
Mikhail in the back seat is dozing off with her head leaning against the window.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Likewise, Muroi, who dozed off in the auxiliary seat and raised his head, handed over an apple.

Jong-hyuk smiled softly.

"Sleep if you're tired. I'm fine."

"No, you can't do that. It's not polite."

It's not polite to just go on a trip, but I'm following him now. Mikhail, who was sleeping snoring, was a bad thing.

Muroi, who was chasing sleep by hitting his cheeks, seemed to admire Jong-hyuk, who drove without a speck of blood on his face.

It's already been 6 days.

It was time for Jong-hyuk to take the wheel on behalf of themselves who were unfamiliar with geography.

"Are you sure you're okay? Shall we change it now?"

Jong-hyuk smirked.

"That's enough. What do you want from a country where the lanes are opposite?"


"It's really nothing, so I sleep with confidence."

This is the truth. This is because it's not good to be awake when you're following.

To be exact, someone should be saving up their energy. To deal with a sudden situation immediately.

Of course, there is little chance that it will happen in this situation, but it is a basic concept to live a smooth criminal life.

"And that's not enough."

There is no fear that gangsters who have noticed the tailings will block their career path, and there is no risk that mulberries will run into cars. Nor will there be a sudden chase.

Besides, the car I'm riding now is an expensive foreign car. Compared to the days when people used to follow their old cars, they were like a wall.

Compared to the days when seat cushions were tasteless and couldn't bear the pain in the back, rather than enduring menstrual activities.

But I couldn't help being a little bored.

'Will you go somewhere else today?’

Jeong Cheon-woo, who's been to and from home, oriental medicine hospital, and racetrack.

If there was consistency, he was a very consistent.

Squeak! This is car number one. Turn left at the intersection.

Kwon Soon-ho's radio, which drives the first black van.

Left turn?

Jong-hyuk's eyes twinkle, and Muroi shakes his hips. Mikhail, who wakes up, stares at the radio.

He's finally starting to move differently than usual.

Jong-hyuk quickly picked up the radio.

"This is car number two. I'll follow you. Get ready to step back, please."

- Sizzling. Receiving.

Soon after, Jong-hyuk could find Jeong Cheon-woo's foreign car moving seven meters ahead.

Jeong Cheon-woo's car, which was running like that, stopped in front of a luxury house on the second floor of Apgujeong, and a short time later, Hyojung in a sky blue dress like a spring maid came out.


Jong-hyuk burst out laughing.

This way and that way.

One is a murderer who tries to kill his wife, and the other is a woman who has an affair with him in front of the house.

And a middle-aged woman standing in the living room window on the second floor was pleased to see the two.

My neck began to stiffen.

"Look at these bastards."

Crack! Crack!

"…It's noisy, Kyo."

"You don't care?!"

Jong-hyuk saw Muroi. Muroi, who saw the hard but blazing eyes of Jong-hyuk, bowed his head.

In response, Jong-hyuk opened his mouth as he relaxed his eyes.

"Kyo, a detective chasing a criminal should never get carried away by emotions."

If a detective acts emotionally, it can ruin the case. So until the arrest, the detective has to suppress his emotions.

Even if you want to kill, you have to handcuff and kill.

That's the detective.

Jong-hyuk, who has seen some first-time detectives who are actually swept away by emotions and ruin the case, said firmly, and Muroi and Mikhail, who had something to realize, took a moment to think.

Let's go! We'll catch up.

In the first car, there were not only Kwon Soon-ho but also special crime investigation detectives who were asked for help.

Attempting murder is a sure and could lead to murder. There was no reason not to apply, except at the request of Jong-hyuk.

"Yes, I'll be on my way soon."

Soon after, Jong-hyuk, who started following again, grinned at the arrival of Jeong Cheon-woo and Lee Hyo-jung.

"These Chewbirds know how to watch movies."

The destination is the automobile theater in Gyeonggi-do. I was speechless and couldn't help but laugh.

