Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1123: Street Fighting in Jericho


"This is our land, which we bought with our own blood and life. We must not give up!" In the center of Jericho, a veteran with only one arm shouted loudly.

Dressed in the uniform of the IDF, he shouted to those in front: "The government has issued an order, old people and children, to withdraw from Jericho, and the rest, men and women, all in our Jericho defense. Team, now, the 7th Armored Brigade is using their sacrifices to give us time, we are going to build Jericho into a steel fortress and let the Iraqis know that they can't conquer us at all!"

Not just men, but women too! After all, Israel is a small country. After repeated migrations, the population is not very large. Therefore, there are a large number of women in the Israel Defense Forces. Female soldiers with M16 rifles and Galil assault rifles are often seen on patrol.

Now, it has come to the juncture of life and death for Israel, the solicitation order has been issued, Israel, all people are soldiers!

Even the Prime Minister of Israel was killed. This news caused great indignation in Israel. They knew that Israel had come to the most dangerous moment, and if they wanted to defend their country, they had to fight bravely!

Only by fighting can you win! Only Israel can survive here!

They silently walked to the recruiting point on the side, simply reported their names, and then picked up the rifles issued to them.

"I have operated anti-tank missiles before, please put me in the anti-tank missile team," said Yehuda, who is in his forties.

Anti-tank! Now, the Iraqis are coming from tank troops, so with rifles, it won't do much, and anti-tank is the most important thing!

"Okay, there are TOW anti-tank missiles here, boy, do it well!" said the one-armed soldier.

The work of recruiting the reservists is proceeding rapidly, and at the same time, outside the city of Jericho, the Seventh Armored Brigade is also ushering in their final doom.

"Boom!" The 125mm tank gun of the t-72 tank fired violently! With the vibration of the tank, the 125mm shelling armor-piercing projectile flew to the opposite side! This armor-piercing projectile, which has been upgraded again, easily ripped open the hull of the Merkava tank, which was shown to be indestructible by Israel, passed through the engine compartment, and did not explode until the rear crew compartment!

"Boom!" At the connection of the turret, a surge of air surged. This tank has been destroyed in a huge martyrdom explosion. This is simply too easy!


Ali was not very satisfied with the results. Most of the tanks were destroyed by the attack planes overhead, and there were too few left for himself!

Tank battles, that exciting feeling, will never come again, with air dominance, everything will be there!

"Attention, the infantrymen accompany the tanks and enter the urban area. If any resistance is found, they will be eliminated immediately, regardless of whether the opponent is a soldier or a civilian!" Looking at the outline of the city in front, Ali ordered his troops on the radio.

In front, is Jericho, the first city to be conquered! And Ali, will also be the first division commander to invade an Israeli city!

In fact, after coming back last time, Qusay planned to promote Ali to become the staff officer of the Northern Military Region, but Ali refused. He didn't like to stay in the command headquarters in the rear. He prefers to fight on the front line and smell the gunpowder in the air. The smell, his blood is bursting.

Especially now!

Whether civilian or military! Ali has a very deep understanding of Israel. They are all soldiers, even a child will take up arms. Therefore, to deal with them, we must be firm!

If they lay down their arms, their surrender is acceptable, if they do not lay down their arms, then wipe them out!

Only tanks are very dangerous. Urban combat is different from fighting in the field, and infantry must be accompanied!

At the same time, there are also Su-25 attack aircraft in the sky, and reinforcements can be called at any time!

Enter the city!

The bmp infantry fighting vehicle, carrying the infantry, moves with the tank. Before entering the urban area, the infantry disembarks from the infantry fighting vehicle, guards both sides of the tank, and advances towards the interior of the city!

The streets were empty and there was no pedestrian in sight. In this situation, everyone could not help but be vigilant!

Anywhere, windows, roofs, bullets can be shot! At the same time, as long as the opponent's position is exposed, it means that death will come, and the tanks of your own will pour violent artillery fire in the past!

Tanks have grenades stuffed in their barrels, this is the best way to deal with snipers, kill them with shells!

On the street, at the intersection, Yehuda, who was hidden in the small garden, was aiming intently. He was now in a lying position, the TOW missile on a tripod, in the final firing state.

Since Iraqi tanks are wearing reactive this TOW anti-tank missile, it is impossible to destroy the t-72 from the front, and the side attack is the best way!

When the Iraqi tank appeared in the field of vision, it happened to be the side! Holding his breath, Yehuda moved his index finger calmly, and the missile flew out, dragging white smoke!

Infrared semi-active guidance requires always irradiating the opponent's tank with infrared light! Yehuda knew that this was his most dangerous moment, but he must not retreat!

"Three o'clock!" An infantryman accompanying the tank had already discovered something, and he immediately shouted loudly. At the same time, half-squatting, the AK rifle in his hand was already firing violently!

Bullets, splashed in the direction of the small garden!

And the t-72 tank, at this moment, was running at full power, black smoke was coming from the tail, and the smoke screen launcher on the top of the turret was constantly releasing smoke. It had to rely on these methods to avoid the missile!

At the same time, on the other side of the small garden, a dozen Jews with guns appeared, and they fired equally violently at the infantry next to the tank!

The battle is on the verge of starting, and within a few seconds, the results of the battle will appear!

"Boom!" The t-72 tank was hit from the side! Although the explosive reactive armor self-detonated at this time, it was still penetrated by the metal jet through the internal armor!

The turret of the t-72 tank flew up during the explosion!

Unprepared, several infantrymen behind the tank were also swept away by Jewish bullets. They fell down screaming, and the infantry behind them, after finding the cover, immediately shot at the Jews!

Four or five of these Jews were also killed, and the rest quickly retreated along the road that had been prepared for a long time.

Street fighting, brutal street fighting, officially kicked off!

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