Red Soviet Union

Chapter 744: personal computer

For Heinrich, this was an unforgettable day in his life. He was the first to set foot on the land of East Germany, the first to enter the electronic store here, and the first to feel the civilian use in the East German market. The technical performance of the product far exceeds that of West Germany!

Of course he didn't know that this was the result of a Soviet copycat. After completing the surveying and mapping of 80286, the imitation es-1842s was mass-produced in Moscow. With the support of high-level officials, Soviet personal computers were also making rapid progress.

And the CPU produced in Moscow was shipped to East Germany, and the factory in East Germany produced other circuit boards and other components to form this latest computer! The most powerful personal computer in the world!

In addition, there is another innovative thing, that is, something like a mouse next to it.

There were a lot of people in this store, some East German civilians were shopping for computers, so Heinrich just stood by and listened to the introduction.

"Yes, this is our latest computer. In addition to the configuration, the operating system is also the latest. The previous operating systems were all alphabetic interfaces, and our computer has a graphical interface, which is also a trend in the future."

With that said, the clerk turned on the computer, and after lines of black letters jumped over, finally, a window popped up on the screen!

In the middle of the screen, an arrow appeared. The clerk held the mouse-like thing in his hand, and the arrow moved on the screen. Then, after two clicks, an icon in the arrow was turned on.

"This interface method is more conducive to intuitively operating the computer. This is also the latest development trend. In the future, it will definitely be a graphical interface. Therefore, although the price of this computer is a bit high, it is still cost-effective in the long run." The clerk introduced. road.

Graphical interface, use that cursor to operate! Heinrich was dumbfounded. Although he was a skilled worker in West Germany, he had seen others operate computers, all on the keyboard. He never thought that there was such an advanced way!

Historically, until 1984, Apple successfully launched the macintosh computer. It was the first personal computer to be operated via a graphical interface and a mouse. The mouse was also invented at this time and has always been an important input tool. At the same time, the macintosh consolidates the monitor, host, floppy drive, etc. into one box, making it look simple and stylish. The macintosh came to be known as mac and became one of Apple's most important brands.

In November 1985, Microsoft released the operating system, which used a graphical interface and multitasking for the first time. Although Microsoft lags behind Apple at that time in technology and innovation, Microsoft's operating system quickly occupied the market due to the rapid development of ibmpc clones. The success of windows also made Microsoft quickly go public in March 1986.

And now, for the first time in the history of these personal computers, it is not their turn. Although Andre focuses on the military, he also pays attention to the development of the domestic microelectronics industry from time to time. It was proposed by Andre. Needless to say, the most important Internet has also completed the preliminary protocol development and laboratory testing in the Soviet Union, and the final networking is left!

In terms of personal computers and networking, the Soviet Union has far surpassed the Western world! And all of this is thanks to Andre! After the Soviet Union conquered the island country, the biggest gain was the electronics industry of the island country! In this regard, the island nation is even more advanced than the United States! For example, in the military field, relying on the electronic technology of island countries, the Soviet Union has completed the research and development of active phased array radar, and until now, the United States has not overcome technical difficulties.

As for civilian use, the Soviet Union has made great efforts to develop personal computers, game consoles, and Walkmans. They have always been at the forefront of the world. Although the Soviet Union is still a little behind in the research and development of CPUs, and now it started with cloning, the forward research and development of the Soviet Union is also steadily unfolding. In the era of 386 and 486, the Soviet Union will be able to complete forward research and development, surpassing Intel A company, a private company, and a company controlled by state capital, of course, have different R&D efficiency.

As for the so-called licensing of patent fees, etc., the Soviet Union does not care about this set. Anyway, these things produced by the Soviet Union are currently only sold in the areas controlled by the Soviet Union. After that, as for the current situation, if the Soviet Union sells to the West Germans Here, the West Germans brought back West Germany, so it has nothing to do with the Soviet Union.

"Mom, I need this computer. We learn to program. The more powerful the computer, the faster we can program. There are already people using this computer in our graduate school." At this time, the customer spoke, This is a woman in her twenties, and next to her is a middle-aged woman in her forties, obviously still hesitating.

"The price of a new computer is higher. The price of this computer is 2,000 marks, which is a bit expensive. If you feel unacceptable, you can wait for three months, and the price should be reduced by two or three hundred marks." The sales said : "At the same time, you can also look at the side, last year's configuration, we only sold 1,500 marks."

Not expensive, so cheap! The performance is stronger than that of West Germany, but the price is much lower! Heinrich couldn't help but blurt out: "It's really worth the money. I didn't bring enough money today. Can I use 60 marks as a deposit first? I'll bring the full amount tomorrow."

Thinking about the situation in the Walkman store just now, Heinrich can imagine that if he doesn't make a deposit, all the computers here will be sold short today. The era of the future is the era of computers! Without a computer, you cannot master the skills you will need in the future!

"Okay." The clerk looked at Heinrich in surprise. When he took the money from Heinrich, he was stunned: "Is this a Mark issued by West Germany?"

"Yes, I just came from West Germany." Heinrich tried to keep his voice as calm as possible, urging in his heart, Miss, quickly open the receipt!

"Heinrich?" At this moment, the middle-aged woman who had just bought a computer next to him asked him in a surprised, hesitant voice.

The voice was so familiar that Heinrich turned his gaze to the middle-aged woman. Although her face was a little fatter, she could still see the old appearance.

"Hannah?" Heinrich's mouth called out the name that he had called countless times in his dreams. I really didn't expect that I would see my relatives here for more than 20 years. (To be continued.)

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