Muroy and Mikhail were dumbfounded to see such Jong-hyuk.

"What? Why?"

A veteran detective could have done this. Even if you get carried away by emotions, you don't act.

The level was different from the two new chicks.

Still, with his face slightly heated, Jong-hyuk turned his head and soon opened his eyes wide.



Lee Hyo-jung's face, which got off closing the car door, is distorted with annoyance.

It was clear that the two of them, who had died and could not live together, fought while they came here.


I wondered for a moment, but I thought it was an opportunity rather than that.

Jong-hyuk got out of the car quickly.

* * *

Is it here again?’

Lee Hyo-jung's expression, who was smiling until Jeong Cheon-woo's car escaped from the building forest in Seoul and ate delicious food at a restaurant far away, hardened as she entered a familiar path in the afternoon when the sun was setting.

When he arrived at the auto theater, which he had been to several times, his anger finally exploded.

"Mr. Chun-woo... Hmm?"

Lee Hyo-jung wondered about the invitation-like envelope.

"I'm sorry I only brought you to places like this. So let's have a nice dinner next week."

An expression of sincere apology but anticipation.

Lee Hyo-jung, who pressed anger, checked the contents of the envelope and opened her eyes wide.


She managed to resist the scream that was about to burst out.

I had no choice but to.

It's a restaurant's meal ticket and a luxury hotel suite room ticket called "Picking the Stars in the Sky" to make a reservations are made.

However, more than that, Jeong Cheon-woo's hard work came.

"……Chi. You must know."

"Of course I know. Thank you, Hyojung, for following me without any complaints."

Jeong Cheon-woo said so and rubbed her shoulder.

"Who's watching………."

"It's in the car, but no one can see it. And what do you think? I'm supposed to massage my girl's shoulders."

Her wobbly lips melt away.

And the face of my man who seriously touches his lover's shoulder.

'…...did she ever get this?’

With a strange sense of achievement, I felt so satisfied that my heart was stiff.

"That's enough. I'll go get some popcorn."

"No, that's what I...…"

"Oh, stop if you're having a hard time driving."

She kissed Jung Chun-woo's cheek, and Chung Chun-woo, who shook his head as if he couldn't stop her, looked at Lee Hyo-jung as if he was loving her.

by the way


When the door closes, Lee Hyo-jung's expression hardens.

"How long do we have to go on a secret date like this?’

A restaurant meal ticket is a meal ticket, and this is it.

A date that's always only in a car.

I've never dated Garosu-gil or movie theater before, and I can't dream of a beach.

Even if you go to such a place, you can't leave the hotel.

If you leave a car or hotel, it's only when you go hiking somewhere far away or when you see unknown grass somewhere remote.

"It's annoying."

She turned her head and headed to the canteen to see Jeong Cheon-woo's face.

"Oh, you're here again. Isn't your boyfriend too sweet? Bring me here to meet you?"

Hyo-jung, who had a stiff expression for a moment, glanced at the big man standing next to her and smiled brightly.

"Of course. Popcorn and butter squid, please! Two cokes, too!


After a while, her face still stiffens as she turns around, receiving popcorn and so on with a smiling face.

"It's so annoying. You think I came here because I wanted to come here?"

She strode toward the car, and a big man, Jong-hyuk, turned around with a hot bar in his mouth, smiled at her.

"Look at this?"

I don't know why, but I didn't follow you here because I wanted to. No, it's not exactly this kind of place, but this kind of date I don't like.

"Car theater. Inside the car. ……a secret date?'

It's a secret date that many affair couples have.

Jeong Cheon-woo and Lee Hyo-jung will also have a secret date with an affair couple who cannot go to crowded places because they are not proud.

"……Oh, my God.

I thought I could see the answer.

The answer to this tedious tailing is.

What if I stimulate it well?

Jong-hyuk's eyes began to sparkle.

"Here you are! Phew, that's a lot. Thank you!"

Jong-hyuk saw a woman in her 40s who gave out two large packages of envelopes with a grateful look.

