja War..."

"A great ninja war?"

Chiyo was stunned and asked immediately,

"What do you know?"

"Our enemy possesses the legendary Rinnegan Eye of the Six Paths Sage and is planning to collect all tailed beasts. This is a more terrifying threat than Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara..."

As for the source of the information, just blame it on Orochimaru. His ability to take the blame is actually not much worse than Shimura Danzo.

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