Red Soviet Union

Chapter 249: congratulations leader

For the past two days, the T-80 has been guarding the intersection, closely monitoring the development of the situation. Those bigwigs in Moscow have no idea that Moscow is completely under Andropov's control.

The KGB is not a vegetarian, and such a big news can be blocked.

At the same time, in order to maintain the combat effectiveness, and also to make the soldiers in charge of inspections comfortable for a while, the engine of the T-80 tank has always been started.

Only by the heat of the engine can the inside of the tank be warmed up. Otherwise, the people in the tank will soon become ice lumps when the weather is freezing cold. During World War II, the Germans stopped their final offensive in the face of the severe cold in Moscow, and the whole situation of World War II began to turn a corner.

At this time, the disadvantage of the T-80 tank is manifested. A prominent feature of the gas turbine is that it consumes super fuel!

The rest of the T-64 tanks, although they are two-stroke engines, can also keep the engine running at low power when on standby. One tank of fuel can last for more than ten hours, and it only needs to be refueled twice a day, while the T- 80 gas turbine, the fuel consumption of low speed and high speed is almost indistinguishable! Even on standby, at most five hours, the fuel will be empty, and you will have to refuel multiple times in a day!

Now, these T-80s need to be stopped for refueling. As the fuel trucks are refueled, there is a smell of kerosene in the air.

Another feature of gas turbines is the advantage of multiple fuels, kerosene, gasoline, diesel, even at the most difficult times. Even heavy oil can burn! Unfortunately, the theory is beautiful. The reality is sad. If you want to change the fuel for the T-72, you only need to toggle the switch, and the T-80 tank needs to clean the oil circuit! Keep putting new fuel gauges in and out, after multiple cleanings. To be able to use the new fuel, this operation greatly offsets the so-called multi-fuel advantage.

In later generations, Sino-Russian joint military exercises. Here comes the Russian T-80. The fuel did not keep up, so the Chinese side suggested to add the diesel provided by the Chinese side first. As a result, these old men refused to add diesel fuel, and they had to fiddle for a long time. When the kerosene comes, and fiddle with it for a long time, Lao Maozi doesn't want to toss.

If I have to say that the advantage of this gas turbine is that it is easy to start, the severe cold in Moscow makes those T-64s have to keep running at a low speed. If they don’t start for five minutes, the engine is cold and it will be difficult to start the next time. The gas turbine, no matter how cold it is. The weather will start as soon as it starts!

As a division commander of the 4th Tank Division, Tikhonov was not satisfied with this latest T-80, preferring the T-72 if possible.

"Well, Tikhonov, write a written document about our use of the T-80 and report it to the equipment department." Andrei said: "The grassroots officers and soldiers on the front line have the most say."

Of course, Andrei knew that this gas turbine had various flaws, but now Ustinov likes it. If Andrei can’t come up, he will deny it. He needs to lay the groundwork first, and the grassroots officers and soldiers will give their opinions first.

"Yes." Tikhonov replied. He was full of admiration for Andrei. When he was in Hokkaido, Andrei's advice to the tank chief designer Kartsev conquered everyone present.

"Report, the superior ordered us to end the security mission and return to the station." At this moment, the division chief of staff reported to the two.

End the mission? It seems that the Kremlin is going well! Andre was very satisfied that the 4th Tank Division was not allowed to enter the urban area. That was the best. After all, a bloodless and peaceful transfer of power was much better than a **** seizure of power in battle.

"Order, the 4th Tank Division will return to the station immediately." Andrei said to Tikhonov.

"General, where are you going?" Tikhonov was taken aback when he saw that Andrei didn't get into the armored car, but got into a Moscow car next to him.

"I'm going back to the city, Tikhonov. After the troops return to the station, they will continue to be dispatched at any time." Andrei said, and the car started.

The alarm was lifted, and there was no need to drive an armored vehicle into the city. Andre was eager to know the result, so he immediately rushed back to the city.

"Turn on the radio." Andre said to the driver in front of him as he sat in the car.

As soon as it was opened, a voice that excited Andrei came from inside: "We must unite with the new generation of leaders with Comrade Andropov at the core, continue to hold high the great banner of our Soviet, let Long live our revolutionary cause, long live the great Soviet, long live the great Comrade Andropov! Long live the great alliance!"

News broadcast by Radio Moscow! Comrade Andropov has become the leader of the party and the state!

Andrei was instantly excited. Five years earlier than history, Andropov came to power! Under the leadership of Andropov, the Soviets will be able to regain their vitality!

Andropov is in good physical condition at this time, and he can devote himself to the great reform!

Suddenly, another thought popped into Andre's mind.

Historically, when Andropov was in power, he was afflicted with diseases. In the later period, he even had to rely on dialysis to maintain his life. Although various historical materials say that Andropov was in poor health, , There are also unofficial sayings that Andropov was secretly murdered.

Just like now, Brezhnev died five years earlier, so there must be something wrong, and Andrei deliberately didn't think about the specific reasons.

We must ensure the physical safety of the great general secretary! With this idea Andrei came to the Kremlin.

The original Guard has been disbanded, and all those guarding the Kremlin have been replaced by KGB personnel. Unit A, which was established in the name of domestic anti-terrorism, is Andropov's most trusted private guard.

After the guard made a phone call, Andrei was soon allowed to enter the Kremlin, Building No. 1, which was the General Secretary Building dedicated to the Soviets.

On the second floor, the door of a room was pushed open. Inside, Andropov was talking to Ustinov.

"Report, Andrei, Staff Officer of the Moscow Military District, came to congratulate the great Comrade Andropov on his appointment as our leader." Andrei said.

"Andrei, you have worked hard these days, and the country will not forget your credit." Ustinov said to Andrei.

The 4th Tank Division didn't do anything, just breathed the cold wind for a few days outside, but the 4th Tank Division was the most important, because the 4th Tank Division was the most powerful force in the vicinity! It is precisely because of the backing of the 4th Tank Division that Ustinov and Andropov can have sufficient confidence! (To be continued.):

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