Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1259: self-destruct program

The Soviet tank unit is advancing towards Area 51!

After learning the news, in a low-rise building in Area 51, the actual person in charge, Stevenson, stood up immediately. His forehead was already gray, and now he is a man in his 60s. old man.

In Area 51, Stevenson has worked for over 30 years! He has no wife, no children, and to him, Area 51 is everything to him!

At the same time, it is only here that he can do his research with peace of mind, there is nothing to distract him, and he has considerable power, and he can mobilize tens of billions of dollars in funds without the need of the US Congress With the approval, he can even refuse the President of the United States to visit here when he is not happy!

The outside world has nothing to do with Stevenson. He is concentrating on his research, but now, his research has been broken.

I just got the news that the Soviets were approaching and that our air force formation had taken off and intercepted. After a few minutes, new news came. The ground troops of the Soviets had already landed near Area 51. Now, the huge The Soviet army is coming this way!

It came, and it finally came. When Area 51 was reported, Stevenson knew there would be such a day, and he had been waiting for a long time.

"Immediately prepare to start the base self-destruction program." Stevenson said to the person beside him, at this time, his face was expressionless. However, upon hearing his order, the people around him trembled.

Self-destruct program! When I was building Area 51, I was worried that the secrets here would be leaked, so a nuclear bomb was placed under the base! The equivalent is enough to destroy the entire Area 51!

In order to protect the research here, it is understandable to start the self-destruction program. However, in the operation manual, if the self-destruction program is activated, the personnel in the base need to be withdrawn in advance!

How many people are there in Area 51? Including the guards and logisticians outside, there are 50,000 people! Even if you only count the researchers responsible for top-secret projects in the current core area, there are more than 8,000 people!

As long as the self-destruction program is activated, it is irreversible! At that time, all the people in the inner layer will definitely die! The people in the outer layers, even if they do not die now, will perish in the next few years because of too much radiation!

Now, the personnel have not been evacuated, and the self-destruction program must not be activated!

"Smith, you should know that we can't evacuate the staff at all right now. There are only two Boeing 747s in our hangar, and only a few hundred people can be evacuated. Moreover, even if it takes off by plane, it will be evacuated by the Soviets. Shooting down, they will definitely do it. So, we have no choice now." Stevenson saw that Smith did not act, and said aside, his tone was helpless and remorseful.

Now, there is no way to evacuate! If you take a plane, you will definitely perish directly, and if you take a car, you will also be captured by the Soviets!

"Maybe, we can have another option." Smith said hesitantly.

"Another option?" Stevenson's eyes suddenly flashed cold light: "You said, shouldn't it be to surrender the Soviets? Smith, remember when you came to the core area of ​​​​the base, I gave you the first A talk?"

That was fifteen years ago. At that time, Stevenson was already the person in charge here. The first and only speech that Stevenson gave to them was to give absolute allegiance to the United States and to this Base Allegiance! Here, is America's biggest secret, everyone must be absolutely loyal!

Stevenson's words were very motivating, and the brainwashing was successful at the time, but now, when the day does come, Smith hesitates.

"It seems that you are not a qualified leader of Area 51!" Stevenson sighed, and then he took out a pistol from his pocket.

"No!" Smith knelt down instantly.

In Area 51, it can even be said that the law can be disobeyed. Stevenson is the head here. He does not need to go to trial. As long as he thinks he is guilty, he can be executed at any time!

Now, seeing Stevenson pull out his gun, Smith instantly knew what the scary old man was going to do! Now, it's no use for him to escape. Here, there is a disciplined unit formed by retired Navy SEAL soldiers, who only listen to Stevenson's orders! Even if he escapes here, he will be killed!

"Actually, I started the self-destruction program of the base a minute ago." Stevenson said, "I just want to test your loyalty to America. Originally, there is a secret passage that can Leaving here, I intend to let you leave with the secret here, but unfortunately, you have disappointed me too much."

If Smith was a little scared just now, now, knowing that the self-destruction program of the base has been activated, Smith is completely angry! Anyway, I'm going to die soon, one minute earlier, one minute later, what's the difference!

"You **** Jewish old man!" Smith stood up, furious: "Many research results of our base can be shared with all mankind! Our human civilization is at the juncture of life and death, at such a time. , you still want to destroy this place! It's for the benefit of your Jews! If the Zentraedi people really come to the earth, what good will it be for us humans, and what good will it be for you Jews? Don't forget, the first batch of How do white people who set foot on American soil treat the native Indians here!"

"Bang!" The gun rang, Smith fell backwards and fell to the ground. Blood flowed out of his head. Soon, it gathered into a pool on the ground.

Hearing the sound of gunfire, two tall soldiers from the disciplined forces of the base came in.

"Smith tried to betray, and I have personally executed him. Now, drag his body out and clean it up," Stevenson said with a blank expression.

Area 51 did not escape this disaster in the end! In fact, after exposing the secret here, someone suggested that the core of Area 51 should be relocated to another place. However, Stevenson still rejected this suggestion, relocate? Where else can you move to? Here is the best place to stay! Moreover, the destruction of the base here can also take away the lives of tens of thousands of Soviet people, which is enough!

To make the base here self-destruct, it is not simply to press a button and then the nuclear bomb explodes. After all, many of the equipment here are reinforced. Not to mention, the hard disks of all the computers in the base can withstand Nuclear bombing! Therefore, the self-destruction program of the base is a series of programs, including all computers in the base synchronously starting to format the hard disk, including the automatic processing of various paper documents, including the destruction of research results, opening all doors and windows of the research room, and the ventilation system at full speed. Work, meet the arrival of the most powerful nuclear explosion, and so on, and finally the explosion of the nuclear bomb!

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