Then an interesting thought crossed my mind.

"If you don't mind, can I see the boss?"


Jong-hyuk grinned at her puzzled.

* * *

The movie was a foreign romance movie released a few months ago.

When the male and female main characters kissed each other, Jeong Cheon-woo and Lee Hyo-jung kissed each other, and when the male and female main characters indulged in each other's bodies, they touched each other's flesh.

The tinting is not enough, but it's evening, so you can't see the inside at all. The two were outspoken.

Then, when the ending credit went up, they got ready to start by trimming their clothes.

At that moment.

The door is opening.

A sweet ballad song is playing on the tea radio.

And pretty pink cherry blossoms gradually bloom on the screen that shone on the ending credit.

Lee Hyo-jung's face, which felt something, looked curious.

"Someone must be proposing."


"Well, yeah."

When she realized why Jung Cheon-woo was embarrassed, Hyojung grinned and looked at the screen. To be honest, I wanted to get out of it quickly, but I wanted Jung Cheon-woo to learn from this.

"I'll look forward to it, Chunwoo."

"…Don't worry. I'll make you the coolest proposal in the world."

Lee Hyo-jung, who had high expectations in my man's eyes burning with enthusiasm, soon hardened her face.

It's not because the song is over. It's not even after cherry blossoms or videos full of love and affection are over.

I love you, Park Hyo-jung! Let's get married!


Lee Hyo-jung took out her hand, which covered the back of Jeong Cheon-woo's hand, and his face hardened hard.

Bang bang!


That's cool.

There were all kinds of cheers around, but the two couldn't laugh.

Just one letter difference in name.

For God's sake!’

Jeong Cheon-woo, who glanced at Lee Hyo-jung's face, had to swallow a sigh to burst out.



The two cars, whose silence fell, escaped the car theater like that.


Exhaust sounds louder because there's nothing around.

As soon as we entered Seoul, all kinds of noise hit them, but the silence was not easily broken.


"…Mr. Chun-woo."

When Jeong Cheon-woo arrived in front of the house, he sighed at her call to break the silence. But it wasn't expressed outwardly, but Hyojung, who was quick to sense, caught it.

Who's the one who needs to be angry?’


Closing the door roughly, Hyojung, who got out of the car, opened her mouth with a colder look than usual.

"As I said last time, don't keep me waiting. And don't let the leeches and the kids see in front of me."


Young-woo and Hee-seol. The children's smiles came to mind, but they were erased as fast as they came to mind.

I'm sorry, but you should live your life, too!

Jeong Cheon-woo smiled at Hyojung.

"…Don't worry. I'll let you have the happiest wedding in the world."

Lee Hyo-jung, who was staring at Jeong Cheon-woo, nodded and turned around, and Jeong Cheon-woo, who was staring at Hyo-jeong entering the house, started the car with a sigh.

But soon after, I stopped and picked up my cell phone.

"It's me. Are you sure the rat poison works? You're not going to die, you're going to die!"

No, then use the strap!

A junior in high school who inherited a hardware store.

He was a junior who helped not to leave traces of finding rat poison just in case.

"I don't know! Anyway, get me a stronger one! Okay?!"

Hanging up, he turned on the light and found a cigarette.

Click! Sizzle!

Smoky cigarette smoke escapes through the window being lowered.

"Ha. Lee Hee-sun, you leech. Be sure to die with this rat poison. Please don't die and get in my way!"

Crunch! Crunch!

As he grated his teeth, he threw a cigarette and started the car.

As if it went as planned, Jung Cheon-woo exploded all kinds of irritation and anger.

And Lee Hyo-jung's cold face when she got out of the car.

Muroy and Mikhail looked at Jong-hyuk in admiration.

The proposal video at the end of the movie.

Because it was Jong-hyuk who made it.

It was not enough to rent a car theater, so it made a proposal video in an hour and screened it.

I've spent a lot of money trying to get that reaction.….’

