Red Soviet Union

Chapter 942: grab the long legs

Spacewalk! It is the most dangerous walk in history. On March 18, 1965, Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov achieved a 12-minute spacewalk out of the capsule during the spaceflight of the "Rising 2" spacecraft, becoming the The first astronaut in history to walk in space.

The walking at that time was extremely dangerous, and various situations kept appearing. When returning to the cabin, because the designer of the spacesuit did not take into account the expansion of the spacesuit in space, as a result, Alexei took the risk of releasing the oxygen in the spacesuit. , is back.

And now, although nearly two decades have passed, spacewalking is still very dangerous, especially, the manned maneuvering device outside the vehicle has not yet appeared. Historically, it will be 84 years ago. The first test flight was successful by American astronauts. This is a thruster with high-pressure nitrogen and several nitrogen injections. The thrusters are installed in different positions and directions of the "seat". The astronauts use the consignment to control the thrusters at different positions, and jet in different directions to produce a reactionary attitude. The manned maneuvering device can carry a certain amount of high-pressure nitrogen, which can allow astronauts to reach places 100 meters away from the spacecraft.

And now, whether it is the United States or the Soviet Union, this manned maneuvering device is still under development, so the current extravehicular walking is absolutely "naked swimming."

There can only be one steel cable that ties the astronauts into space. If danger occurs, Kizim needs to pull the steel cable and pull Solovyov back.

After all, the current spacewalk is not to go deep into space, but to walk near the space station. The purpose is to repair the space station, such as being damaged by meteorites in space, and to assemble, such as the Mir space station, It is assembled through spacewalking. After the astronauts go out into space, they only need to climb along the spacecraft.

But now, it is necessary to leave the spacecraft, fifty meters away!

Solovyov was not afraid. With a kick of his foot, with the impact of going out, his body slowly left the Salyut space station and flew towards the Pole!

Come save yourself! The other party is here to save himself! Nelson was extremely excited. Seeing an astronaut flying out of the Salute and "swimming" in his direction, Nelson was extremely excited, and he was finally going to be saved!

However, at this moment, he felt the tremor of the Polaris.

what happened?

The polar number is just a screw that has been removed! However, who would have thought that this Polaroid would actually disintegrate at this time, in the first and second sections!

Damn it! Nelson knew that at this time, he must not hesitate any longer. As soon as he gritted his teeth, his legs and arms used force, and with the help of the reaction force, he left the Polar!

In space, the Polaris, split into two segments!

In fact, it's not just because they removed a circle of screws. When the Challenger exploded, the airflow hit the Polar, and the Polar was in danger of breaking from the middle, and it continued to fly for so long before it broke. It's been very powerful!

"No, the Polaris is broken into two sections. In order to avoid danger, we should leave temporarily!" Savitskaya said after hearing the radar's warning.

"No, hold on!" Kazim yelled over the radio.

At this time, Solovyov was out of the cabin, and he was suspended by a steel cable. If the space station maneuvered at this time, it would pull Solovyov, which might cause him serious injury.

Moreover, the American astronaut has already left the Polaris and is flying over. If the manoeuvre changes orbit at this time, then the American astronaut will be left dead.

Fifty meters away from one's own space station is already the farthest distance that one can reach, and once the American astronaut cannot be caught by oneself, there will be no second chance!

persist in!

As the commander, the experienced Kizim knows that although the Polaris has broken into two sections, generally speaking, the two sections are still in the original orbit. After all, it is not a split caused by external forces, it is These two segments, which are disconnected by themselves, will continue to fly together in many cases.

If his side is really in danger, it will cause the salute to crash, and he will not take such a risk.

persist in! Solovyov is flying towards the other side, and at the same time, the other side's American astronauts are also flying towards this side. In the deep universe, two little dots are slowly approaching!

not good! At this moment, Kazim from behind had already seen that the two sides were not on the same line! Fly over like this, and the two will pass by!

"Solovyov, fly to the left, fly to the left!" Kazim shouted.

Fly to the left? What a joke! If you are in the sea, you can still flutter a few times, but in outer space, no matter how you flutter, it is useless! Solovyov looked at his hand, there was almost nothing but a metal flag!

Yes, a metal sickle and hammer banner! In space there is no wind, and ordinary flags cannot float at all. If you want to shoot flags in space, you must rely on this metal flag.

This flag, Solovyov originally planned to pose in front of the camera when he rescued the American astronauts, but now, he has no other choice, fly to the left? Then you can only throw the things in your hand to the west!

So, in front of the camera, this metal flag was thrown out. Although it was small, it also had a reaction force, which changed Solovyov's flight trajectory!

"No, it's not enough, it's not enough!" At this time, Kizim couldn't control that much anymore. Throwing the Soviet flag into space was a serious act. After going down, he might face censorship, but now, first Mission accomplished!

Looking at the trajectory, it is still impossible to accurately intersect! Kazim was very nervous and wanted to go out by himself, but going out by himself wouldn't help much either!

not enough! Solovyov had no other way. He could only change the posture of his body. Just now, his body was standing upright. Now, his body is going sideways!

Solovyov stretched out his leg, which is the longest place. At the same time, Nelson, who was flying across from the opposite side, also changed his posture and changed his body to be sideways. When the two passed by, Nelson His hand was just enough to reach Solovyov's long legs!


Although this scene is a bit ugly and unsightly at all, I finally got in touch with the American astronauts!

Pulling Solovyov's leg, Nelson stopped the momentum of the body collision, then, holding Nelson's space suit, he squirmed upwards, and the two bodies hugged tightly together!

At this time, Nelson was extremely excited and was finally saved!

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