Red Soviet Union

Chapter 923: Attack is ineffective

On the battlefield of the island country, the US-made m1 tank used a 105mm tank gun. Even if the latest armor-piercing projectile was fired, it could not destroy the Soviet t-72 tank. Therefore, at that time, the United States knew that the 105mm tank gun could no longer be stopped. Soviet armor torrents.

If you want to continue to gain an advantage, you can only continue to think about the caliber of the tank gun! At the same time, because the German Leopard 2 tank has begun to use the 120mm tank gun, the United States introduced the 120mm tank gun of Rheinmetall and replaced it with the m1 tank.

However, in the early morning battle, the Challenger's 120mm tank gun did not pose a threat to the t-72 tank at all, which put a lot of psychological pressure on the American tank soldiers. Although the British rifled guns were somewhat outdated, but, The armor-piercing performance of their armor-piercing projectiles is also quite good. Since their guns cannot penetrate Soviet tanks, their own guns may not be effective either.

Fortunately, in addition to the 120mm tank gun, they also have other ways to deal with tanks. For example, in the Hardett Barracks now, there are more than a dozen four-wheel launchers of anti-tank missiles, and more than 20 at the same time. Armour for individual anti-tank missiles.

In this way, they also have the ability to strike Soviet-made tanks from a long distance!

TOW anti-tank missiles!

This is a second-generation heavy anti-tank missile weapon system developed by the American Hughes Aircraft Company in 1962, with tube launch, optical aiming, infrared automatic tracking and wire guidance. Mass-produced and equipped for troops in 1970. At the same time, this missile was used in large quantities in the Vietnam War and the Fourth Middle East War, and achieved good results.

Now, this missile has also undergone some improvements and is named the TOW 1 missile, which shortens the launch tube to 1067 mm, which is conducive to overcoming the difficulty of maneuvering the launcher in large lateral wind conditions. At the same time, the range was increased from 3000 meters to 3750 meters. The armor-piercing capability has also been further improved, reaching the level of static armor-piercing capability of 800 mm.

This is also the greatest hope of the US army. If these missiles fly out, even if they can destroy twenty t-72 tanks, the opposing tank troops will be hit hard! As long as they stop and stop attacking, they can effectively delay time!

One missile after another, dragging the flame, flew out of the launch tube. At the same time, the operator's eyes were fixed on the sight, and the crosshairs were always pressed on his target.

The tail of the missile continuously releases wires, and through these wires, guidance information continuously enters the missile.

"No, they fired missiles, **** it!" The soldiers of the West German Defence Force who ran along with the tank suddenly widened their eyes. They were originally behind the tank, and their subconscious action immediately fell to the ground. .

They are familiar with this weapon. After improvement, the armor-piercing ability of this weapon has reached the level of 800 mm! Even one's own Leopard 2 tank can never stop the shooting of this anti-tank missile!

After a while, if the tank is hit, it will explode. At that time, if it is too close, it will be affected!

Compared with the speed of armor-piercing projectiles fired by tank guns at eight or nine hundred meters per second, the speed of the missile is very slow, about more than three hundred meters per second, and it takes seven or eight seconds to fly a distance of two kilometers.

The soldiers of the West German Defense Forces lying on the ground could see that the missiles went up and down. In fact, they were constantly adjusting their flight paths. Then, a TOW missile accurately hit a tank in front. !

The next moment, this tank might explode. Thinking of the high-flying turret, the soldiers on the side felt terrifying. I hope the tankers can walk quickly without suffering!

TOW anti-tank missiles flew up like this! Its front warhead just hits the turret of the t-72 tank!

Unfortunately, the first thing it encountered was explosive reactive armor!

When the impact was felt, the piezoelectric fuze of the warhead of the TOW anti-tank missile was triggered, detonating the 3.6 kg high-explosive charge of the rear shaped warhead charge, and the conical cavity at the front end of the warhead. , close to a metal shroud, concentrate the energy generated by the explosion on the target, and at the same time make the melted shroud form a metal jet to shoot forward, rushing towards the target armor in front!

Unlike armor-piercing projectiles with thin rods, because the speed of the missile is not high, it does not use a tactic of hitting hard, but using a metal jet to burn through! This is the hollow charge warhead! The charge is made into a hollow cylindrical grain with a conical hole, and a metal cover is added to the surface of the conical hole, so that the molten metal cover will converge into a metal with high speed, temperature and pressure. Jets of energy, the "energy-gathering effect", destroy the armor!

At the same time, after entering the armor, the metal heat flow will continue to decay. If it penetrates the armor before the decay is completed, it is called a successful breakdown. If the energy of the metal heat flow decays to zero and does not penetrate the armor, it is a failure. But now, this metal jet has encountered a third situation!

Because, just as it exploded, the opposite side also exploded!

The reactive armor was severely hit and detonated at the same time! The wedge-shaped steel plate causes the explosive to produce asymmetrical detonation and the moving steel plate moves rapidly, resulting in a shearing effect.

Originally it was going to wear the armor-piercing rod, but now, it felt different, a metal jet came towards it!

Whatever it is, consume whatever comes!

As a result, the rushing metal jets were also consumed by the moving steel plates! And, more importantly, because of the action of the steel plate, this metal jet deviated from the direction!

As a result, this metal jet, which could have penetrated the stationary 800mm thick homogeneous armor, had no strength to attack the main armor at all after being consumed by the reactive armor! Not even armor-piercing bullets!

This is determined by the basic principle. The armor-piercing of the energy-gathering warhead relies on the metal jets that converge into a bundle. Now, the jets are blocked, consumed, and diffused by the reactive armor, and the ability to attack is lost!

Reactive armor, the effect of anti-energy warhead is better! This is also in later generations. In order to combat reactive armor, two-stage series hollow charge is used, that is, two hollow charge warheads are connected in series, and a smaller charge in front is detonated first, blowing up the reaction armor, and then the main charge The medicine detonated and penetrated the main armor! The axes of the two charges must be strictly in a straight line, and the effect of armor breaking will be better.

However, this is already a TOW 2a missile. Historically, it entered service in 1987, and now, the best anti-tank missile in the United States is still the TOW 1 in their hands!

This missile is ineffective against the t-72 with reactive armor!

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