Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1121: Clinton's mouth


This is a state in the southern United States, located in the middle and lower reaches of the Mississippi River, bordered by Missouri to the north, Oklahoma to the west, Louisiana to the south, Texas to the southwest, and Tennessee and Mississippi to the east by the Mississippi River. see each other,

Politically speaking, this state is not very famous. There has never been a president of the United States. The most famous one is probably General MacArthur, and the rest are just a few singers!

However, as long as there is an ideal, it will be possible!

State capital, Little Rock.

"Kyle was in a car accident." In a luxurious room, a tall and handsome middle-aged man said: "Obviously, it was done by the Jews, although they disguised it as a traffic accident, we can also see Come out, this is definitely not ordinary, just when the Senate was about to question President Bush, five senators had an accident one after another!"

Hearing his words, the woman opposite, with short hair, low stature, thick calf, and black leg hair, immediately became unhappy: "Clinton, do you really want to back off? I forgot about you. ideal?"

Clinton! This man with mature and charming lines on his face is the governor of Arkansas, William Jefferson Clinton, a member of the Democratic Party of the United States.

For Clinton, who grew up in an ordinary, violent stepfather's family and got to where he is, step by step, the ambition to climb up has never faded, and he can pay any price for it.

For example, in his political career, the woman in front of him is absolutely indispensable, his nominal wife, Hillary!

Clinton can't forget that after he failed to run for governor, Hillary's expression seemed to kill him! Hillary, never allow failure!

And now, when Clinton is the governor of Arkansas, life is still not very easy, because Hillary's ambition is to win the White House and be the first lady of the United States!

Now, what Clinton needs to do is how to jump from the position of governor to the White House, and now, he is also faced with a choice that is full of temptation, but full of huge traps!

William Kyle played a big role in Clinton's career. At first, Clinton was nothing. After meeting William Kyle and with his help, Clinton got to know many people in Washington. These people, too, provided some help when Clinton was running for governor.

William Kyle, just recently, had some opinions with Clinton, and the other party thought that this was a good opportunity!

But now, Kyle is dead!

Winning the White House is very important, but your own life is even more important!

Clinton's mind was full of contradictions.

"Since you have chosen this path, you can't back down, you must move forward!" Hillary said: "Now, it is a watershed, and we have to gamble! There are many politicians behind the Jews, However, only by choosing the people is the last hope, and the votes are in the hands of the people!"

Historically, after Clinton won the White House, a large number of Jews still served as staff. But now, Clinton wants to win the White House, and there are still many people blocking it! In the Democratic Party, he is not a high-level person at all, so he must take shortcuts and make tricks!

"For a tall man like you, you have to be upright and like a man, don't just play majesty on the bed!" Hilary said coldly.

bed! It's almost a sarcasm! Hillary and Clinton were brought together for political interests. Both of them have ambitions, but in reality, there is almost no physical communication between the two.

Clinton has many such partners, and Hillary doesn't mind. Now, Clinton can already guess that his nominal wife is actually a problem in terms of orientation.

And now, Hillary is quite firm and must do it! Stand up clearly! Show Clinton's attitude. In this way, Clinton will definitely get a good image and political capital in the hearts of the American people!

"Then what about my safety?" Clinton continued.

"I have bought a high-value life insurance for you, and the beneficiary is my name." Hillary said to Clinton coldly: "Clinton, you have no choice, you must do as I say! Otherwise, I have a hundred ways to ruin your reputation!"

Facing his powerful wife, Clinton knew that he had no choice at all.

"Everyone, as the governor of Arkansas, I want to make a fair assessment of what has happened recently." Facing the reporter's camera, Clinton, who mustered her courage, finally decided to be a fighter for justice!

This is his best chance to win the White House!

"My good friend William Kevin died in a car accident, and strangely, there are five senators who also left us for various reasons, I deeply cherish them, and at the same time, I am also prepared, and possibly, I will be killed. Even so, I still have to speak, because, I am an American, an ordinary American!" Clinton Said: "I love my country. My call to the motherland can only be honored as ceremonies. The United States belongs to all of us American citizens, not to a certain interest group! The fate of our entire nation, this is a blasphemy against America! A crime against America!"

Reporters, there was an immediate uproar, they knew that Clinton, the governor of Arkansas, was going to stand up and shoot at the White House!

Now, almost all newspapers and magazines are promoting the difficulties suffered by Israel, promoting the great friendship between the United States and Israel, and hating the Soviet Union for sinking the American aircraft carrier. Some newspapers even commented that the United States And the Soviet Union, only one can exist on Earth!

However, many people don't believe it anymore, when the news of the Kremlin spread all over the world, when the dialogue of the conflict on the bridge leaked, when the first officer of the aircraft carrier said what happened on the bridge at that time, the American people, have realized what happened.

However, no one has come forward. President Bush is still ready to challenge the Soviet Union about the sinking of the aircraft carrier! They represent America!

And now, finally, someone has stood up with a clear-cut stand!

Well done Clinton! In an instant, Clinton, who was only known in Arkansas, on this day, his name spread throughout the United States! Even if he is accidentally killed, he will shoot at the White House!

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