Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1138: Americans are divided into 2 categories

"Mr. Dobrynin, on behalf of the U.S. government, I make a serious protest to you!" In Moscow, James Baker, who was furious, found Minister of Foreign Affairs Dobrynin and solemnly expressed his position: "You deliberately In the waters south of Alaska, a battle was provoked, and moreover, our land airfield was attacked!"

Negotiations are still going on. The two sides are negotiating on the details. As a result, bad news came from Alaska. The Soviets deliberately provoked war!

This is simply too rascal! Now, several aircraft carriers on the west coast of the United States are moving towards the north, but they don't have much hope. If nothing else, the Soviet space weapons will shoot a laser at any time, splitting the aircraft carrier into two sections. ! Even if the power is lower, if only a hole is burned on the deck, the aircraft carrier will be useless.

The threat from space makes the United States simply unable to deal with it!

At the same time, the Canadian army was hesitating, not knowing whether to send troops to protect Alaska.

In the past few days, James Baker has tried his best, but the result is still the same!

"I'm asking to see Marshal Andre," James Baker said.

"The marshal doesn't have time. If you want to meet him, you can go to the coast of Crimea and meet our general secretary Andropov," Dobrynin said.

If it was in the past, it would be the most appropriate to see Andropov, but now, everyone knows that Andropov was the boss of his hands, and he didn't care about the affairs here at all, and everything was decided by Andrei!

Going to Andropov, what's the use? Are you going to recuperate together?

"Please tell Marshal Andre that we, the United States, will never tolerate the invasion of our homeland." James Baker said: "Just like when the island countries invaded our homeland, the result was a huge price, from the founding of the United States to the Now, it has never failed!"

"Mr. Baker, do you understand now?" Dobrynin said: "You are already clamoring to declare war on us. Even if we are all fools, we will never be fooled again. Alaska is our Soviet , Now, I propose a final plan, we can pay some more, ten million dollars, to buy our Alaska back. Otherwise, we will take it with our own hands."

"Can I take this statement as a declaration of war on our United States?" James Baker said.

"It depends on whose perspective you stand." Dobrynin said: "We now divide the United States into two categories, ordinary Americans and American Jews. In our eyes, what declares war on us is not a representative Ordinary Americans who have the fundamental interests of the United States, but Jews. So if you stand on the Jewish point of view, then we have already started to declare war on the Jews, since the Jews tried to interfere in our high-level, in an attempt to control our Soviets, The Jews are doomed to perish! This is our unswerving policy."

"At the same time, the current U.S. government is already under the control of the Jews, so what we need to do is to liberate the ordinary Americans under the control of the American Jewish government. This is our mission." Dobrynin Said: "Do the Jews think they can control the whole of America by occupying the White House? No, absolutely not!"

"Of course, in this process, there will be many people who will face the problem of standing in line, and if they are on the side of the Jews, then we will ruthlessly eliminate them! If they are willing to stand with ordinary Americans and welcome our liberation , then we will welcome them." Dobrynin said: "My good friend, Mr. James, I hope you can think about how you can stand in line so that it is in the interests of the Americans, not the interests of the Jews! "

"Mr. Dobrynin, it's a pity that your attempt to provoke internal conflicts in the United States is doomed to bankruptcy. The current government was elected by the American people, and of course represents the interests of the Americans." James Baker said : "Since you have made a decision, there is no need for us to negotiate. Can I go back to the United States?"

"Of course you can," Dobrynin said. "I know that you are smart. You should make your own choices. Not everyone can stay awake in front of American interests and Jewish interests."

Baker got on the plane and left Moscow, and almost at the same time, Moscow's Red Star and other newspapers, and Moscow's TV station also issued a statement immediately.

The words of Dobrynin just now were conceived by Marshal Andrei, who divided the United States into two categories, and further allowed the Americans to see clearly the role of the current government. At the same time, let the Americans know that the Soviet army used to liberate them and completely rescue them from the control of the Jews!

In the northwest of Saudi Arabia, the small town of Useli.

The heat wave hits people, and it is always hot here!

Temporary military tents can't isolate the heat wave outside. Because this huge military camp was only recently established, and due to problems such as funding, air conditioners have not been installed here.

A group of American soldiers, shirtless, sat together. In front of them, there were empty beer bottles, drinking beer, which also became their pastime.

"Coming here from the mainland is really enough!" A black soldier could not help complaining: "What are we here for?"

"It goes without saying that it is of course to protect our allies. Now, our allies, Israel, are being bullied by the Red Empire!" A young white man said, "Israel is our staunch ally. Now, our There are fewer and fewer allies, and if we lose Israel again, we, the United States, will be really isolated.”

"Malaki, you idiot, you are so easily brainwashed? Where did you see that Israel has helped the United States? How much of our defense spending has directly supported Israel over the years?" The black soldier couldn't help but retort: ​​" Ally? Has this ally of ours ever done anything useful to us?"

"Of course, the presence of Israel in the Middle East allows us to control the Middle East," Malaki said. "The inability to control the Middle East is the reason for our decline."

"Fart, Israel is still in the Middle East, where do we control it? If we don't support Israel, we will maintain good relations with the surrounding Arab countries, and the Soviet forces will not be able to penetrate." The black soldier said: "You give this Israel says nice things, you won't be Jewish, will you?"

"Malaki, it's the Jews! You **** have taken control of the top of our government, and regardless of the interests of the United States, you insist on getting involved in this **** conflict!"

"Yes, the Soviets attacked Israel because the Jews wanted to control the top Soviet leaders! Now, the Jews control our top leaders in the United States. Damn it!"

"You Jews are murdering us in America!"

"Kill you **** Jewish guys!" The black soldier picked up his m16 rifle. At this time, he was already quite angry, and the heat made him lose his mind.

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