Red Soviet Union

Chapter 307: U.S. Embassy

Island embassy!

It is an international practice for countries with diplomatic relations to send ambassadors to each other, and it is even more a privilege for the United States to send ambassadors to island countries. Due to the island country's status as a defeated country, the American ambassador in the island country is like a local emperor. Even the prime minister of the island country has to nod and bow to meet him.

Ambassador Green was dispatched to the island country after Carter came to power. Unfortunately, this island country ambassador is no longer so good. The island country was hit by the Soviet Union, and the United States was the backstage. He came to the embassy every three days to complain.

This was enough of annoyance for Green, but after the incident of Mieko Ohashi, the attitude of the islanders changed, calling the Americans to go back all day long, which made the Americans start to worry about their days in the island countries.

Just after last year's incident, an American diplomat was beaten by a few guys on the streets of Tokyo. Later, the police intervened in the investigation and found out that it was not the gang who beat them, but a few guys from the University of Tokyo. Moreover, after investigation, these students have nothing to do with the Chi army, and are purely out of "patriotism".

Under the circumstances at the time, in order to prevent the public from being unable to deal with it after knowing it, the matter was dealt with in secret. The parties were not punished too much, but were ordered to write a letter of guarantee and promised not to do similar behavior again, and then gave the let go.

After that, the staff of the U.S. embassy no longer went out to the streets alone. Even if they went out for something, at least two or three people went together. That's it, until now.

No one thought that things would turn out like this! The US Army's tanks moved to the streets of Tokyo, crushing some of the islanders, and, later, the tank guns also destroyed the Prime Minister's Office!

At that time, Ambassador Green knew that the situation was not good. These troops were really stubborn. In doing so, the island nation and the United States must not form a deadly feud! You know, after provocation, the relationship between the United States and the island country was already tense enough, but now, bloodshed has actually happened! Those military officers are simply mindless idiots!

Ambassador Green was hesitating about how to write a report to the White House, and he got the news that the Soviets had landed in Aomori. Now he was anxious. When the Soviets came, what else could the United States do other than withdraw its troops in despair? Americans are no longer welcome here! Even if it is a war with the Soviet Union, the final result is to go!

He was also a little reassured that even if two armies fought, they would not attack the diplomatic zone. There were not only the US embassy here, but also the embassies of other countries, which belonged to the ceasefire zone.

Unfortunately, in just a few minutes, his illusions were shattered.

The prime minister's office of the island country was bombed, and a large group of island people came to protest in front of the US embassy. This made Ambassador Green very anxious. It was obvious that the security of the embassy alone could not stop these people's excesses! Outside, the policemen of those island countries were obviously watching the excitement, and some even took off their uniforms and joined the crowd of demonstrators!

Just when Ambassador Green anxiously called the Yokota base, hoping that they would send troops to protect them, or use helicopters to take the personnel from the embassy to the troops, after all, it was still safer there!

At this moment, the situation changed again. A large group of young people wearing Tokyo University uniforms raised stones and threw them here!

"Pop, pop." The glass was shattered constantly, and the women shrank their heads under the table, screaming, as Americans, as pampered ladies, they had never been so frightened.

Even the security guards of the embassy were stunned at this time.

The U.S. Marine Corps Embassy Guard, or msg for short. The unit was established in 1948 to defend the 135 U.S. embassies abroad. This unit is organized at the battalion level, with a total strength of about 1,000 people. It has 9 companies under its jurisdiction. Each company has several detachments. The minimum size of each team is 6 people.

Countries that are hostile to the United States will have more security personnel. For example, the security personnel of the US embassy in Syria and other countries are dozens of people.

In the embassy of the island country, there is only a small staff of six people. These six people are tall and burly, but they are actually stand-up soldiers. They mainly stand guard outside to show the sovereignty of the United States!

In later generations, with the formation of the unipolar world of the United States, the style of American hegemonism has become more and more sturdy, and it has made enemies all over the world, which has led to the American embassy becoming the target of hostile forces. For the sake of the land, ambassador has also become a high-risk occupation.

But now, the days of the American ambassador are still very comfortable. It is the first time that the people of the host country throw stones!

The shelf soldiers hurriedly put on their helmets and carried m16 rifles, trying to expel the demonstrators outside. Seeing what these people did, Ambassador Green shouted: "No, no! You can't shoot!"

How many people are there? Thousands! How many people do you have? There are only six people with weapons! Just after we bombarded the prime minister's office of the island country, the big mistake has been made! If these angry crowds were stimulated by the sound of gunfire again, they might rush in and tear themselves apart. Without dipping in soy sauce and vinegar, they could eat it in their stomachs like sashimi!

Can't shoot! Hurry up and call to ask the garrison for help. If the 1st Cavalry Division is still in the city and get news, send tanks over and the crowd will be dispersed soon! Better send some helicopters!

Unfortunately, the phone has been unable to get through, the line has been cut off!

"Boom!" At this moment, the "patriotic youth" wearing student uniforms had already poured into the embassy. The people in the hall were all under control.

"Kill these Americans and avenge the people in our Prime Minister's Office!" Someone kept shouting.

Ambassador Green was kicked a few times on the head, and one of his eyes was swollen. Hearing the voice in his ear, he knew that the situation was quite bad.

We are diplomats and have diplomatic immunity, you can't do anything to us! Such remarks will only arouse even greater disgust among these people! If you don't get it right, you'll be killed! A lot of people are carrying knives!

"Ambassador Green, we hope the U.S. government will give us an explanation. We hope that the U.S. military can leave our land so that we will no longer be enslaved!" said one of the leading student representatives. (To be continued.)

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