Red Soviet Union

Chapter 949: Hacking Force

The Soviet air force stationed in Europe is equipped with a certain number of early-warning aircraft. These early-warning aircraft use the Il-76 platform, and the data processing system is the latest model manufactured using the current electronic technology, and the processing capacity has been greatly improved.

Before the war was about to break out, the early warning aircraft had already taken off, cruising over East Germany and the Czech Republic. If the Americans dared to cross the border and attack, then prepare to bear the wrath of the entire Warsaw Pact!

At the same time, these huge amounts of data are spread through civilian networks.

After all, West Germany and East Germany did not have any military cooperation, and it was very difficult to communicate information between the two sides. At this time, the civilian Internet played a great role. Anyway, these networks were built with the help of East Germany. , maintenance is also carried out in East Germany, as long as they disconnect the nodes from other networks, it becomes a complete military network.

The transfer of data is very fast.

Originally, the early warning aircraft could only find some bright spots, and could not identify the model, but at the moment the early warning aircraft discovered, the satellites in space received the order and took pictures of the other air force base, which were instantly recognized. Four took off. a-10!

The four A-10s are not mass air fighters either. However, the satellite photos also captured the fighter jets on the tarmac. They are all full of ammunition, including a considerable number of air fighters!

It seems that the American plan is to let these a-10s take off and test the water first. Anyway, this kind of plane is rough and fleshy, and it can fly back if it hits a missile.

These planes take off. If their own fighters are dispatched, the other party will dispatch fighters, and finally a large-scale air battle will break out. If their own fighters do not, they will bomb their own tank units.

The Shilka River's reaction speed was very fast, but it couldn't hit too far. The A-10 attack plane launched the Maverick missile from a distance, and left after it was finished.

This is the plan of the Americans. It seems that the Americans are also testing!

Well, in that case, teach the Americans a lesson!

"Notify Marshal Ogarkov's department and send the wrong coordinates to the American attack aircraft. Yes, send them the coordinates of the First Dutch Army." Andre said to his deputy.


Before it's time for our own large aircraft group to take off, let NATO's own dog bite the dog first!

Hearing Andre's words, Günter-Lar looked at Andre with shock: "General Andre, do you mean to let the American a-10 attack the Dutch tank?" ad_250_left ();

"Yes." Andre answered succinctly.

"But how can you command the American attack planes?"

"Of course it is to invade NATO's military command network, and then send them the wrong coordinates. It's very simple." Andre's tone was very flat, but Günter-Lar's back was soaked. .

Electromagnetic power, information power, and sky control power, none of these, what a shit! And the Soviets actually did all this?

Hack into NATO's military command network! This is of course what the Soviet hacking force is best at! In particular, among these hackers, there is a young boy. At this time, in the network center in Moscow, this boy is sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard skillfully.

The Hacker Force, which belongs to the Bureau of Strategic Deception, is under the responsibility of Marshal Ogarkov. In the Hacker Force, the youngest and most talented person is this genius boy, Ivan!

That's right, it's Ivan, the former little brat, with a frame in front of his eyes, and he's engrossed in staring at his screen.

Invading NATO's command network was not easy, until the export of civilian Internet technology to West Germany was a breakthrough! Many military offices in West Germany are also connected to the Internet, and some computers are also connected to the NATO command system.

Although there is a firewall, it still can't stop hackers! Half a year ago, Ivan had already cracked the NATO command system, leaving a back door that could come in at any time.

Now, after receiving the order, Ivan entered the command system with great ease, and then replaced the information that was being transmitted to the A-10 attack aircraft through the early warning aircraft on the communication link of the other party. Everything was seamless!

"Okay, done!" After hitting the last key, Ivan's fingers came down from the keyboard. His flexible hands were powerful weapons!

Uncle Andrei, although I can't pick up a gun and fight, I have found my way, and I want to be a hero of the Soviets! Picking up the long-cold supper and taking a bite, a smile appeared on Ivan's face.

He looked around, and there were many people like him, all busy on the keyboard. The biggest feature of these people is that they are all young! The computer network is a new thing, and only young people can have enough vigor and vitality to work hard in front of the computer.

Although he doesn't wear a military uniform or a military rank, Ivan, who is not yet an, is already a major-level technical soldier!

After taking a bite, he remembered something. Now that he has entered the NATO command system, why not find their battle plan and download all the plans?

Yes, just do it! Ivan put down the supper he had taken, and continued to tap his fingers flexibly on the keyboard.

"Attention, the information has been passed, and we will correct our route according to the information." In the sky, the A-10 attack aircraft nicknamed the Warthog was flying smoothly at an ultra-low altitude, and the lead pilot Lindberg shouted in the radio. .

"The stone calls for the wild boar, and the stone calls for the wild boar." After receiving the target bearing, the wingman pilot reported to the captain: "The bearing we received and the bearing before takeoff are very different, is it wrong?"

"The latest data is sent by the early warning aircraft. There will be no errors. It should be more accurate. The stone will fly according to the directions." On the radio, the lead plane, the wild boar, said.

The early warning aircraft did not fly over Germany, but flew back and forth over France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Although the distance was a bit far, the advanced e-3 early warning aircraft could also detect fighters up to 400 kilometers away, as well as troops on the ground.

There will be no mistakes, just fly in the direction indicated by the AWACS!

"Understood." Although Shitou was puzzled, he still accepted the order.

The fighter jets whizzed and flew in the air. Soon, the an/axq-13 TV monitor captured a clear picture. On the ground, a Leopard 1 tank unit was moving!

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