Red Soviet Union

Chapter 602: chemical warhead

Trailing flames, the missile left Iraqi territory and headed for Jordan.

Jordan is basically a landlocked country with no oil resources. The main industry is tourism. Such a country has an underdeveloped economy. However, it is precisely because there is no oil that Jordan has not experienced the turmoil of later generations. , One by one, the political situation of the country is turbulent, and only Jordan is relatively stable.

Now, Jordan's backward economy has also made their military technology less developed. Several long-range radars have captured the missile launched by Iraq, but they are helpless and watch the missile fly over its own airspace.

On the other hand, Israel is highly nervous!

A patrolling E-2 Hawkeye early warning aircraft, after discovering the missile over Jordan, notified the Israeli air defense forces very urgently, and the whole of Israel is facing a great enemy!

Iraq, which has made a statement before, as long as the United States attacks Iraq with a nuclear bomb, then Iraq will fight back against Israel!

At that time, Israel did not have much response. How could Iraq fight back? Use fighter jets to bomb Israel? Israel is not afraid! Because although Israel is a small country, it has the most advanced air force in the entire Middle East!

As a small country, Israel has no strategic depth, so what they advocate is offensive air defense! The best defense is over the capital of an enemy country! Among Israel's three armed forces, the priority is the Air Force! The Israeli Air Force has hundreds of advanced fighter jets. Although it is only 81 years old, Israel has first-hand F-15 and F-16. As long as the United States has it, Israel can have it!

The Israeli Air Force has rich combat experience, and it is their basic quality to win more with less. They are fully confident to win any war!

But now, things are different! What flew from Iraq was not a fighter jet, but a ballistic missile!

Now, not even the United States has a full-fledged anti-ballistic missile system! Not to mention Israel! In the face of this ballistic missile, Israel can only use radar to track it, and can only sound the air raid siren, but there is no countermeasure at all! In the 1990s, the Patriot missile was just mature, and now, it is still in the research and development stage!

The cities along the way of the missile were all in a panic. The E-2 early warning aircraft finally calculated the trajectory. The missile will fly over its own side and splash into the Mediterranean Sea in the west of its own side!

What are the Iraqis doing? Is the error of this ballistic missile very large? Or do you frighten yourself like the United States?

Under the high vigilance of Israel's air defense forces, the missile flew over Israeli airspace and crashed in the sea 50 kilometers west of Israel.

Facing the fall of this missile, Israel must not let it go. Just after the E-2 early warning aircraft determined the crashed sea area, a Black Hawk helicopter took off quickly from the base and came towards this sea area. They wanted to salvage it. Iraqis launch missile warheads, even if they salvage a few fragments, wreckage or whatever!

The pilot, Shafuriel, held the joystick in his hand and stared at the sea ahead.

The window on the helicopter was open, and the wet sea breeze was blowing on his face, his eyes were sharp.

"Hawkeye 2, is about to approach the intended sea surface, about to approach the intended sea surface." Shafuriel shouted over the radio, and at the same time, he felt a little dizzy in his brain.

what happened? Shafuriel looked at his side, the co-pilot's face was a little red, and in the back cabin, the two personnel in charge of search and rescue seemed to be out of breath at this time.

Then, Shafferil also felt his body heavy and his eyelids were fighting. He wanted to say something, but found that his mouth was speechless! So, Shafferil could only use all his strength to return home.

There is a problem in this sea area!

Unfortunately, his fingers were stiff and he had no strength, and the helicopter was still flying forward.

"No. 426, No. 426, keep the altitude." The sound of the early warning aircraft came from the earphone. The Black Hawk helicopter has begun to fly downward!

The personnel in the early warning aircraft were anxiously calling, but unfortunately, there was no answer here.

Shafuriel's body was already lying on the control stick in front, his body was pressing the control stick, the entire Black Hawk helicopter dived down, and soon, it collided with the sea!

"Boom!" The entire Black Hawk helicopter, kissing the sea, turned into a pile of scrap metal in the explosion.

The whole sea was sparkling, and the sea fish, turning over the corpses, floated up.

A helicopter crashed! After receiving the news, the Israeli Navy urgently dispatched a speedboat. In the dark, the task of searching would be very arduous. And the people on the speedboat did not know what kind of danger they would face.

At the tail of the speedboat, there are waves of waves. The speedboat is advancing rapidly, and the searchlight on the top is shining on the sea from time to time.

"Look, dead fish!" said an Israeli naval soldier in front. It is very rare to see dead fish on the sea. What's going on? And while he was talking, he already felt a little short of breath.

Looking next to him, he remembered the chemical defense operations he usually trained for. He quickly took out the gas mask on the speedboat, put it on his face, and breathed in the air from the filter canister. Only then did he feel the suffocation in his chest. alleviated.

"Attention, there is harmful poisonous gas! The sea breeze is eastward, and it will blow on our land!" It was very difficult to speak while wearing a gas mask, and he still informed the rear of the situation.

The reason for the crash of our own helicopter is also obvious. It is not a mechanical failure, but the spread of poisonous gas!

Where did these poisonous gases come from?

Cities along the coast of are facing a big enemy in an instant. Citizens are asked to stay at home and not open windows, while chemical defense soldiers are on the coast, quickly monitoring various components in the air. The indicator exceeds the standard, and the citizens must be evacuated immediately!

This news was also urgently reported to the Cabinet and to the US Middle East Command.

Iraq has ballistic missiles with a range of more than 500 kilometers, and Iraq's warheads are likely to carry chemical weapons! This is simply unbelievable!


The night is getting darker and darker. This is the time when most people rest, and in the southwest of Saudi Arabia, at the Khamis-Mushay Air Base, the official work has just begun.

In the constant temperature and humidity hangar, all black sci-fi fighter planes have been maintained. At this time, the pilots are handing over to the technicians.

"Colonel Whitley, the fighter plane has been maintained and can take off at any time. It's still two GBU-10 laser-guided bombs. I wish you good luck." The ground crew technician said to Whitley. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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