Red Soviet Union

Chapter 278: The target is the entire island nation

The goal of the Soviets was to occupy the entire island country! The Soviets are simply not satisfied with one Hokkaido! If more troops are mobilized now to land in Hokkaido and fight fiercely with the Soviet army, it will only create a chance for the Soviets to land in Tokyo!

Hokkaido is just a piece of territory of an island country. For many years, as a land to defend against Soviet attacks, Hokkaido's economy has not developed much. Now even if the Soviets get it, it is only a piece of territory.

Tokyo is different. The main industries of the island country are distributed in the Pacific Industrial Belt near Tokyo. It can be said that the lifeblood of the island country is here!

Now, although the island country is a dwarf politically, it is a giant economically. After the Second World War, the island country's economic development has been very rapid, and now it has surpassed Western Europe!

If the real intention of the Soviets was to occupy Tokyo, then the island country would never be able to mobilize all its troops to Hokkaido!

Are you going to give up the entire Hokkaido this time? No wonder Lieutenant General Paul was depressed. Shigeo Kuma got this information and his hands also began to tremble.

Damn Soviets! An underfed polar bear!

"Order the dual aircraft carrier battle group of our Seventh Fleet to leave the current route, sail to the east, and block the route from the Kuril Islands to Tokyo!" Lieutenant General Paul's first order was to block the way out for the Soviets.

For three days, the Soviets must still be struggling in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, but at most tomorrow, they will be able to get out of it! The four northern islands are within the surveillance range of their own land-based early warning aircraft, and the Soviets should go further east to the Kuril Islands and come out from an unknown channel.

The pressure on the Seventh Fleet is very great, they want to find the Soviet fleet in the vast sea. But also to block their voyage, and. Can't be the first to attack! Anyway, those are civilian ships. Attacks on civilian ships, especially Soviet ships, might really lead to a world war!

Originally, the dual aircraft carrier battle group of the Seventh Fleet was to block the southern waters of Nemuro and let the Soviet Pacific Fleet. Staying in one's own Biaozu station can't get out. Moreover, the F-14 fighter jets on the aircraft carrier can also support the upcoming air battle over Hokkaido.

But now, the Seventh Fleet has a more important mission. The landing force of the Soviets must be intercepted! The Soviets actually wanted to repeat the old trick. I want to land in Tokyo! Are those guys in Moscow crazy?

That Brezhnev, still an old guy, is easy to deal with, the new Andropov. It is said that it is good enough to wear a pair of pants with Ustinov!

And that Ustinov is a typical Stalin-like fanatical guy who advocates force. They are trying to build a thousand-year-old foundation for the Soviet Union!

The conspiracy of the Soviets cannot be allowed to succeed!

"Our air force, fully support the sky over Hokkaido, we must seize air supremacy! Those gunship helicopters of the army, go to deal with the Soviet tank troops!" Lieutenant General Paul's second order was to attack the Soviet armored group, Relying on ground chariots is no good. Only armed helicopters in the air can stop the Soviets from advancing!

A large number of Cobra gunships will definitely be able to play the biggest role! In Western Europe, NATO also hopes to rely on gunships to stop the flood of Soviet armor.

However, all of this must be guaranteed by air dominance!

Since it is impossible to provide more support on the ground, the air force of the US military stationed in Japan must make 100% efforts to seize air supremacy over Hokkaido!

On March 6, 1978, the eyes of the whole world turned to the island country again, and a war broke out suddenly.

Regarding the cause of the war, the two sides hold their own opinions. The island country seriously protested that the Soviets broke the agreement and started the war, while the Soviet Union accused the island country of being the executioner who started the war. The island country first launched an attack on Kushiro, and now the Soviet army Take action, just to defend your rights!

The tank wrecks of those island countries outside Kushiro are the best evidence! These tanks with plaster flags have crossed the dividing line between the two sides!

And all this doesn't matter anymore. It can now be seen that the Soviet armored group is advancing rapidly to the south, and the Uraporo defenders have fallen without a fight. Abandoning the advance to the southern mountains, the Soviet Panzer Group began to advance westward.

At the same time, the army in the west also began to dispatch, marching all the way from Asahikawa to the south, and the two armies will meet in Chitose. After a year, the battle in Hokkaido has entered a white-hot again.

The situation is favorable for the Soviet Union, and all this is just the beginning! America will never sit idly by! The United States must help the island countries get through this difficult time!

From the field base behind the front line, a large number of Cobra gunships flew from low altitudes to the theater, with heavy TOW anti-tank missiles mounted under the short wings on both sides.

From the air, take out the Soviet tank troops!

Relying on the concealment of ultra-low-altitude flight, several Cobra helicopters of the 5th flight team were quickly approaching the theater. The leader of the flight team, Jiro Inoue, cast his sharp eyes into the distance.

As a helicopter pilot, the king of the tallest tree, and the pilot of an armed helicopter, he needs to practice the skills of quick eyes and hands.

The Soviet armored troops were killed like this!

"!" Jiro Inoue gave an order on the radio while pushing the nose of the aircraft, and the Cobra helicopter continued to fly forward. At the same time, the weapon operator in front was already in the sight, covering a T-64 tank rushing in front.

Why are those tanks covered with bricks? The weapon operator was about to press the launch button while thinking.

"Attention, there are self-propelled anti-aircraft guns!" At this moment, Jiro Inoue found some tall guys in the armored troops on the opposite side, opening their mouths.

As the most advanced representative of the world army, how can the Soviet armored force ignore the air threat! And to deal with the natural enemies of tanks, armed helicopters as tall as a tree, the Soviet armored forces have special equipment!

ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" four-barreled 23mm anti-aircraft gun!

The barrel of the AЗП-type 23mm 4-barrel automatic gun has been raised, and the fire control radar antenna at the rear of the closed turret has been quickly turned up from the marching state to the combat state. As it continues to march, this automatic anti-aircraft gun begins to It's time to defend your own tank group! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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