Red Soviet Union

Chapter 434: Moscow Olympics

The Soviet Union promised to sell the Iranians t-62 tanks, but in fact, none of them were exported, and it was only a sum of money for the Iranians. Anyway, now the Soviet Union has decided to take action. As long as it subverts the Iranian regime, builds a puppet government, and hands these tanks to the puppet government, it will not be considered a breach of contract at that time. The Soviets are a world power, and their words must be counted.

But now, in the hands of the Iranians, the t-62 has appeared! In Isfahan, the t-62 appeared in the armored sequence of the Iranians! Blocked the way for the Iranians to get 69 tanks from Huaxia, but the Iranians got the t-62 again!

Dare to export weapons to Iran, this is the enemy of the Soviets, this matter must be thoroughly investigated! Andre brought this question out to make it more important!

"The Iranians have a t-62 tank?" Ustinov said suddenly: "How is this possible!"

This is more unacceptable than the m1 tank, after all, the t-62 tank is produced by the Soviet Union itself!

"So we have to investigate this matter thoroughly." Andre said: "There may be three sources of Iranian tanks, Syria, North Korea, or within us!"

Syria and North Korea are all the younger brothers of the Soviet Union. These countries have a large number of t-62 tanks. Moreover, the two countries are inextricably linked with Iran. For example, in history, Iraq used a large number of Scud missiles to attack Iran. Iran, unable to fight back, hurriedly imported a batch of Scud missiles from Syria. In the later period, North Korea exported ballistic missile technology to Iran. You must know that the ballistic missiles of Iran and North Korea are almost the same.

In addition to these two countries, there is another possibility, that is, the Soviets themselves! How serious is the problem within the Soviet Union? Andrei now has a deep understanding of it. Some places where the sky is high and the emperor is far away are simply independent kingdoms! Even serfdom can exist, what else is impossible!

In some outlying part of the Soviets, in an open-air tank graveyard or something like that, some daring guy might sell these weapons! Spread to Iran through various channels!

And this third possibility is also the most terrifying. If such a thing really happened, it would be another shock to the Soviets! There will be a lot of people involved! Andropov also thought of this in an instant, indicating that his work of counterattack is a long way to go and cannot be stopped. This time, no matter who is involved, it must be traced to the end!

"Vitaly, this matter should be investigated immediately. The source of Iran's weapons must be thoroughly investigated." Andropov said coldly.


The Olympics, the biggest sporting event in the world. It originated in ancient Greece more than 2,000 years ago and was named after the venue in Olympia. After the ancient Olympic Games were suspended for 1,500 years, the Frenchman Coubertin put forward the initiative to host the modern Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century. Founded in 1894, it hosted the first Olympic Games in 1896 and the first Paralympic Games in 1960.

An international social movement that promotes the Olympic spirit and maintains world peace, goes higher, faster, and further, constantly challenges the limits of human beings, promotes the all-round development of human physiology, psychology and social morality, communicates the mutual understanding between people of all countries, and The popularization of Olympism in the world is the purpose of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games are held every four years, which is a major international event for the host country. Historically, two-thirds of the world's countries boycotted the Olympics due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, casting a shadow over the Moscow Olympics.

But now, everything is changing. The victory of the Far East strategy and the unswerving domestic reform have allowed Moscow to establish a new attitude in front of the people of the world. All participating countries are gearing up for this event. Better performance at this Olympics.

July 19 at 2 pm, Lenin Central Stadium.

Above the head, the roar of the plane continued to sound, and when I looked up, I could see nothing in the gray sky.

"Athletes and guests, please don't panic, because of the bad weather in Moscow, we will use advanced technology to remove the dark clouds from the clouds above our heads, so that we can bathe in the bright sunshine and welcome the arrival of the Olympic torch." Clear Russian sounded from the square, and the young announcer was broadcasting to the crowd.

Two Il-76 transport planes were flying over Moscow, the tail, chemical agents were continuously sprayed, and soon, the thick clouds began to disperse!

The bright sun shines on the Lenin Central Stadium, and the time for the opening ceremony has finally arrived!

In the majestic and powerful singing, the leader of the Soviet, Andropov, and the central leaders at all levels, followed behind him, entered the main venue, and sat on the rostrum, while on the other side, the International Olympic Committee. The chairman of the association, Kiranin, presided over the last Olympic Games of his term, after which he stepped down as honorary chairman. Juan Antonio Samaranch of Spain has been elected as the seventh president of the International Olympic Committee.

"Friends of athletes, fellow athletes, welcome to Moscow for our 22nd Summer Olympics! At the same time, we also thank the organizer, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for their strong support. Now, we are looking at the door, The Olympic torch has been passed in!"

The Torch Relay is the first step that must be carried out in the Olympic Games! From the host of the last edition of Montreal, across the ocean, the Olympic flame has come to Moscow!

Amid cheers and applause, three-time Olympic triple jump champion Viktor Saneyev of the Soviet Union. Wearing sportswear, striding his slender thighs and running in through the gate, he ran around the sports field for a full week, handing the torch to the famous Soviet basketball player Sergei Belov, who held the The torch will light the Holy Fire Tower in the center of the venue!

The microphone was placed in front of Andropov, and Andropov, who looked very good, announced loudly into the microphone: "Now, I announce the opening of the 22nd Moscow Summer Olympics!"

In the majestic singing, the representative teams began to appear!

The latter finally completed the task of lighting the flames on the tower. The head of the Soviet Union, Leonid Brezhnev, announced the opening of the Olympic Games. The athletes who took the oath on behalf of the former Soviet gymnastics star Vladimir Andrianov, and the referees and officials also took the oath on behalf of the famous Soviet athletes. , Three-time Olympic wrestling champion Alexander Medved season.

In the front row of the auditorium, an audience member with a beard, his eyes became tense at this time, his palms were already full of sweat, and his heart was a little excited and uneasy. (To be continued.)

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