Red Soviet Union

Chapter 964: Abandon the C three I system

East of Mount Rothard, Frankenberg.

Here, the Belgian First Army has been waiting for a long time. As an important country in NATO, the Belgian army is also very majestic! After all, Belgium occupies one of the few military-level designations!

However, in this crisis, the Belgian army performed very poorly. At the beginning, a Belgian battalion went to take over the command of the West Germans. Although it was successful at first, it was later beaten by the two German coalition forces! The entire battalion surrendered!

This made the Belgians quite lose face. Therefore, in this ambush, the Belgians took the initiative to request to be close to the east, hoping to take the lead in connecting with the two German armies, and then defeat the two German armies!

However, after waiting for two days, the two German troops did not wait. As a result, they waited until they bypassed their own defense lines and broke into the back from the north!

This made the Belgian armored soldiers so depressed that they vomited blood.

But now, the commander of the Belgian First Army, Major General Ross, looked at the messenger in front and the handwritten order in his hand, he couldn't believe himself: "So, the new Norman General, Without using our c3i system, you just signed the order with your hand, then sent it to us, and asked you to take a helicopter and send it to us quickly?"

What a joke! What age is it now, and still use manual writing commands, and then send someone to deliver it? This is simply the level of a war! Spend a lot of money, the c3i system just built last year, nothing is used?

"Yes, these incidents have fully demonstrated that there have been serious problems in our command system, and it is likely to be used by the Soviets. Therefore, our operation this time can only be ordered in this way, and the headquarters has formulated The plan is ready, just follow the plan, and please don’t pass our c3i system when you give the order, it’s better to communicate it manually.” A lieutenant colonel who came to deliver the order had a very positive expression on his face. to answer.

The c3i system is a command automation technology system. It is an integrated system that uses electronic computers to closely link the command, control, communication and intelligence subsystems. The use of this system can greatly improve combat effectiveness.

And now, it's going to go backwards! This made Major General Ross very speechless. However, considering what happened in the past few days, it is possible for the command to worry.

It's just that this order is too unbelievable now. Instead of fighting with Bonn, which is close at hand, it will go to the Nell Fennig Air Force Base instead? Go there and retake the base back?

Could it be that he has a grudge against Ner Feinig Air Force Base? Have to go there?

The order was urgent, and although he complained about the order, Major General Ross decided to act immediately.

At the same time, not only the Belgian army received the order, but other reinforcements from the United Kingdom, the United States, Greece, Turkey, etc., immediately began to act after receiving the order!

The huge legion rushed towards the Nerfinich Air Force Base!

At the same time, there were also a small number of troops heading towards Cologne and Bonn, which was of course used to confuse the two German armies!

Lieutenant General Norman has high hopes for this tactic. Now, the Soviets must not know that their troops have begun to mobilize on a large scale, heading straight for the Nelfenig Air Force Base!

When the two German troops attacked, they made a big circle, and at the same time, in order to prevent being discovered, they did not take the road. Now, the NATO troops need to arrive as soon as possible! Therefore, their legion, almost from the highway, drove directly!

The order was delivered at night, and when the day dawned, the NATO coalition had already arrived at the Nerfinich Air Force Base!

"Come on, occupy the entire base, this is ours!" Major General Ross gave the order loudly.

Due to the last air raid, many buildings in the entire base have collapsed, and the hangar has also been destroyed. In the past, those planes stayed on the tarmac, but now? Why can't I see those fighter jets?

Obviously, before it got dark yesterday, those planes were also on the tarmac?

After seeing the airport from a distance, Major General Ross was already a little puzzled. Moreover, as the source of the rebellion, there were many people gathered here. Those people tried to block the tanks with their bodies, thinking that the tanks would not dare to crush the people.

But now, what about those people? Where have the people gone?

There is a problem, there is absolutely a problem! Major General Ross ordered his troops to stop and look at the base a few kilometers away, not daring to move forward for the time being.

At the very least, you should know where those planes are going, right? If those planes take off from the runway and are full of anti-tank ammunition before their own arrival, then their troops will not need to occupy the airport at will be killed here!

"Call AWACS, where is our air support?" Major General Ross asked.

"But we were banned from using the c3i system," the adjutant said.

"It was banned before because the Soviets were afraid of knowing our actions. Now, if we don't contact the early warning aircraft, are we waiting to be attacked by the other's aircraft?" Major General Ross said.

NATO has always used quality advantages in order to counter the Soviet armored torrent, especially based on strikes from the air! In recent years, the tactic of air-ground integration has been proposed, and air support can be called at any time when needed.

But now, they have to deprive themselves of martial arts, even the c3i system is not allowed to be used, this is simply killing! Especially in the current situation, Major General Ross knew that he had to call for air support! The formation of one's own side simply cannot deal with a large number of fighters!

"Listen, what's that sound?" At this moment, suddenly, there was a burst of thunder in the distance, and the tank crews who stuck their bodies outside could hear it clearly.

what sound? Major General Ross held up his telescope and looked at it quickly. Soon, he found black dots in the sky!

Those black spots are flying fast against the ground, not like attack planes, but like... gunships!

Yes, it's a gunship! From here, you can see the front, two pilots in a high and low position, sitting on the seats, under the short wings on both sides, full of anti-tank missiles, and the propeller on the top, making a whirring sound like a dull thunder.

Doe! That's a Soviet Hinge gunship! Nationality unknown! Major General Ross was immediately mad: "Quick, call our fighter jets! What about self-propelled anti-aircraft guns? Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, hurry up, prepare to shoot!"

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