Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1160: referendum

"Although it has nothing to do with the United States, we still have our ideals. Democracy and freedom are our creeds. Therefore, we will conduct a statewide referendum to determine the legitimacy of our independence." The provisional government Terry Dewey, the head of the state, continued to issue his own statement: "All citizens of the state, except those of Jewish nationality, each have a vote, and your vote determines whether our independence this time is legal."

Referendum! Except for the Jews! This statement of Tsundere is quite powerful! This is also a choice that convinces all the people of the state. As long as a referendum is held, it will have complete legitimacy. In the future, whoever wants to continue to gossip and fight against the people of the whole state will not end well!

Although the occupying army was replaced by the Soviet army, the people in Alaska found that their lives were not affected in any way. The head of the street, everything, is the same as before!

If there is a difference, it is the expectation for the future. Alaska, there is no need to pay taxes to the U.S. government, the entire state will withhold it by itself. In this way, the economy of the entire state will have greater development!

Alaska's fishery is quite rich. For fishermen, they will no longer have to worry about being intercepted by the Soviet navy or even being shot by the other side. They can fish in the Arctic and in any sea area!

For miners and oilfield workers, they also know that if Alaska can print its own currency, there is no need to worry about the continued depreciation of the dollar in their hands. Moreover, Alaska's rich resources will definitely make it as rich as the Middle East!

The level of 2 million barrels of crude oil per day is very similar to that of some oil-producing countries in the Middle East. Look at those oil-producing countries, everyone is rich! And now, Alaska's oil is controlled by American oil companies, and the profits from these oil are taken away by the Jews!

All large corporations in the United States are controlled by Jews. Now, it is no secret!

In this case, the choice of the people of Alaska is quite obvious!

Independent and self-sufficient!

Independent, no longer under the control of the United States!

Be independent and print your own money!

At each polling place, almost all the residents cast their votes in separate boxes, needless to say? As long as it is in their own interests, what does the federal government do? Anyway, when has the federal government ever considered Alaska's interests over the years?

Even the National Guard of Alaska, which has surrendered, has the right to vote. Thinking about the difference in strength, they know that they will never want to return to the federal government in the future. Separate box.

Besides, although we are talking about independence, the garrison must still have the Soviet Union. After all, they surrendered to the Soviet Union. When it is time to bow their heads, they have to bow their heads!

The voting took two days. After the votes were counted, 80% of the citizens were in favor of leaving the federal government and Alaska became independent!

The people of Alaska have made the right choice, and at the same time, they are also seen by many caring people!


"Clinton, where did your courage go?" In the room, Hillary almost yelled at Clinton: "It's no use just shouting in front of the TV, you have to go to the people and let them be Your charm conquers!"

Clinton sat on the sofa with a listless face: "There have been four assassinations, just the day before yesterday, under the seat of my office, a blade was arranged in advance, smeared with poison, if my secretary helped me clean the office , I can't sit here anymore."

I have pity on that **** and beautiful female secretary. At that time, Clinton had almost succeeded in hooking up. Every day I watched the female secretary bend over to wipe the table. Inside the miniskirt, the **** was really sexy. As a result, the female secretary died.

Jews, the means are really vicious! If you can't buy Clinton, then all kinds of assassination methods will be used!

Now, Clinton has backed down a bit! He believes that if he continues to persevere, he will go to heaven before he can win the White House.

Now, Hillary is asking Clinton to go out to give a speech, which is literally killing Clinton. God knows where a sniper is hiding and killing Clinton with one shot!

Anyway, Hillary gave Clinton a huge insurance policy. Even if Clinton died, Hillary would have nothing to lose!

"Are you still a man? Look, now Alaska has held a referendum, and the entire state of Alaska has seceded from the United States! In this case, it is the moment for you to stand up, and you have to shout out boldly~www The current situation in the United States is caused by Jews. The current White House government is simply a tool of the Jews! Only by being a fighter of justice can you gain the support of the people of the whole country. Even if you are assassinated, you are It's worth it! Look at Bush, didn't he succeed in the election just because he suffered an assassination?"

Hillary's tone was aggressive: "In short, we in Arkansas must become the focus of the entire federal government in this incident! If the Jewish government does not step down, then we in Arkansas will also vote in a referendum, and we will live our own lives. We absolutely do not follow the orders of the Jewish government! We also have to contact the southern states to challenge the Bush administration!"

Hundreds of years have passed since the American Civil War! Although they have been integrated, there are still great differences between the north and the south.

According to differences in economy, culture and climate, the North-South dividing line in the United States is actually very blurred. It is generally believed that the 11 states during the Civil War were the southern part of the United States, including Arkansas.

Up to now, the southern states are still poorer than the north. The south is still dominated by agriculture, while the industrial and financial industries in the north are very developed. Especially now, the United States is vigorously developing the military industry, and the environment in the south is even worse.

If you can set off a storm in the entire United States and let the Jewish government step down, then you can win the White House. If not, then separate the South and take care of yourself!

Alaska can be independent, the southern states, of course, can also be independent!

Referendum is a magic weapon!

"Ting bell," just then, the phone rang, Clinton picked up the phone, and the security at the door called: "Governor Clinton, there is a man who wants to see you, and he says his name is Donald Trump."

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