Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1162: no compromise, no back down

In the United States, the turmoil is about to be staged, and in the distant Middle East, the war has reached its final stage.

Tel Aviv.

It is also the nominal capital of Israel. Although Israel has always firmly believed that Jerusalem is an inseparable part of Israel and the capital of Israel, many embassies of many countries are still set up in Tel Aviv to show respect for Arab countries.

Therefore, when you hit Tel Aviv, you can't directly use the father of bombs to blow it to the ground like other cities, otherwise, it will lead to serious international conflicts!

Tel Aviv, destined to be a bayonet-to-bayonet street battle!

At the same time, occupying the capital of a country means the demise of a country. This is normal. Israel will persist in Tel Aviv for the sake of its own country's existence!

Now, on the outskirts of Tel Aviv are the Syrian and Iraqi troops, and on the front lines are rushing to the battlefield and fighting brutal street battles are the Palestinian troops!

The battle was brutal and the losses would be huge. In this case, the two armies silently chose to provide fire support on the periphery.

Especially in Iraq, the loss of Hammurabi Division in the last time has already made Division Commander Ali hurt. He is unwilling to let his elite troops disappear in the brutal street battles. That is not the place for armored soldiers to go!

Now, it is to kill the Jews and to avenge the Palestinian brothers. Of course, in this final battle, the Palestinian brothers must rush ahead!

Even Arafat was holding a Uzi submachine gun and was supervising the battle from behind. His face was full of excitement. His wish for so many years was finally coming true!

The Jews fought fiercely. In this city, all the Jews became fighters, and almost all adults, men and women, were fighting!

At the same time, all the Palestinians have also become fighters, and some of them joined the battle without hesitation as soon as they got their weapons! This is a battle between two races!

Every inch of land had to go through repeated struggles until it completely turned into ruins during the struggle, and the casualties on both sides were increasing dramatically.

Sitting on his tank, Ali silently lit a cigarette, listened to the sound of gunfire in the distance, and basked in the sun. This kind of life was really pleasant.

"The report found that a group of Jewish refugees was moving southward, trying to pass through southern Israel, to Saudi Arabia." At this moment, a chief of staff came over and reported to Ali: "Baghdad ordered us to pursue this refugee group. ."

Jewish refugees! Now, Jewish adult men and women have become soldiers and participated in the front-line battle, while Jewish refugees are all old people and children!

Baghdad ordered its own side to pursue these refugees. What is that for? Ali felt his eyelids start twitching: "Did Baghdad only order us to chase the refugees? Is there any other order?"

"Let's avenge President Uday," the staff officer continued.

Avenge President Uday! President Uday, actually died at the hands of the Jews, and the Jews actually found a fake Uday to replace him in an attempt to control the whole of Iraq!

How can you not avenge this revenge? Thinking of this, Ali's eyes once again showed frenzy: "Order the 8th Armored Brigade to move south, follow the route set by the system, catch up with these **** Jews, and drive them into the sea!"

Get to the sea! Directly facing these Jews Tutu, Ali really couldn't do it, so he could only change his plan and rush to the sea. Some of these old people and children can swim, and some can swim. ?

In South Africa, Ali had seen genocide. As a soldier, Ali could never really muster the courage to attack these civilians.

At this moment, the digital terminal on the vehicle rang again, and a clear voice came from inside, it was the voice of Kuse!

"Ali, I hope you can execute my order correctly." Qusay said: "The existence of Jews in this world is a sin. Over the years, their spread to our Middle East has created many Arab brothers. tragic death. This is a race war, this is a life-and-death war, and when we are fighting on the battlefield, the families of these Jewish soldiers are producing weapons and ammunition, and making weapons to kill us. If you are soft-handed now, Then, wait 20 years, and we will face a new war. The war we are fighting now, without compromise, without retreat, until one side ruthlessly wipes out the other side.”

Old people will convey hatred to the younger generation, and when children grow up, they will want to take revenge again. The only way to stop them from taking revenge is to kill them all!

How many Palestinians did the Jews come here and kill? When their bulldozers levelled Palestinian homes, did they consider that there were still old people and children in the house? In their eyes Palestinians are an inferior race, not human at all. Now, why be sympathetic to the Jews?

Moreover, the Jews are the most tenacious nation. If you leave them, you will be left with trouble!

The weeds are going to be rooted out! This kind of thing has happened many times in history!

"Understood." Ali said, "I will personally lead Hammurabi Division to carry out this mission."

Lead the team yourself! Ali is not greedy for merit, but to reduce the guilt of the soldiers. After all, it is now a civilized society!

The t-72 tank started, and the rolling torrent of armored to the south. Israel, a small land, is only more than 400 kilometers long from north to south! Now, all the Jewish troops are concentrated in Tel Aviv, the southern part of Israel, which is quite empty.

Along the way, they ran for three hours, and finally, they caught up with the fleeing Jews.

They are driving on the road with pickups, big bags and small bags, and now, they have entered the Negev desert!

"Watch out, don't let anyone go," Ali shouted over the radio. "Shoot at those cars!"

It takes a strong psychological capacity to attack unarmed civilians. Ali personally gave the order to shoot!

"Boom!" The 125mm tank gun fired a grenade and successfully hit a car. In an instant, the car burst into flames! At the same time, it also affected several other cars!

What was blown up was the car in front, and the road was blocked. These cars did not have off-road capability, so they could not drive off the road and enter the desert, and they would be trapped!

"Boom!" At this moment, another voice came, and with this voice, the turret of a t-72 tank was lifted off the side!


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