Red Soviet Union

Chapter 899: beat the 5th group

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This is the most desperate day for the British Fifth Regiment!

In fact, this incident has nothing to do with the Fifth Regiment at all. It was the United States and Germany that started the conflict, and it has not been extended to other countries. However, as one of the five rogues, Britain must show their presence, and they must always maintain a united front with the United States. In particular, they carry the dream of a great power.

They were skeptical at first about handing over the Pershing missiles to the Wehrmacht. And now that the Germans have lost their nuclear warheads, and the Germans are starting to have an opinion on the United States again, Germany must hand over those nuclear bombs to avoid irreparable consequences.

So, the British came, they just came to collect the nukes. But now, it has become that they are looking for abuse.

Overhead, the Tornado fighter plane destroyed one of their tanks, and then a surface-to-air missile flew over. As a result, the plane was not blown up! Then, two A-10 attack aircraft painted with the American logo came over! Originally thought that two fights would be able to knock down the German plane, but what happened? Two American planes were destroyed!

By now, Ayler has already had the intention of retreating, but unfortunately, before he could issue an order, the Tornado fighter jet had already flown over!

Damn it! They all know the combat effectiveness of this kind of aircraft, especially the Maverick missile, which is accurate when it hits a tank!

And now, they don't have any chance to escape at all! The plane flew at a very low altitude like this, and then, under the wings, the fire broke out.

"Boom!" A Challenger tank, which was opened from the top again, exploded violently, there was a commotion in the radio, and a British soldier cried and shouted, "Mum, Mum, I'm going home!"

When the tank soldiers are very powerful, the steel tank is their best protection, but now, when the Maverick missiles fly, the tank is the iron coffin!

Captain Eller was also fearful at this time. He had not participated in World War II. During World War II, he was still a child.

At this point, he just wants the missiles not to fly over his tank! However, what are you afraid of! In the commander's peripheral vision device, the Maverick missile dragging flames flew towards his tank like this!

"Quick, quick!" Eller shouted. Although he knew it was useless, he had to do something, right?

Then, he heard a violent crash. At this moment, he was so close to death, maybe, his life only had the last second left.

And in this last second, what should I think about?

War is cruel, peace is the most precious!

Captain Eller's life seems to be frozen at this moment, so long, so long.

Wait, why isn't it sounding? Although Eller's brain was a little down just now, more than a second has definitely passed!

Pushing the hatch on the top of the head, Ayler saw the Maverick missile that was close at hand. At this time, the warhead of this missile, relying on the huge inertia, had been stuck on the top turret. Fortunately, there was no Blast, it's a dud!

Eller felt as if he had just taken a shower, soaking wet. In an instant, he came back from hell!

After firing all the ammunition, the hammer in the air, and still immersed in a huge excitement, no matter what the result is, beat these guys first! Whoever wants to die, let them die first!

As for the rest, put it aside for the time being.

However, the sickle in the rear cabin pulled him back to reality.

"Hammer, we still have half of the fuel in the plane, we should think about how to land." Scythe said.

The internal fuel of the Tornado fighter is only four and a half tons. Like other Eurofighters, it mainly relies on external fuel tanks to increase its range. Now, the Tornado fighter does not carry external auxiliary fuel tanks. It's over half used!

Landing, landing where? The easiest, of course, is the Ner Feinig Air Force Base, but after doing so many great things just now, you can know with your feet what the result will be.

You can't land on your own base, and you can't land on any NATO base. Do you want to land on the opposite East Germany? You will definitely be treated like a hero when you go there, but this is equivalent to surrendering to the enemy!

At least, the current hammer has not thought about leaving the NATO camp and going to East Germany!

However, at this moment, the scream of the radar warning receiver broke his thoughts.

The actions of the Americans are extremely fast! After receiving the alarm here, the two F-15 fighter jets that took off from Ramstein Air Force Base at the same time turned on the afterburner all the way and swooped towards this side! At a distance of 80 kilometers, the American pilot turned on the radar and locked on the fighter.

Obviously, what this fighter did was enough to shoot it down! The F-15 fighter, which is not stingy with fuel, continued to accelerate while making the final preparations before launch.

Just now, the Tornado fighters abused two A-10 attack aircraft, which was naturally a piece of cake. But now, to fight the F-15, it is absolutely impossible!

After all, the Tornado fighters in the hands of Germany at this time are still fighter-bombers, mainly responsible for the task of attacking the ground. Even the anti-aircraft Tornado fighters in the hands of the United Kingdom are more like interceptors, although they are variable after Sweeping against the F-15, there is no chance of winning.

What's more, the Tornado fighter at this time has no weapons other than the hundreds of shells in the cannon! The hangers on both ends are empty.

Fortunately, the Tornado fighter has another trick! At the moment of receiving the signal from the radar warning receiver, the hammer pushed the nose of the aircraft, and the fighter dived quickly!

At a distance of 20 meters from the ground, the Gale fighter plane was leveled, and then the fighter plane began to run wildly at this treetop height!

Now that the air defense firepower is developing day by day, if you want to successfully raid the opponent, ultra-low altitude penetration is the most perfect way! The Tornado fighter, as the main ground attack aircraft, has advanced equipment inside. For example, in order to specialize in ultra-low altitude flight, the fighter has an advanced terrain automatic tracking system!

The front radar turns on the terrain mapping mode, which is the greatest help for the pilot. The front terrain map is displayed on the radar screen. At the same time, if the pilot cannot respond in time to danger, this system can also control the telex system. , let the fighter automatically climb up or turn to avoid it!

Ultra-low altitude and fast flight is the unique skill of the Tornado fighter!

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