Red Soviet Union

Chapter 621: lion open mouth

If there is a maverick in the Western world, it's definitely France! As a proud Gallic chicken, France is full of personality in every way.

For example, in order to confront the Soviet Union, Western countries had to band together and form the military bloc of NATO. Facing the Soviet Union's rolling armored torrent, this was a must for Western countries.

However, France did not. At that time, Charles de Gaulle did not agree to join NATO at all. France could not tolerate the presence of US troops, nor could it tolerate the US pointing fingers at the top of his head.

Therefore, France has a lot of autonomy in terms of national defense policy. France can sell weapons that NATO cannot sell. Of course, the price is high. To share the cost, though, the political add-on will definitely be a lot less.

At the same time, in some international affairs, France will also sing against the United States in order to show the existence of France. It can be said that France is a **** stirrer in the Western world, stirring up a stench for the Americans to smell.

Therefore, starting from France and building momentum for the new government in the international community is the most suitable entry point, which is also the purpose of Andre's visit! Andre's identity is special, and the weight is sufficient. Anyway, everyone knows what is going on, and there is no need to say it.

Felix smiled. This General Andre was really refreshing, and he spoke neatly. He looked at Andre and said, "Then you ask us to do this, what benefits can we get?"

Between countries, there is no great friendship, only naked interests. Since the other side is open and honest, then the other side will directly ask to understand.

"At a price that is 20% lower than the market price, we can obtain 100 million barrels of crude oil from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and our Soviet Union every year." Andre said: "We can sign this contract for 20 years."

oil! Now, it's finally time to hold the stick of oil high! You know, integrating the oil resources of Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, plus the local oil of the Soviet Union, it can be said that now the Soviet Union can control more than 80% of the world's oil production!

So, what's next? of course! Of course, by reducing production, to raise international oil prices! This is something you don't even have to think about. You have fought so many battles and paid so much for what? Isn't it just profit?

Therefore, when the Saudi royal family surrenders, it indicates that the world crude oil price will rise at the speed of a rocket! In fact, due to the ongoing wars in the Middle East, first in Kuwait and then in Saudi Arabia, these wars have caused the world crude oil prices to climb all the way up. So far, the international crude oil prices have reached a high price of US$70 a barrel.

However, this price is obviously not satisfactory to the Soviet Union. How to say, it has to be a hundred dollars a barrel!

It is impossible for the western world led by the United States to enjoy cheap crude oil! These resources in the Middle East must not be manipulated by the United States! In the 1980s in history, the United States manipulated Saudi Arabia and other countries to maliciously increase crude oil production, lowered world crude oil prices, and made the Soviet Union’s export of oil in a dilemma, which severely hit the Soviet Union’s economy.

At the same time, it is also the most suitable breakthrough to find France for negotiation. In Europe, France is a country with poor oil resources, and its domestic production is far from meeting the demand. Therefore, a large amount of crude oil is imported from abroad every year. Among them, crude oil from the Middle East It accounted for 70%, while the oil from the Soviet Union accounted for 10%, and the remaining 20% ​​came from Africa. In order to get rid of the situation of relying on imports of energy, France began to diversify its energy sources in the 1970s. After various investigations, France chose the nuclear power industry. In the world, France's nuclear power accounts for the largest proportion of power generation. The use of new energy sources such as nuclear power has reduced the proportion of oil in energy consumption year by year, but even so, oil consumption is not completely replaceable. For example, just this year, the national energy consumption of France is about 200 million tons of standard oil. And oil consumption accounts for 50 percent of that.

Therefore, France's dependence on oil imports is quite high. And now, importing oil 20% below the market price is definitely not a small temptation for France!

What France needs is just international support for the new Saudi government!

Hearing this, Felix shook his head: "I'm sorry, we risked offending the entire Western world and supported the new Saudi government, and what we got was only 20% lower than the market price of imported oil, so that In exchange, we are at a loss.”

"Then what do you need?" Andrei asked.

"We need Saudi Arabia's oil exploration rights, and our oil companies must enter Saudi Arabia and occupy at least 50% of the oil exploration rights." Flix said.

When he heard this, Qusay, who was behind Andrei, slammed the table and stood up: "Gaul, don't go too far!"

Because he was young, Qusay couldn't help it at first. Iraq risked the country's demise, sent troops to Saudi Arabia, and sacrificed countless soldiers in exchange for it. Now, the French are just opening their mouths and making a statement, and they want 100% Fifty mining rights, this is simply robbery!

"It seems that our differences are a bit big." Andre looked at the arrogant Flix and said, "We can make some concessions. The currency you pay is not necessarily US dollars. We can also accept payment in francs, how about that?"

The current international currency is the US dollar. Even if the Soviet Union imports materials to the West, it needs to be paid in US dollars, and the Middle East uses US dollars as the only currency for oil payment. Now, Andre agrees to pay in francs, which has been That's quite a concession, knowing that if the French were desperate, they could turn on their money printing presses, print money like crazy, and buy oil from here!

Felix said: "Then we can also make concessions. What do you think of the 40% mining rights?"

Andre did not entangle with the other party in the oil exploration rights at all. There is no need to discuss this aspect at all. According to the prior agreement, Saudi Arabia's oil is scraped by Iraq, Iran and the Soviet Union. Accept a fourth country to step in!

Also, what did the French do? Nothing at all! Now they dare to speak loudly. Sure enough, capitalist countries are not easy to deal with. It seems that they are sure to decide on their own side! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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