Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1150: Minuteman missile takeoff

Alaska has an important strategic location. From here, you can directly see the huge red empire across the sea.

Therefore, Alaska is an enclave of the United States, and it is also a land that will never be given up. From here, deploying nuclear bombs can hit the Soviet Union in the shortest time! In later generations, this is also the deployment site of the US anti-ballistic missile system. From here, the missiles flying from the Soviet Union can be intercepted for the first time!

The U.S. land-based ballistic missiles are all handled by the Air Force. Therefore, they have deployed strategic missiles to the side of the Air Force Base, and the Air Force Base is responsible for managing and launching them. Now, near Eyerson Air Force Base, There are more than 30 Minuteman missile silos!

Without the authorization of the White House, the nuclear bomb can never be launched, but now, the contact with the White House has not recovered at all, and they can only make up their own minds!

When the mainland of the United States has been invaded, is it necessary to keep those nuclear bombs? Of course they have to be used!

Colonel Kuster is not Jewish either. Now, he just made a decision according to the regulations. It is indeed time to launch a nuclear bomb.

However, as the head coach of the base, Major General Locke hesitated.

Do these nukes work? The Soviet space laser cannon is waiting in the sky! If you launch it, you will be destroyed by others as soon as you go out! Nuclear radiation will cover the entire Alaska, but the Soviets have no harm!

"We can only do our best," Colonel Kuster said. "Now, we have reached the point where we have started the emergency procedure. As for how effective this procedure can be, it is not something we can control. , If God wants us to lose here, then we have nothing to do, in short, we tried our best, as soldiers, this is our duty."

This is your responsibility!

Finally, Major General Locke made up his mind: "The missile launch position, prepare to launch strategic nuclear bombs, enter the countdown program, and the half-hour countdown begins!"

Compared with the backward ballistic missile technology of the Soviet Union, as early as the 1960s, the United States realized the solidification of strategic missiles, using solid fuel, which saved the work of refueling before launch. Eliminates the serious threat of possible leaks.

However, the Minuteman 3 missile uses a mixed technology of solid and liquid. This missile was developed in 1966 and equipped with troops in 1970. The first three stages use solid rocket motors, and the last booster stage uses liquid rocket motors.

So, it is unavoidable to involve adding liquid fuel.

When the Soviet Union began to threaten the United States and wanted to retake Alaska, Alaska's combat readiness level was raised to the highest level. Now, these missile silos are almost full.

The order to launch was finally conveyed, and all the personnel knew what it meant, but, as soldiers, they still had to obey the order! The tense countdown has begun!

Major General Locke walked around restlessly. The clothes on his back soon became wet. At this time, his pressure was the greatest. If the Soviets launched a retaliatory counterattack, then he is the sinner who will destroy the United States!

The radio interference continued, and the telephone lines and network lines were still disconnected. Major General Locke was unable to transmit any orders to his superiors, and even he did not know what was happening in other areas.

It was not until the siren of the base suddenly sounded that Major General Locke asked loudly, "What's going on?"

"North, an armored force has appeared, and they are coming towards us!"

North, the armored troops appeared! Major General Locke was even more surprised, it could not be his own troops! Our troops, as early as a day ago, were transferred to the southern coastline to prevent the Soviets from landing!

Now, it can only be the army of the Soviets, how did they get here?

Ahead, it's Allison Air Force Base! Tikhonov personally led the team. At this time, in a command-type infantry fighting vehicle, he was issuing orders one after another through the digital command system.

47 regiment, occupy the airport runway, hangar, control the US Air Force, 63 regiment, occupy the missile launch position, prevent the Americans from launching strategic missiles!

Although the space laser cannon is aiming at this place at this time, the space laser cannon can only observe, track, and destroy the opponent through the tail smoke of the missile, and it must have risen at least a few hundred meters. Then, with a bang, The entire base is unusable!

Therefore, the best way is not to let the Americans launch nuclear bombs!

At this moment, in a launch silo, the launch personnel had counted down and entered the last few seconds.

"Five, four, Two, one, fire!" Ignoring the sound of the alarm sounding in the distance, the launcher's finger pressed the launch button.

Then, a thick plume of smoke came out of the exhaust duct.

Unlike the Soviet Union, U.S. missiles are thermally launched. In the silo, it was ignited directly, while the Soviet missile was ejected with compressed air, and then ignited after leaving the silo.

Therefore, before the launch of the Militia missile, just at the moment of ignition, the tail smoke is discharged from the ground through complicated pipelines.

"Quick, stop this missile from taking off!" At this moment, Tikhonov noticed.

At this time, the five laser tanks were all ready. All the way, their supercapacitors were fully charged. Now, when they noticed the smoke coming out, they immediately operated the laser tanks and aimed there!

Almost at the same time, the Minuteman missile has been drilled out of the launch tube!

A milky white cone-shaped warhead emerged, followed by a black projectile body, shrouded in white smoke, and the missile was about to climb!

At the same time, five laser beams arrived in an instant!

"Boom!" The part where the laser beam hit was the black projectile, the position of the engine in the third section, with the arrival of these laser beams, the entire projectile suddenly exploded!

Then, a huge explosion sounded from the entire silo!

One of the dangers of thermal launch is that if the missile fails to ignite and explodes, the entire silo will be finished! The advanced technology of the United States can ensure that the ignition is absolutely normal, and now, the projectile is still exploded when it is bombed as soon as it emerges.

This explosion made the ground of the entire base shake!

The pointed warhead also flew tens of meters high with the airflow of the explosion, and then fell again.

The warhead did not explode!

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