Red Soviet Union

Chapter 198: powerless

If you want to compete with the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation, you need to have the same aircraft carrier formation! This kind of castrated version of the aircraft carrier is absolutely not good! What about anti-ship missiles with a range of hundreds of kilometers? Without helicopter guidance, these missiles are in vain!

And the helicopter is undoubtedly quite fragile. Now it is a living example. The Ka-25b helicopter on the aircraft carrier Kyiv was tricked by the Americans and forced to land at sea!

The distance of 200 kilometers has already made the Yak-36m carried by the Kyiv class powerless. Only conventional fixed-wing fighters can play a role in this contest, especially the most powerful Soviet MiG-25!

Looking at the helicopter that crashed into the sea, Major Edward didn't have much mercy. The Pacific Ocean was originally American! If the Soviets want to rush out of the Pacific Ocean, don't imagine, without a strong carrier-based aviation, the Soviets will always only be able to operate within the protection of shore-based aviation! Like now, the Soviets are simply too mentally handicapped to actually leave the combat scope of the shore-based aviation force and go to the ocean to challenge the sea power of the United States!

In the previous Hokkaido war, the United States was firmly swayed by the Soviet Union. However, that was only a land war, and it was the strength of the Soviets. Now, at sea, it is still the sphere of influence of the United States!

"Edward, a UFO was found." At this moment, the radar operator in the rear cabin reported: "Prepare to switch to pstt mode."

Just now, Edward flew around the other party on the sea, and the radar operator in the rear cabin just routinely scanned the surrounding sea area. After finding radar echoes, he began to prepare to search to see if he could These targets are scanned out, of course, it is also possible that the radar misjudged.

"The distance is 100. The altitude is 300, the speed is 800, and the number of targets is 2." The radar operator in the rear cabin looked at the display on the screen. He held his breath: "Damn, these are definitely not blacksmiths!"

Soviet shore-based aviation. Absolutely impossible to come here! Now it has only reached the target of 800 at ultra-low altitude. What is it? Did it take off from a Soviet aircraft carrier?

"They're climbing!"

"Quick, get ready to launch the Phoenix!" Major Edward was in a hurry. He seemed to have thought of something. These guys are not really MiG-25s, right?

Before takeoff, the flight commander introduced, recently on a Soviet aircraft carrier. It was accidentally discovered that MiG-25 fighters were operating on the Soviet aircraft carrier Kyiv. Moreover, the front end of the angled deck of the aircraft carrier also had a more nondescript configuration such as the leaping deck.

To this, Major Edward just smiled. He absolutely did not believe that such a heavy fighter jet could take off and land on an aircraft carrier. It was simply impossible!

But now, the two flying guys made Major Edward a little nervous.

In the past in the air combat in Hokkaido super god-level temptation. It has been found that the Soviets have an improved MiG-25 fighter that can launch missiles with a range of more than 100 kilometers, and their own side has been unable to gain an advantage in long-range interceptions.

rather than being locked by the other party. Better to strike first!

Just as Major Edward's voice fell, a beeping alarm sounded from his earphones.

"No, we're locked!" Hearing the sound of the terrifying radar warning receiver, it was as if the death knell was tolling. Suddenly, Major Edward's courage just now disappeared.

"The old Harrier calls the Enterprise, and the old Harrier calls the Enterprise." Major Edward pushed the nose of the aircraft and drilled toward the low altitude, during the years of confrontation. The electronic technology of the Soviets has always been weak, only to get into the low air. To be able to escape the Soviet attack.

Fight with the Soviets? That just fell into the ruse of the Soviets, who would keep flying upwards. Guide the Tomcat to high altitude. At an altitude of 20,000 meters, it is the stage of the MiG-25. That kind of shameless tactic, rushing down to launch missiles, and then flying up again, making the Americans extremely angry, but helpless .

Therefore, do not entangle with the Soviets and escape from the ultra-low altitude is the right way!

At the same time, with the call, the Enterprise and Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier battle groups also received news that the Soviet fixed-wing aircraft had been found. An E-2 early warning aircraft in the eastern airspace of the maritime formation was the first to capture the two targets. Flying from an ultra-low altitude over the sea, using radar to lock your own fighter jets, forcing your own fighter jets to leave, and then, the other party doesn't let go, climbs quickly, and climbs faster!

Damn Soviet people, they are going to slap the US Navy in the face again!

Although the Kitty Hawk and the Enterprise both ejected two Tomcat fighter jets urgently, when the Tomcat was spraying tail flames and took off quickly to intercept, the Soviet planes had already flown at an altitude of more than 20,000, and all warships had Radar, both captured those two targets.

There is no doubt that it is the Soviet MiG-25!

The e-2 early warning aircraft turned off the radar and sneaked into the low altitude. Although the two sides have not officially declared war, after all, their own side forced the other side's helicopter to land first. Mao Xiong has always been unreasonable. , pounced fiercely, unable to hide himself.

This moment, once again, is a moment of shame for the U.S. Navy! On the radar screen, the two planes flew over the sky above their own aircraft carrier with such a swagger! After a circle, it flew away to the north, and finally disappeared on the radar screen.

"Retract 200 nautical miles to avoid conflict with the Soviet Navy." Standing on the bridge, Colonel Steve gritted his teeth.

The two aircraft carrier formations and the aircraft carrier formation of hundreds of fighter jets were actually scared away by the mere two MiG-25 fighter jets! Steve felt extremely humiliated and helpless, and they were also powerless.

What else can I do? Really rush to fight? It has to be able to fight! In the face of the Soviet aircraft with superior flying height and the United States can't come up with decent weapons!

"We must improve our missiles, ship-to-air missiles and air-to-air missiles that can hit a height of 30,000 meters!" Major Ted also said through gritted teeth.

What else can I do? Let the rear develop a high-altitude high-speed fighter comparable to the MiG-25? Those so-called fighter mafia will come out to make a fuss, the Navy has limited funds, and it is already very good to have a Tomcat. Moreover, those domestic aircraft manufacturing companies really do not have such strength!

Therefore, improving the existing missiles is the fastest and most effective way.

"Yeah, I hope our standard missiles can be in service as soon as possible!" Major Steve said: "The Soviet MiG-25 can't be allowed to run rampant, and how did the Soviets do it? Just rely on that piece of jumping. Flying deck, can the MiG-25 take off from the aircraft carrier? This is simply unimaginable!"

Now, although the Americans are very humiliated, it can be regarded as a proof that the Soviets did secretly deploy MiG-25 fighters on their aircraft carriers, and they were able to take off and land from the aircraft carrier! (To be continued.)

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