Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1081: race run

The pilot Raymond was suddenly shocked. In order to avoid the suddenness of the attack and to avoid exposing himself, they did not turn on the radar at all, and kept the radio silent to prevent the leakage of electromagnetic signals.

But now, the situation has changed abruptly! They were locked on to the radar!

As long as the radar is locked, it means the start of the attack! Although it is still unclear why, Raymond immediately shouted in the radio: "The chisel calls the string, you fly to the right, I fly to the left!"

It is a very wise choice to get rid of the opponent's attack and fly to the side. Due to the Doppler effect, when flying radially towards the opponent's beam, it will be filtered out as clutter.

At the same time, if the opponent has only one aircraft, after locking on the opponent and flying in two directions, the opponent's radar cannot be tracked, and at least one target must be abandoned.

However, they were doomed to miscalculate.

Because, this is a phased array radar!

As the two planes flew to both sides, Matkowski's radar beams were also changing phases, always firmly controlling the traces of the two planes. At the same time, with the help of weak echoes, the r-77 missile Also continuing to follow.

Moreover, for the f-22 fighter, the radar reflection area is the smallest in the front, and the echoes from the side are more, so when they fly sideways, they are locked more firmly!

After launching the missile, Matkowski turned off the afterburner and reduced the speed. As long as the opponent continued to fly in his front hemisphere, in theory, it would not be unlocked!

The grid-type rudder provides the maximum change effect with the minimum torque, and the two r-77 missiles change direction and continue to fly towards the target!

After the first encounter with the f-22 last time, the Soviet technicians optimized the program of the r-77, specifically for the characteristics of the f-22. It can be said that it is tailor-made for the American stealth aircraft. !

"Boom!" Raymond's wingman was hit!

The moment the wingman pilot was hit, he did not choose to parachute, but tried to continue to control the plane for a forced landing.

There's a nuclear bomb inside! And now, below is Turkish territory! Although the nuclear bomb has not been activated and no nuclear explosion will occur, once the air blooms, the radiation will be quite strong, and the following will become a dead place!

He hoped to make a forced landing, and hoped that his fighter plane could persist until it landed.

However, there was no chance. At the same time as being hit, the entire plane turned into a fireball!

The missile hit, just in the middle of the fuselage, where the fuel tank is!

At the same time, another r-77 missile also came in the direction of Raymond! Raymond listened to the countdown sound in the radar warning receiver. When the sound reached zero, he pulled the operating lever without hesitation. At the same time, the engine at the rear emitted light blue flames, afterburning to climb!

At the same time, a large number of platinum bars were sprinkled into the air.

No matter how overloaded a missile is, a missile is always a missile, no artificial intelligence, no human judgment!

Hide away!

Breathing heavily, Raymond knew that he escaped under the attack of the missile, and at the same time, he also gave up his plan to continue the mission.

If the other party can find out and attack him, then he will never be able to pass through the opponent's air defense firepower circle and fly over to throw nuclear bombs. This mission can only be given up.


If the f-22 wants to leave the battlefield, no aircraft of any kind can catch up! Because, f-22 has a powerful engine against the sky!

Although the electronic system is still relatively backward, there is no integrated avionics, and there is no phased array radar, but the f-119 engine is already a fully mature model. It can promote the f-22 fighter and achieve supersonic cruise!

As long as the f-22 enters the supersonic cruise state, it will almost declare the end of the air battle! It is impossible to catch up with any plane!

Although fighter planes have supersonic flight capabilities, most of the air superiority fighters also have a maximum speed of more than Mach 2, but turning on the afterburner method will greatly increase the fuel consumption rate of the fighter plane. Perverted goods, carrying more than ten tons of fuel, dare to consume like this.

After turning on the afterburner and quickly entering the supersonic state, Raymond turned off the afterburner. At an altitude of 18,000 kilometers, he maintained a supersonic cruise of Mach 1.5.

Small sample, you are chasing it! If you come after me and catch up, you will run out of oil!

So far, the Soviet Su-37 fighter jet is still a mystery to the Western world. The West cannot believe that the Soviet Union can cross the restricted area of ​​stealth, mobility, etc. in a short period of time to create a new A generation of fighters is coming.

Although they also discovered the shape characteristics of the Su-37, at most they felt that it had limited stealth capabilities, and they did not expect that this aircraft would have supersonic cruise capabilities.

After all, supersonic cruise depends on the engine! And it involves materials, precision machining and other aspects. There is always a gap between the Soviet industry and the West in this Just a few years ago, the Soviet Union just overcame various difficulties and created the third uncle with a weight-to-weight ratio of 8. This is just the Soviet Union According to the West, if all parts of the engine casing are included, the thrust-to-weight ratio is just over 7!

Therefore, it is impossible for Soviet aircraft to have supersonic cruise capability.

It's over, lost a plane, didn't complete the mission! Raymond is very frustrated, which means that they will have to pay a bigger price after that!

The fighter plane did not have a rear-view radar, so Raymond did not know that behind him, the Soviet plane was in hot pursuit.

race run? Matkowski looked at the display on the radar. After the other party avoided his missile, he quickly climbed and entered supersonic cruise!

Of course Matkowski won't let it go! In terms of racing, your own plane will never lose to the opponent! Moreover, he is not afraid of running out of fuel. After flying a few hundred kilometers east, he will enter the airspace of the ally Kurdistan, where he can find an airport to land!

Catch up!

"The Kremlin, the blacksmith asks to continue the pursuit!" Mattkowski shouted over the radio.

Just after shouting, Matkowski saw a warning light flashing on the dashboard in front of his cockpit.

Radiation overdose? Nima, these two flying fighters actually carried nuclear bombs, and they must not let each other go!

"The blacksmith reported that there was a lot of radiation in the airspace of the destroyed enemy plane, and it was suspected that the other party was carrying a nuclear bomb." Matkowski shouted in the radio, and at the same time, he turned on the afterburner again extravagantly.

Nima, let you run, this time, I will launch two missiles at once to destroy you!

The Su-37 fighter jet entered the supersonic state again and soon exceeded Mach 2! The bomb bay in the belly was opened again.

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