Red Soviet Union

Chapter 930: never endure

East Germany! Without the intervention of East Germany, the situation in West Germany would not have undergone such earth-shaking changes. The United States has ruled in West Germany and NATO for decades, and today, it has been completely broken.

Among them, the most important sign is that they captured a total of forty-three Pershing 2 missiles, including missile launchers and complete missiles, and twenty-one nuclear warheads!

When a country or an organization has a nuclear bomb, it has the right to speak, and this day is the most important day for post-war Germany!

In the end, Commander Bernard did not arrive. On the way, after hearing the news, he gave up his efforts and took his last reserve team and went straight to the direction of NATO reinforcements.

At the same time, this news was also reported to the other side of the ocean. A communication satellite that was launched urgently, took over the work of the original satellite after lift-off, and finally resumed communication!

After the data communication was restored, the White House finally knew what was going on here. Suddenly, the entire White House was astonished.

At this time in the United States, it was still late at night. In the oval conference room, a crystal lamp emitted soft light. Although it was summer, everyone felt a chill.

"Now, the situation in the whole West Germany is quite chaotic. The East German army has advanced 100 to 200 kilometers, and many bases have been controlled by the Germans. Among them, the most important base is our Nelfeni. Shirley Air Force Base." The National Security Adviser said: "The latest news I just received is that the Germans are in control of those nuclear warheads."

This is the most shocking news. Time, just one night has passed, and the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Not only did they not control the German troops, on the contrary, they also allowed the East German troops to advance 100 to 200 kilometers!

During the war, these distances would not be possible to advance in a month, but now, it is only one night! It can be said that the East German army did not encounter any resistance, they were just like in their own country, it was just a large-scale cross-country exercise!

This is unbelievable, and at the same time, true, because, for a long time, it was the West German Wehrmacht that blocked the flood of armor in the East, but recently, for well-known reasons, the West German Wehrmacht stopped confrontation, and even , they are welcoming the entry of the East German army!

This is the most speechless thing. The Soviets have always dared to attack. This time, they took the risk of starting a world war and dispatched the army to occupy West Germany!

"Now, almost all of our troops originally stationed in Germany are in a state of being captured, but our second-line troops have arrived on the battlefield." The national security affairs assistant continued: "We have mobilized two armored divisions including the United Kingdom. The main force, including 80,000 troops, has gathered in the west of West Germany, and at the same time, we are still sending an invitation to France."

The arrival of these troops was very timely. Originally, their mission was to control the West German Defence Forces and eliminate the pro-East German elements among them, but now, they have immediately turned into a rebellion against the West German Defence Forces, and The decisive force in the confrontation of the East German army.

Although the total number of people planned to be dispatched was 400,000 people, but now, only 80,000 people can arrive immediately, and the follow-up troops are still being assembled.

80,000 people are actually not many. The most hateful thing is that at this time, France has not yet sent troops!

Everyone knows it well. The French have always been quite arrogant and independent. They look down on Britain, the United States, and the West. They look high and high, but every time it comes to a critical moment, they will lose their minds. .

The same is true this time. The French have not sent troops until now, just because they are going to lose their minds again. They don't want to join this war, they want to sit on the sidelines!

Those **** Gallic chickens!

If France contributes two or three armored corps, then it can use its superior force to extinguish the flames of the German rebellion!

Of course, there is also a prerequisite for this, that is, the Warsaw Pact will not send troops to support, and now, obviously, this is impossible!

Up to now, the Soviet Union has remained silent, and it is the People's Army of East Germany that dominates the land of West Germany! If NATO gathers a large number of troops, the war situation is not good for the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union will send troops over at any time!

At present, the strength of the Soviet army stationed in Germany is 6 army groups, with a total of 20 motorized infantry and tank divisions. Moreover, the establishment of the Soviet Union is far superior to that of the West. What is even worse is that even the Soviet Union is equipped with a large number of tanks.

Moreover, once the war breaks out, the Soviet Union will draw more troops from other countries in the Warsaw Pact at any time. Not to mention, within a week, the troops of the Warsaw Pact Group participating in the battle will definitely exceed 500,000!

And NATO, the buildup of troops will definitely not be so fast, so if there is a world war, then the entire Western Europe will soon be flattened by the Soviet Union!

The Soviet Union is now controlling the scale and does not want a world war to break out. However, if the war starts, NATO will really suffer!

I'm afraid, it's also because of seeing this that the cunning Gauls have been shrinking tortoises, and won't come out?

This battle, no matter how you fight it, is not easy to fight!

"We can't back down any longer." After analyzing the situation, everyone was silent, and at this moment, someone finally spoke.

Bush, Vice President Bush, participated in World War II and almost died on the battlefield of World War II veterans!

"We Americans, with great sacrifices, won World War II and determined the post-war world pattern. These were won by the lives of our soldiers." Bush said: "We have become Leaders of the Western world, we enjoy the benefits of winning the war, we have replaced Britain as the center of the Western world, and this is all forged by our blood and our lives."

"However, decades of peace have sharpened our spirit, and now, we, the United States, have lost the courage to fight!" Bush said: "Because we dare not fight, we endure when we are in the island country and let us lose Because we dare not fight, we tolerated in the Middle East, and as a result, we lost the Middle East. Now, we cannot continue to tolerate, if we continue to tolerate, we will lose the whole of Europe!”

"However, we didn't give in, we fought at that time." On the side, someone corrected Bush.

"Our courage is not enough! We are afraid of launching a third world war! We are afraid of nuclear war destroying the earth, so, at the most critical moment, we all retreated!" Bush's voice echoed throughout the conference room: "Now, Do we still have to endure? No! We would rather let the whole earth be destroyed, and we can't bear it any longer! Without Europe, we have nothing!"

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