Red Soviet Union

Chapter 287: Withdrawal

With the protection of the fighter planes in the sky, the protection of the deer gunships overhead, and the roar of the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns around, after one after another Cobra helicopters were blown up, it was finally quiet.

On the ground, the rolling torrent of armor continued to advance, and the T-64 tank with its barrel high was also covered with reactive armor, which looked majestic.

Even the T-72 will not be destroyed by the M1 tank from the front after adding reactive armor, let alone the T-64, which is already a high-end product, even if the Americans have replaced the 120mm tank gun, T -64 can also withstand!

The 5th Tank Division that rushed down from the north merged with the 14th Tank Division that rushed over from the east. In front of them was the most important Chitose base for the islanders in Hokkaido!

Here is the expected time when the island nation's counterattack is the most violent, and the two tank units are prepared for casualties, but this way, it is quiet.

The track of the T-64 tank was rolled onto the runway of the Chitose base, and no one could be seen.

"The islanders have all run away!" The division commander informed everyone on the radio: "Our reconnaissance plane found that the islanders were retreating to the south! We must now work harder to catch up with the islanders and capture them!"

Islanders run away! When it was found that victory was hopeless, the retreat of the islanders was also quite rapid.

The most powerful army of the island country that went to besiege Kushiro met with blood in Kushiro. The Soviet tank guns could destroy the island country's tanks with an armor-piercing bullet, and the island country's tank shells, even if it was M1. Tank guns can't penetrate Soviet tanks either!

There is no way to fight this battle! The army that was scattered from Kushiro fled the most resolutely. They ran to Chitose and brought the news to Chitose's defenders. Coupled with the defeat in the air, almost all the islanders knew that Hokkaido was a defender. stop!

The combat awareness of the Guards was different from that of the island nation's army during World War II. Now, at the moment of defeat, they have no faith in fighting, so they swarmed to the south.

run to where? Due to the south is Muroran. This is the port city of the island country second only to Sapporo in terms of population density. It has a developed heavy chemical industry and shipbuilding industry, and it is also an excellent port. There must be many ships here!

As for Hakodate, although it was the closest to Honshu Island in terms of distance, it had to pass through the Transit Island Peninsula, so few troops escaped in this direction.

run, run! The excellent Type 74 tank adopts advanced hydraulic suspension, and its off-road ability is quite good. At this time, its excellent performance is reflected, and it is also the fastest to escape!

From the sky, the Type 74 tank ran at the front, as if it was an offensive sequence, galloping fast and majestic in front.

Following the Type 74 are all kinds of vehicles, bumping along the road rolled by the tank tracks.

As for the air, those remaining helicopters and fighter jets have already flown directly to the state.

Save your power and wait to retake Hokkaido later! With that belief, they are all doing their best to "save the power!"

Watanabe Shuji, the 21st battle team of the 2nd Division of the Law, he drove a Type 74 tank and rushed at the forefront. As a leader, he has an advantage, that is, he can choose the road!

Of course you have to choose the most suitable way! What road is better than a coastal road?

The tracks were not glued. After driving on the coastal road, grooves were immediately left behind, and the road was completely destroyed as soon as they were crushed by the tanks behind.

And the tank soldiers who couldn't squeeze on the road and couldn't wait to escape could only follow the road and directly crush the surrounding fields. For tanks, they couldn't run fast on the road, nor slow in the field, that's all. , a fleeing army, just like this, hoping to get rid of the Soviets behind.

escape, escape! Watanabe Shuji's head was exposed, driving his tank, and racing on the road. Now, he only hopes that when he goes to Muroran, there will be a boat waiting for him there!

Suddenly, a terrible voice sounded on the radio: "Look, what is that in the sky?"

Watanabe Shuji raised his head, and saw several large helicopters flying behind, the huge side of which was like a huge female deer. Under the short wings on both sides, they were filled with anti-tank missiles.

Damn it! Soviet gunships! At this moment, Watanabe Shuji had an ominous feeling in his heart.

These Soviet helicopters caught up with the fleeing island army. They did not attack along the way, and flew to the front of the fleeing team.

Only then did the nose turn around, and under the short wings, the flames flickered.

"Crench!" Watanabe Shuuji stepped on the brakes with one foot. Just as his body rushed forward involuntarily with the brakes, he quickly unbuckled his seat belt and ran outside.

Run, run, run! The farther away the better!

For the tank troops on the ground, the gunships in the air are the biggest enemy! If the tank troops are accompanied by anti-aircraft artillery, they can resist for a while, but now, this troop that flees has no organization, and each runs its own way, and the anti-aircraft artillery is not organized to follow at all!

The opponent fired a missile! Your own tanks can't stand it for a while!

Watanabe Shuji ran very fast. While the commander and gunners behind him were still anxiously crawling out of the turret, the AT-2 anti-tank missile accurately hit the chariot.

"Boom!" Amid the loud explosion, the Type 74 tank turned into a pile of scrap metal, and the commander who had just climbed out of the turret's body instantly turned into pieces.

The tank soldiers behind were also Run, run quickly! At this time, the tanks on the ground are the best targets! The tankers are quite clear that they can't fight against those gunships at all, and they have already lost the will to fight!

In this way, they climbed out of the tank, left their tanks, and fled in the wild.

One after another, the anti-tank missiles will explode the tanks that rush forward one by one, which is just like shooting targets during training!

In fact, if the islanders organize themselves, even just relying on the anti-aircraft machine guns on the tanks can kill the helicopters to a certain extent, and now, just a few Hind helicopters are frantically ravaging the island nation's tank troops!

The missiles under the short wings on both sides were fired, and the helicopter pilot was not satisfied. He pushed the nose and turned the weapon to the GSH-23-1 cannon on the nose, towards the soldiers of the island country who were madly fleeing on the plain. , strafing frantically.

Everywhere he went, there were stumps and broken arms, one by one turned into fragments, 23mm artillery shells, the power was quite abnormal. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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