Red Soviet Union

Chapter 962: personal welcome

Historically, the relationship between the two Germanys has also gone through many twists and turns.

At the beginning, after the Federal Republic of Germany had just started its founding, it was quite boycotting the opposing GDR, and put forward a "request for a separate representative" and refused to recognize the German Democratic Republic. If the country establishes diplomatic relations with the GDR, the Federal Republic of Germany may cut off diplomatic relations with it. In this way, the international activity space of the GDR will be blocked and the GDR will be isolated.

However, in the 1960s, this "Hallstein Doctrine" was no longer suitable. Not only did it fail to contain the GDR, but instead it restricted the FRG's space for international activities. Thus, this doctrine was abandoned, and diplomatic relations were first established with the Romanian Socialist Republic. Afterwards, it established diplomatic relations with other Eastern European socialist countries, expanding the influence of the Federal Republic of Germany in Eastern Europe.

The breakthrough was that in 1969, Chancellor Willy Brandt proposed to the GDR that the leaders of the two countries hold non-discriminatory talks. In 1970, the two countries held the first meeting of heads of government. In 1972, the two countries signed the "Basic Treaty", and the relationship between the two countries returned to normal.

After that, peace was the mainstream. Even in the early 1980s, when NATO deployed medium-range missiles in Western Europe, which led to the deterioration of relations between the East and the West, the leaders of the two Germany held talks. It is still emphasized that the normalization of relations between the two countries is an important factor in European relaxation. Both sides have a special responsibility for safeguarding European peace and ensuring that war will never break out again on German soil, and this was written into the joint communiqué of the two sides.

All of this is because the two Germanys realized that they were originally one country. If a world war broke out, Germany would suffer a devastating blow. No matter which side wins, in the end, Germany will cease to exist!

Germany, can't stand the next world war!

But now, with the passage of Andrei, great changes have taken place in history, the Soviet Union is aggressive, and the two Germanys' calls for peaceful reunification are still the same.

Moreover, because of the deterioration of the economy, West Germans yearn for East Germany even more! If nothing else, East Germany's fuel supply is enough to make West Germany envy! The advancement of East Germany's electronic technology is even more admired by West Germany! When the Berlin Wall was opened, West German residents voluntarily went to East Germany to find work, and they lived happily in East Germany, which is a living proof!

This is the historical trend! No one can stop the unification of Germany! Although NATO will not watch such a thing happen, nor will it be diverted from their will!

What about the annexation of West Germany to East Germany? As a German leader, his first thought is to make people's lives more prosperous and to make the country's social security stable!

Moreover, the people have made a choice, the Wehrmacht has defected, and the people are constantly demonstrating against the NATO garrison in West Germany. This is the historical trend!

"Mr. Prime Minister, the 35th Brigade has surrendered. Now, the East German army has entered our urban area." Another deputy came in and said, "Our people, welcome on both sides of the street."

Residents of Bonn, welcome on both sides! It's like welcoming your own soldiers!

When Karl's tank troops surrendered the 35th Brigade without a fight, just like when they rushed over the border, then the tanks rumbled onto the streets of Bonn, and the people on both sides were actually welcoming!

Yes, it is welcome!

The matter of the Minister of Defense has long been spread in the streets, and everyone knows it! Moreover, in Bonn, the intelligence organization of the Hidden Face is even more developed! Before their own troops came over, they started to build momentum. Those hidden intelligence personnel, now they don't have to worry about being exposed, they went straight to the streets and first held up a sign to welcome them!

As a result, more and more German residents began to welcome! No matter East Germany or West Germany, it is the German army! As a German, welcome your own troops! As a German, what I hate most now is the NATO army and the Americans!

The tank moved all the way to the front of the Chancellor's Office. Carl got out of the tank. Since the citizens of Bonn have clearly expressed their welcome to their side, their side can't be too violent.

And just after the arrival of the tank troops, German Chancellor Helmut also walked out of the Chancellery.

He was tall and tall, with a pair of glasses on his eyes, and the back of the eyes shone with light.

"Mr. Chancellor, we have been ordered to rescue the West German military and civilians, to rescue the Minister of Defense Günter-Lar, I am the commander of the 21st "Walter-Ampatcher" tank regiment of the 9th Tank Division of the GDR People's Army , Karl-Heinz-Marshner." In the eyes of all the people, the commander of the East German army, salutes the Chancellor of West Germany!

Helmut nodded: "I personally welcome your arrival."

welcome! Although it was a personal opinion, Helmut's words immediately attracted cheers from the surrounding people!

The German nation has always been the strongest nation. In the two world wars, although the number of Germans was small, they have always been the proudest and the bravest to fight! Back then, they almost conquered the whole world!

Although they failed in the still could not hide their glory, they conquered dozens of times their own enemies! The territory of Germany is far higher than the former Roman Empire!

After World War II, Germany was divided. This is a sad history. The division of the two Germanys is a tragedy for the whole Germany and a scar of the Germanic nation. Now, this day is finally over, and Germany will be unified again!

Helmut's statement represents the official attitude of West Germany, although he welcomes it personally, after all, his identity is still the Prime Minister of West Germany!

Just when the residents of Bonn were revelling, Lieutenant General Norman Schwarzkopf also hurried to Stuttgart and saw Bernard William Rogers, who was dragged down to resign because of the accidental attack that killed thousands of soldiers. Admiral.

There was no turbulence in the handover ceremony. At this time, the hearts of both of them were extremely heavy.

"There has been news from Bonn that even Prime Minister Helmut has chosen to surrender to East Germany." Bernard said: "The situation in Germany is now almost out of control. Lieutenant General Norman, I wish you all the best."

"I just want to know, what happened to those misfire incidents?" Norman quickly stopped Bernard when he saw that Bernard was about to slap his **** and leave. On the coming plane, he has been thinking about this question, why are there so many misfire incidents?

"Although we have not found definite evidence so far, the biggest possibility is that our command system has been invaded. In particular, we lost the air battle, and the early warning aircraft also inexplicably made a command error, indicating that our c3i system, It is no longer reliable." Bernard said: "If our chain of command is invaded, our every move will be under the surveillance of the other party, and we will not be able to win this war!"

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