Red Soviet Union

Chapter 118: Problems in Hokkaido

The meeting was over. Andre looked at Lieutenant General Constantine, who was smiling, wondering what else would he do to stay?

"Andrei, you have done a good job this time, and it has damaged the morale of the Americans. Your photo of the aircraft carrier flying over the Americans has now appeared in the front page of Pravda in Moscow. Uth Marshal Zinov is quite satisfied. If it wasn't for the fact that you won the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the first time, you would have planned to award you the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the second time. It's just that you are a little reckless in doing so, in case you are really caught by the United States. If a human missile hits, our Far East Military Region will lose an excellent regimental commander," said Lieutenant General Constantine.

"Serve the Soviets." Andrei said: "At that time, I only wanted to fight the arrogance of the Americans. Now that I think about it, it was indeed dangerous at the time. However, if I had to choose again, I would still do it. I Never regret it."

"Andrei, you are still young, and you have a bright future waiting for you." Lieutenant General Konstantin said, "Marshal Ustinov did not see you wrong, he asked me to take care of you."

"Thank you, General." Andrei said. At this time, his heart was warm. Although Andrei knew that Ustinov liked a tough Soviet soldier like him, this concern made Andrei Very moved.

"Andre, after returning to the army, make preparations for combat. The improved R-40 missile has been dispatched to the base. You must prepare for the mounting of the new missile." Lieutenant General Constantine continued.

An improved R-40!

The biggest disadvantage of the R-40 is that the range is too close, especially the model of the infrared seeker, the real effective range is only more than 20 kilometers! Therefore, the Soviets continued to develop and adopted new and improved missiles, which allowed the effective range of this missile to reach 50 kilometers, and the model name was R-40D.

Hearing Lieutenant General Constantine's words, Andre suddenly remembered the newly added 592 regiment, and then associated it with now, what's going on? Is it really going to fight the Americans?

So much the better! Hit hard at the arrogance of Americans! However, in the Cold War, it seems that no such incident happened. The United States and the Soviet Union did not have any large-scale military conflicts. After all, if the two giants really fight, it means that the Cold War has become a hot war, and it will even break out. Nuclear war will destroy the earth.

Although Andre came to the conclusion that a nuclear war would not break out, that was based on the knowledge of later generations. If it is really urgent, both sides will definitely dare to use anything.

"Yes." Andre replied, he knew that the lieutenant general had reminded him enough, and he didn't need to keep asking.

To fight, or not to fight? How big is it? What kind of strategic posture is required?

These issues were not considered by Andrei. At this time, in the Kremlin, a large group of people were discussing such issues that would determine national affairs.

"For two hundred years, we have been trying to open up the estuary of the Pacific Ocean. After the end of World War II, we tried to occupy the northeastern part of China and establish a base for the Pacific Fleet in Dalian, China. At that time, for some reasons, none of this became a reality. In fact, we were all taking detours at that time. The most suitable outlet for us was not in Huaxia at all, but in an island country! As long as we occupied Hokkaido, we could directly get the outlet to the Pacific Ocean!” Defense Minister Ustino Marshal Fu, at this time, is eagerly trying to convince the other high-ranking officials in front of him.

Gain access to the Pacific Ocean! Although the Soviet Union has acquired Vladivostok, it is not an ice-free port. There are several months of freezing every winter. It is not suitable for the navy as a base. If it is not for the short General Liba, the Soviet Union The Pacific Fleet in the Far East would never choose this place as its base.

Similarly, Sakhalin Island and other places were also excluded. At that time, Stalin tried to ask Huaxia for Dalian Port, so what was the use? Just look at the map. Even if Dalian Port is used as a base, it will still be blocked by the Americans in the offshore waters, and they will not be able to get out at all!

If you want to go out, you need to get a more suitable forward base. Now, no matter from which point of view, Hokkaido is the most suitable!

Due to the fear of the Soviet Union's attack on Hokkaido, the island country did not build Hokkaido very much. Now the population there is only a few million. On Hokkaido, Kushiro City on the Pacific coast happens to be a port. Akkeishi Bay, 30 kilometers northeast of Kushiro City, and the island country's Tokyo Bay overlooks the Pacific Ocean just like the Soviet Union's Pacific Fleet base, plus the nuclear submarine base on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

For the Soviet Union, this is also an important move to break the current strategic situation.

As for Guohou Island and Eelado Island, the strategic depth is too shallow to be suitable for permanent naval bases.

"What's more, it should have belonged to us in the first place. During World War II, the island country was also one of the fascists, so it should have received enough punishment! The island country should have been divided and occupied like Germany, but now, we just take back Ours," continued Ustinov, who began to turn his back on his old accounts again.

Weak countries have no Only big countries have the right to speak in the world structure. On August 15, 1945, U.S. President Truman contacted the Soviet Union to discuss accepting the distribution of the countries after the surrender of the island countries, that is, the distribution of the areas actually occupied by the countries. The Soviet Union was allocated to Manchuria, the Korean Peninsula north of the 38th parallel, and South Sakhalin Island, but the Kuril Islands were not included. Stalin believed that the area obtained by the surrender of the island country to the Soviet Union should be based on the "Yalta Agreement" to obtain all the islands of the Kuril Islands. In addition, he proposed a new request to obtain the northern half of Hokkaido, which includes the northern half of the line connecting Kushiro and Rumoi. In revenge for the island nation sending troops to Siberia,

Rumoi and Kushiro both have a large port, and there are rich coal and iron ore resources here. Among them, Rumoi is second only to the ports of Otaru and Wakkanai along the coast of Hokkaido. From here to the west, you can go directly to the Liaodong Peninsula. The Soviet Union was rich in oil energy, but poor in coal. At the same time, Hokkaido, which is warmer than Siberia, has abundant agricultural and fishery resources centered on dairy farmers, which is very important to the Soviet Union.

Getting here will not only make the Sea of ​​Okhotsk the inland sea of ​​the Soviet Union, but also realize the dream of having an ice-free port of Kushiro in the foreign ocean since the Russian Empire began. From here, you can directly send submarine forces into the Pacific Ocean!

As a result, U.S. President Harry Truman bargained and agreed to the Soviet occupation of the entire Kuril Islands, but refused the Soviet occupation of northern Hokkaido. In order to prevent the Soviet Union from succeeding, the Americans quickly landed on the island country and took the lead in occupying the island country.

The Soviet Union lost Hokkaido and lost the ability to check and balance with the Americans in the Pacific Ocean. Now, it is time to correct this Welcome to reading, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are here mobile phone users please go to read.

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