Red Soviet Union

Chapter 876: Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car accident

It is very strange to say that old Nazis like Günter Lal and young Nazis like Haussinger should have been anti-Soviet! After all, since Hitler's time, it has not looked at the Soviet Union.

However, they support this plan, and they can of course see this. There have been extensive exchanges between the two Germanys in terms of economy and culture. Unity is imminent.

However, they did not oppose this exchange. On the contrary, they were the facilitators of the exchange. Why?

The answer is of course very simple, because since they are high-level officials of West Germany, they must consider the overall interests of West Germany!

In particular, from that era, Günter-Lar witnessed the constant sacrifice of his comrades in the war. He knew the horror of war, so he was avoiding the threat of causing Germany to fall into war!

It's a pity that Germany's position has always been awkward. After the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union faced off, and Germany was on the front line. The Berlin Wall faced each other. Originally, they had the same skin color and same race, but they had to confront each other at any time. They will fight to the death for the forces behind them!

In the past, West Germany still had a chance. After all, the Western world, led by the United States, was the most powerful technologically and economically. But what about now? Everything that has happened in the past few years reminds them that the Western world is no longer able to fight against the Soviet Union!

The last time the U.S. stock market fell sharply, it contained great risks. Fortunately, the rescue of the island country’s funds was considered to have stopped an imminent war. What about the next time? Next time, I'm afraid I won't have such good luck! Once the war really starts, Germany must be the first to be smashed!

Their choice now is for the sake of Germany, for the interests of the whole of Germany, and the survival of the whole of Germany!

However, not all people think the same as they do. For example, Manfred, he is a hardliner who hates the Soviet Union and licks the West. For him, it is absolutely impossible for West Germany to be merged. East German way to achieve unity! He even strongly opposed the exchange between West Germany and East Germany! In the whole government, there are not many people with ideas like him. After all, over the years, West Germany has been walking with the West. Moreover, if it wasn't for the United States and the Marshall Plan, how could West Germany develop its economy so quickly!

"A group of short-sighted guys!" Sitting in the car going home, Manfred was still very angry. Of course he knew what those people were thinking, how rebellious it was! Damn it! How could I be in the company of such a group of guys!

How can there be a new West Germany without the West? Now that the West is in decline, West Germany cannot immediately fall into the embrace of the East! How is this different from the Gauls? As a German, you should have your own arrogance!

Manfred is extremely angry, and with himself, he will never let those guys succeed!

"Crench!" Just then, the car stopped. The sudden braking made Manfred's head hit the seat back in front of him tightly!

Although he is the Minister of Defense, Manfred does not enjoy too many privileges. During commuting, he is assigned a Mercedes-Benz sedan, as well as two bodyguards and a driver. However, on weekends, he You can only travel in your own Volkswagen private car, and in a democracy, public and private must be clearly defined.

Of course, they must also obey traffic order and must not engage in privileges.

Such a sudden braking is definitely not something that an experienced driver can do. Manfred knew at this moment that it might be an accident.

At this time, the two bodyguards had already drawn their guns on both sides. From them, they could see that there was a heavy fuel tanker in front, which had just braked suddenly. Fortunately, their car responded quickly, otherwise it would have been Already hit!

At the moment of braking, the driver habitually glanced at the rear-view mirror. On this road, the traffic flow is not usually very large. How could these tanker trucks come to this road?

Well, it must be driven by those refugees. These people are the most disobedient to traffic order! In order to prevent the refugees from making trouble, the government is very tolerant of these refugees.

After all, the western world is in shortage of labor, so some refugees from the Middle East have also found jobs in West Germany, and driving heavy trucks is one of them. However, these people are usually very unruly traffic rules!

As it is now, fortunately I am a car. This Mercedes-Benz car has been modified to bulletproof and weighs two tons. However, the braking system is quite good, so it can stop in time. If it is followed by a heavy truck, absolutely can't stop.

All these thoughts flashed into my mind in an instant. As he thought, he scanned the rearview mirror with the corner of his eye, and at this moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

When did you follow the same tanker behind you? And, apparently, the tanker was running out of steam!

How to do? The front is almost next to the tanker, and the back is coming? Almost as soon as I saw it, the driver hung up the reverse gear and slammed on the accelerator, the V8 engine roared, the tires rubbed against the ground, black smoke was blowing, and the car quickly moved backwards!

Only by stepping back first can you bypass it!

And behind Manfred, UU reading www. At this moment, was hit hard again!

At a time like this, the driver made a serious mistake! He should immediately remind the people behind him to get out of the car, instead of driving away! And all of this happened in less than three seconds, and the people behind hadn't reacted yet. At the same time, before the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car had completed the reverse, the back was already in close contact with the heavy truck!

This is definitely murder, the other party did not slow down, but accelerated!

The Mercedes-Benz S-Class bulletproof car is specially produced by the Sindelfingen factory. Although it is still a load-bearing body, all the steel plates of the body are made of special materials, which can withstand the direct shooting of 7.62mm bullets! Only 12.7mm steel core bullets can damage it!

However, in front of the overloaded heavy truck, the difference in weight is still reflected! And this kind of heavy-duty truck is also the ng80 heavy-duty truck produced by Mercedes-Benz.

In front of dozens of tons of heavy trucks, the 2-ton Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car was pushed forward almost in an instant! Because of the different impact angles, in the process of impact, the Mercedes-Benz was also hit sideways! Just clipped on the heavy truck on both sides! Under the enormous force, the skeleton of the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car that was sandwiched horizontally was almost still intact! It's just that the doors on both sides are stuck and can't be opened at all!

But, fortunately, it didn't get squished! The people inside, just in a moment of amazement, saw the fuel tanker in front, and a huge flame suddenly appeared! The entire tanker was violently burned!

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