I can't say it's just a piece of cake, but it's still ridiculous.

Receiving the gaze, Jong-hyuk shrugged.

I should thank Director Kim.’

It was possible to make such a video in an hour because director Kim Young-jin, who was all connected, introduced such an event video producer.

Jong-hyuk picked up the radio.

"Now, let's move on to the final stage!"

* * *

Ding dong!

Lee Hee-sun, who was cleaning, tilts her head to her side.

"There's no one coming at this hour. Yes, get out! Who……huh?"


Two cops are looking this way.

"What about you?"

One of them is the police officer, Jong-hyuk, whom I saw when my husband's car window was broken.

Jong-hyuk saluted with a hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry you're resting. These days, there are criminals in this neighborhood who break cars and run away, so could you please cooperate?"

Not long ago, he went through the same situation. How bitter it was because of the increased insurance premiums.

"If that's the case, I'll help you! But what can I do for you?…."

"Can you show me a video of the car black box?"

"Oh, as much as you like."

Otherwise, someone parked right behind their car this morning and couldn't even contact them, so they are left in the parking lot.

Beep! Click!

Jo-hyuk, who skillfully separated the black box by inserting himself into the open car door, connected it to the laptop he brought.

"I'll check right away, so please wait a momentarily. I'm sorry."

"No, then I'll be right there."

So while she stepped aside for a moment, Jinho and the detectives checked the black box.


Lee Hee-sun, you leech. Be sure to die with this rat poison. Please don't die and get in my way!



We've got evidence. A suspect with a clear intention to kill, or a suspect's murder notice.

It was a situation I had hoped for so much.

But why.


Sad as if my heart would fall off, and angry as if my head would melt.

Jong-hyuk tried to see Lee Hee-sun.

Then I barely opened my mouth and called her.

"Ma'am, can you check this for a second?"


"This way."

As she approached in wonder, she soon sank into the playing screen and into the voice.

* * *

Don't let that leech or the kids see in front of me.

-......Don't worry. I'll let you have the happiest wedding in the world.

Lee Hee-sun, you leech. Be sure to die with this rat poison. Please don't die and get in my way!

Jong-hyuk and Kwon Soon-ho closed their eyes to see her watching the devastated monitor.

'You already knew.’

Here it comes. What should I do?

That's what her eyes and expression say.

Why didn't you know?

I've been struggling with flesh for six years.….

Her husband tried to kill her because he didn't even have enough affairs.

Even if she was married at a young age and didn't learn many things, she couldn't not have noticed that her husband's eyes toward the children and herself had changed.

In addition, children began to struggle with their husbands.

Why did you turn a blind eye to this?

The reason why I turned a blind eye to my desperate co-worker or cousin was to protect my family.

Youngwoo and Heeseol.

I endured to protect the two most precious people in the world.

I didn't think about asking my husband or recognizing him.


As clear evidence was in front of us, we could no longer turn a blind eye to reality.

"I... What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?!"

Her mind, which was barely holding on to reality, collapsed.

I've been panicking and shivering all over.

Jong-hyuk grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Jung Chun-woo will be arrested right away. You don't have to worry."

"Che, arrest?"

Lee Hee-sun's children came to mind first.

If my dad goes to prison, I'll find him.

I wonder if he'll be criticized later for being a child without a father.

At that time, Jong-hyuk said as if he had read her thoughts.

"Think about what it's like for real children. You're my mother."

At that moment, the conversation of the black box I just heard was once again played in her head.

A woman's words that she doesn't want her children to show up in front of her.

Husband's answer to do so.

And a husband who gave his wife rat poison, saying he wouldn't let her show up.



The power of the word raised her from confusion and despair. And her eyes, which had lost vitality, were filled with determined determination.

Stiff eyes with strong will to protect the children.

After checking the eyes, Jong-hyuk was able to relieve a little of the burden.

What's left is...….

Let's go to hell, you demon!’

Jong-hyuk clenched his teeth.

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